[Adopted 2-5-1974 as Art. I of Ch. 21 of the 1974 Code]
No person shall slide, ride, coast or, in a similar manner, travel by sled, sleigh or other like mechanical contrivance upon the streets or sidewalks of the Village, except upon such streets as the Board of Trustees may in each year by resolution designate as "sleigh-riding streets."
No person shall saw or split any wood on any sidewalk in the Village or draw or shove or cause to be drawn or shoved any wheelbarrow or cart, velocipede or hand wagon used for the conveyance of baggage or articles of property or perform any other act upon any of the sidewalks of the Village so as to unreasonably interfere with the free use of such sidewalk, except as permitted under the provisions of Part 2 of this chapter.
No person shall ride, drive or push an automobile, wagon, carriage or cart or lead or drive any animal upon any of the sidewalks of the Village, except in necessarily crossing the same.
No person shall mix cement or temper mortar or cause the same to be done on any sidewalk, crosswalk or pavements in the Village without the written permission of the Director of Operations.
No person shall erect or cause to be erected or maintained within the Village any awnings, shed, roof or other overhead obstructions over or across any sidewalk without permission of the Board of Trustees a less distance than seven feet in the clearance from the surface of the sidewalk. Any construction not conforming to this section shall be removed by the owner thereof upon notice by the Mayor or the Chief of Police; and for failure to remove the same within five days after the service of such notice, persons offending against this section shall be subject to punishment as provided in Article III, General Penalty, of Chapter 1, General Provisions.
Duty of owners, occupants, etc., to remove from sidewalks.
Every owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person having charge of any building or lot of ground in the Village abutting upon any street, avenue or public place shall, within six hours after the cessation of every fall of snow or the formation of any ice on the sidewalk or public way abutting such building or lot of ground, remove or cause the snow or ice to be removed or cleaned entirely from the sidewalk or public way abutting such building or lot of ground; provided however, that the time between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall not be included in the period of six hours, and also provided that in case the snow or ice on any sidewalk abutting such building or lot of ground shall be frozen so hard that it cannot be removed without injury to the pavement, the owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person having charge thereof shall within the times and places hereinabove specified cover or cause such abutting sidewalk to be covered and strewn with either fine sifted hard coal ashes or sand or some similar material and shall, as soon thereafter as the weather permits, thoroughly clean such sidewalk and remove the ice and snow therefrom.
Any owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person having charge of any building or lot of ground abutting upon any street, avenue or public place for a continuous linear distance of 500 feet or more shall be considered to have complied with this section if such person shall have begun to remove the snow and ice from the sidewalk or public way before the expiration of the times hereinabove mentioned and shall without suspending work, thereon, continue such removal and shall complete the same within a reasonable time.
Removal by Village upon owners', occupants', etc., failure to remove. In case the snow or ice on the sidewalk or public way abutting any building or lot of ground as described in Subsection A shall not be cleared or cleaned of ice or snow or covered with sifted ashes or sand or some suitable material (excepting soft coal ashes) as provided in such section after the expiration of the time provided in such section for cleaning or covering the same, then and in that event, the Director of Operations of the Village shall forthwith proceed to clean or cover the sidewalk or public way as provided by such section, and the cost or expense of doing such work on the sidewalk or public way abutting any building or lot of ground shall be ascertained by the Director of Operations and a report thereof shall be forthwith filed in the office of the Village Clerk.
Recovery of cost of removal. The cost of work and materials furnished pursuant to Subsection B, as the same shall appear from the report of the Director of Operations, on file in the office of the Village Clerk, may be sued for and recovered from the owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person having charge of the building or lot of ground abutting a sidewalk or public way from which snow or ice has been removed pursuant to such section by the Village and shall be a lien upon the premises reported to have been cleaned or covered pursuant to such section, and may be assessed against the same in the Village tax roll.