No person shall construct, remove, replace or repair a sidewalk, curb or driveway within the limits of any public street, highway or other public property without first obtaining therefor from the Director a written permit for the sidewalk, curb or driveway.
Any person desiring a permit required by § 229-18 shall make application therefor to the Director upon forms provided for that purpose. The application shall contain the names and addresses of the applicant and of the owner of the property in front of which or for whom the work shall be performed; the location of such property; the section, plate, block and lot designation thereof; the extent and nature of the work to be done, together with such necessary sketches and additional information as the Director may require and a signed statement by the applicant that the applicant agrees to perform the work for which the permit is granted strictly in accordance with the conditions of the permit, the provisions of the Charter and Code of the Village and the applicable rules and regulations of the Department of Streets, and that the Village is to be saved harmless from any loss, injury or damage arising out of the granting of the permit or from any negligence or fault of the applicant, his servants or agents, in connection with any of the work done under or in connection with the permit.
Schedule. No permit required by § 229-18 for the construction, removal, replacement or repair of a sidewalk, curb or driveway shall be issued by the Director until the applicant therefor shall have first paid to the Treasurer in cash, or by check payable to the Village, a deposit in an amount to be determined in accordance with the unit prices for the work to be done as determined by the Director.
Retention until completion of work. The deposit shall be retained by the Village until the final completion of the work to be done pursuant to the terms of the permit, as security for the faithful performance by the applicant of all the terms, agreements, covenants and conditions of the permit on the applicant's part to be done or performed.
Use upon default, etc., of permittee. Upon the failure or default by the permittee of any of the terms, agreements, covenants and conditions of the permit on its part to be done and performed, such deposit may be used by the Village for any expense incurred by the Village by reason of such failure or default on the part of the permittee.
Refund. Any balance left after the expense of such failure or default, as determined and certified by the Director, has been paid and deducted from the amount of the deposit shall be refunded to the permittee.
A permit issued pursuant to § 229-18 shall be valid for an effective period not to exceed 30 consecutive calendar days, to be determined and specified therein by the Director. Such effective period may be extended, if so requested, in writing, by the permittee prior to the expiration thereof, for such additional period as the Director, at the latter's discretion, may authorize.
[Amended 7-15-2015 by L.L. No. 4-2015]
Sidewalks, curbs and driveways shall be constructed, removed, replaced or repaired in accordance with such grades and specifications as may be determined or promulgated by the Director, and a permittee under the provisions of this article shall perform the work so as to meet the grade and alignment of the adjoining sidewalk, curb and driveway and/or such established line and grade as may be determined by the Director and in accordance with the latter's specifications. In general, the current standard specifications of the Department of Public Works shall be followed, subject to the prior approval of the Director.
The Village's adopted Complete Streets Policy shall be considered and applied when deemed context appropriate by the Director in the review and issuance of permits under the provisions of this article. The application of such Complete Streets Policy, which seeks to encourage convenience of access and mobility on any sidewalk, street and highway by all users of all ages and abilities, including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation users through the use of complete streets design features, shall include consideration of best practices, as may be evidenced by guidelines and criteria such as those established by the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT), United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety (US DOT, FHWA), and the National Complete Streets Coalition, as well as those requirements included in the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and the Village of Ossining Comprehensive Plan.
Generally. Upon the prior written approval of the Director and subject to the provisions of this Part 2, existing curbs may be cut or lowered, as provided in this section, for the purpose of providing driveway entrances or exits.
Cutting. Bluestone and granite curbs shall not be cut, but shall be lowered in an acceptable manner. Concrete curbs may be cut, if so authorized by the Director and provided that such cutting can be done in a workmanlike and satisfactory manner.
Driveway ramp or apron. The cutting or lowering of existing curbs or the construction of new depressed curbs for the purpose of providing driveway entrances or exits will not be allowed unless the permittee shall provide and install in each such case during the effective period of the permit required by § 229-18 an adequate driveway ramp or apron between the curb and the abutting property line and extending over the entire width of the existing or proposed driveway. The driveway ramp or apron shall be surfaced with reinforced concrete seven inches in thickness or macadam at least four inches in thickness or not less than two inches of bituminous surfacing material over four inches of crushed stone of satisfactory workmanship and construction. The portion of the driveway ramp or apron common with the sidewalk forming a part thereof shall, unless otherwise authorized, consist of reinforced concrete seven inches in thickness.
Length of depressed portion. The portion of a curb so depressed shall not exceed in length such limits as shall be established by the Director, in the latter's discretion.
Restoration. When a depressed curb or portion thereof is no longer used or needed for driveway entrance purposes, the owner of the property fronting thereon shall, upon the written order of the Director and within 30 days following such written order, raise and restore such depressed curb or such portion thereof to its full height to conform with adjoining curbs or to such grade as shall be established by the Director. Failure of the owner to comply with such written order of the Director within the time specified in this subsection shall constitute a violation of this Part 2 and the owner shall thereupon be subject to punishment as provided in Article III, General Penalty, of Chapter 1, General Provisions.
Pedestrian and vehicular traffic shall be adequately protected by the permittee by means of suitable protective barricades and lighted red lanterns or similar warning illumination approved by the Director around work for which a permit is required by § 229-18 and the work shall be so arranged as to cause a minimum of inconvenience and hazard to such pedestrian and vehicular traffic.