[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Long Branch 1-26-1971 by Ord. No. 590 as Sec. 7-6 of the 1971 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Beaches — See Ch. 116.
Beach club signs — See Ch. 284, § 284-6.
Beach clubs as conditional uses — See § 345-63.
The City Clerk and all other officers of the city shall deny the filing of any papers, license applications or other records of any non-profit-making beach club operating in the city unless there is submitted with them a resolution indicating that the bylaws of the non-profit-making beach club provide that they shall conduct their annual meeting during a time when the beach club is in operation and that the members of the beach club shall be notified no sooner than July 1 or later than July 15, by mail, of the annual meeting, and that the annual meeting shall be held during the month of August in a convenient place at the beach club and at hours and on dates on which it may reasonably be expected that the members can attend.
Minutes shall be taken of all meetings of the membership or trustees of the non-profit-making beach clubs and shall be available for inspection by any official or employee of the city at convenient hours and on adequate notice.