[Added 3-23-1934]
No person or persons shall operate a rendering plant within the limits of this Township without a permit for that purpose from the Division of Health. No such permit shall be issued by the Division unless there shall have been paid to the Division for the issuance thereof and for the proper inspection and regulation of the said rendering plant the sum of $150.
Each permit issued under the provisions of this article shall continue for the term of one year from the date of the granting of same; provided, however, that if any person or persons so licensed as aforesaid or any of his employees, servants or agents shall violate any of the provisions of this article or the rules and regulations of the Division of Health regulating the cleansing and purification of any such rendering plant, such permit may, at the discretion of the Division of Health, be revoked.
The owner or operator of any rendering plant shall not cause, suffer or allow any obnoxious or offensive odors or smoke to escape or to be discharged from such building or premises to the detriment or annoyance of any person not being therein or thereon engaged.
It shall be the duty of every person or persons owning or operating a rendering plant to keep the buildings or any part thereof and the yards and appurtenances thoroughly cleansed and purified, and to comply with such rules and regulations as shall from time to time be promulgated by the Division of Health of this Township.