Every human body hereafter interred or buried in any cemetery, burying ground or place within this Township shall be so buried that the top of the outside of the box in which said body is contained, or the top of the coffin, if there be no outside box, shall be at least four feet below the natural surface of the ground, excepting only the bodies of infants contained in a box or coffin not more than four feet long, in which case said box or coffin shall be so buried that the top thereof shall be at least three feet six inches below the natural surface of the ground; provided, however, that this section shall not apply where bodies are placed or buried in properly constructed burial vaults so as to prevent the escape of noxious or unhealthy gases therefrom.
Every human body hereafter buried or interred in any cemetery, burying ground or place within this Township shall be so buried or interred that the coffin or box in which is said body shall be separated from every other dead body by a wall of solid earth at least eight inches in thickness.
It shall be the duty of the owners or of the person or persons in charge of any such cemetery, burying ground or place to ascertain and require that the provisions of this article are complied with.
The owners or person or persons in charge of any such cemetery, burying ground or place shall, not later than 48 hours after any burial, interment or disinterment shall take place within this Township, file with the Health Officer employed by the Division of Health of this Township, or such person or officer as may be designated by such Division, a notification of the time and place when and where any such burial, interment or disinterment has taken place. After the inspection and attendance of the said Health Officer, as hereinafter provided, such Health Officer shall issue a certificate in duplicate to the person or persons in charge of any such cemetery, burying ground or place, certifying that an inspection has taken place and that the requirements of this article have been complied with. Such inspection of the Health Officer or such other person or officer designated by the Division shall take place not later than 48 hours after the receipt of the notification aforesaid.
It shall be the duty of the Health Officer employed by the Division, or such other person or officer as may be designated by such Division, to ascertain that the requirements of this article have been complied with, and he shall ascertain such facts by a personal inspection at the said place of burial. If such inspection shall take place after burial, the said Health Officer or other person or officer as may be designated shall ascertain that the requirements relating to depth of burial have been complied with, by the insertion of a steel rod or other proper implement measured off in lineal feet and inches into the burial plot in which any such body may be buried, and the person or persons in charge of such cemetery or burying ground are hereby required to assist the said officer in ascertaining that the provisions of § 157-107 relating to the depth of burials have been complied with.
Before any human body of any person who has died of any disease publicly declared by the State Board of Health or by the Bergen County Board of Health to be epidemic or contagious shall be buried or interred in any cemetery, burying ground or place in this Township, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer employed by the Division, or such other officer as may be designated by such Division, to inspect the coffin in which such body is to be buried or interred, and until said Health Officer has ascertained that the said body is contained in a metallic case, hermetically sealed, no such burial or interment shall take place.
The owners or person or persons in charge of any such cemetery, burying ground or place shall, not later than seven days after any such burial, interment or disinterment, return to the Registrar of Vital Statistics the original burial, transit or removal permit with the endorsement thereon or a certificate attached thereto of the date and place such burial, interment or disinterment has taken place, and also certifying that such burial, interment or disinterment has taken place according to the requirements of this article. There shall also accompany said return the original certificate which shall have been issued by the Health Officer or by such person or persons as may be designated, certifying that the required inspection has taken place, and there shall also accompany such return a fee of $1 to cover costs of inspection and regulation required by this article. The Registrar of Vital Statistics shall issue a receipt for the said documents and said fee of $1 to the person or persons in charge of such cemetery, burying ground or place.