Any person who is found guilty of damaging property in violation of § 155-1 shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 nor less than $100. In addition, such person shall be required to reimburse the Village of Ossining for repair of any damage sustained by said Village.
Any person who is found guilty of causing and/or assisting graffiti to be applied in violation of § 155-4 shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 nor less than $100 for each violation thereof. In addition, that person may be required to reimburse the cost of removing said graffiti from the property and restoring the property as part of his or her punishment.
Any occupant, owner, lessee, sublessee, agent and/or landlord of any commercial, personal, or residential property located within the Village of Ossining who has been found guilty of failing to remove any graffiti from public view after the notice and the seven-day curative period in violation of § 155-5A shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000 nor less than $100, Each day the graffiti is permitted to remain in public view after the curative period designated in § 155-5A shall constitute a separate and distinct offense and shall be punishable by separate and distinct cumulative amounts of fines.
Any person who is found guilty of violating any provision of this Chapter 155 may be required to perform suitable community services in addition to any penalty imposed for his or her violation under any other provision of this § 155-6, but as a part of the penalty for that violation.