The final plat and supporting drawings and documents for a proposed subdivision constitute the complete development of the subdivision proposal and include the recommendations resulting from the Planning Board review of the preliminary plat, as well as the detailed layout drawings for the public improvements and utilities. After public hearing and approval by the Planning Board, this complete submission, along with the performance bond and the provision of the liability insurance policy, as approved by the Village Board of Trustees, becomes the basis for the construction of the subdivision and the inspection service by the Village Engineer and Planning Board. The plat itself must be recorded at the county register's office to have legal status. An unrecorded plat is not valid basis for site improvements or other commitments which depend on its design characteristics.
The plat itself shall be an accurate survey record of the properties resulting from the subdivision.
[Amended 12-21-2004 by L.L. No. 13-2004; 10-6-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009; 10-7-2020 by L.L. No. 3-2020]
The Planning Board shall follow procedures as prescribed by Article 7, § 7-728, of the Village Law and by this chapter.
The submission of a final plat (before Planning Board review) shall consist of the following items:
Application for the subdivision of land, as prescribed by the Planning Board.
The final plat, three paper prints, including signed approval from the Westchester County Department of Health.
If the subdivision of land occurs within 500 feet of the Village boundary, a copy of the preliminary plat shall be sent by the Planning Board Secretary to the appropriate municipal official of the adjoining community.
Prior to final action, the Planning Board shall refer any matter involving any of the areas in accordance with §§ 277.61 and 277.71 of the Westchester County Administrative Code and §§ 239-l, 239-m and 239-n of the New York State General Municipal Law to the Westchester County Planning Board.
The applicant must supply the proper documentation and forms that are applicable to Chapter 118, Environmental Quality Review, and Chapter 262, Local Waterfront Consistency, of this Code and 6 NYCRR Part 617, State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR).
When no preliminary plat is required to be submitted, a final plat shall not be considered complete until a negative declaration has been filed or until a notice of completion of the draft environmental impact statement has been filed in accordance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act.[1] The time periods for review of a preliminary plat shall begin upon filing of such negative declaration or such notice of completion.
Editor's Note: See Environmental Conservation Law § 8-0101 et seq.
The Village will advertise a public hearing at least 10 days prior to the hearing date. In addition to such published notice, the Planning Board shall cause such notice to be mailed at least 10 days before the hearing to all owners of property which lay within 300 feet of any boundary line of the property which is the subject matter of the application and to such other owners as the Planning Board may deem advisable. The names of said owners shall be taken as they appear on the last completed tax roll of the Village. Provided that due notice shall have been published as required by law and that there shall have been substantial compliance with the remaining provisions of this section, the failure to give notice in exact conformance herewith shall not be deemed to invalidate action taken by the Planning Board in connection with such application.
Public hearing on final plats. The time within which the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing on the final plat shall be coordinated with any hearings the Planning Board may schedule pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act,[2] as follows:
If such board determines that the preparation of an environmental impact statement on the final plat is not required, the public hearing on such plat shall be held within 62 days after the receipt of a complete final plat by the Clerk of the Planning Board; or
If such board determines that an environmental impact statement is required, and a public hearing on the draft environmental impact statement is held, the public hearing on the final plat and the draft environmental impact statement shall be held jointly within 62 days after the filing of the notice of completion of such draft environmental impact statement in accordance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act. If no public hearing is held on the draft environmental impact statement, the public hearing on the final plat shall be held within 62 days of filing the notice of completion.
Editor's Note: See Environmental Conservation Law § 8-0101 et seq.
The hearing on the final plat shall be closed upon motion of the Planning Board within 120 days after it has been opened.
Decision. The Planning Board shall approve, with or without modification, or disapprove such final plat as follows:
If the preparation of an environmental impact statement on the final plat is not required, such board shall make its decision within 62 days after the close of the public hearing; or
If an environmental impact statement is required, and a public hearing is held on the draft environmental impact statement, the final environmental impact statement shall be filed within 45 days following the close of such public hearing in accordance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act.[3] If no public hearing is held on the draft environmental impact statement, the final environmental impact statement shall be filed within 45 days following the close of the public hearing on the final plat. Within 30 days of the filing of such final environmental impact statement, the Planning Board shall issue findings on the final environmental impact statement and make its decision on the final plat.
Editor's Note: See Environmental Conservation Law § 8-0101 et seq.
If the Planning Board is not the lead agency and an environmental impact statement is required, the Planning Board shall make its own findings and its decision on the final plat within 62 days after the close of the public hearing on such final plat or within 30 days of the adoption of findings by the lead agency, whichever period is longer.
Grounds for decision. The grounds for a modification, if any, or the grounds for disapproval shall be stated upon the records of the Planning Board.
A letter, in appropriate cases, directed to the Chairman of the Planning Board, signed by a responsible official of the New York State Department of Public Works or the Westchester County Superintendent of Highways, approving proposed construction on state or county rights-of-way.
Deeds of dedication, (standard law form) three copies each for all properties, including street rights-of-way, to be offered to the Village for dedication.
Lot areas for each lot measured accurately to the nearest square foot, which shall be shown on the final plat drawing.
The Village shall retain one complete set of the final plat submission for the municipal records.
The Village Engineer may prepare a report of findings for planning consideration and action.
The Village Engineer shall prepare a performance bond estimate before issuance of a building permit for any approved final plat subdivision.
After public hearing, the Planning Board will take formal action. If the plat is approved, the subdivider shall carry out the following steps prior to obtaining the Chairman's signature of approval:
Make all required corrections or meet all required conditions to the satisfaction of the Planning Board and/or the Village Engineer.
Agree to obtain a performance bond in the amount of the bond estimate and a general liability insurance policy and submit them to the Corporation Counsel for approval as to form. (See Article V.)
Pay the required inspection fee.
If authorized by the Planning Board, the Chairman will sign his approval on the final plat, the approved road profiles and the public improvement and utility plan.
The subdivider shall prepare and submit, to the Building Department, prints of the signed final plat drawings as follows:
Two copies on linen paper or Mylar transparency and two paper prints.
The Building Department shall retain one copy of the signed final plat for the municipal records and one paper copy and distribute the remaining prints as follows:
Planning Department: one paper print.
Tax Assessor: one Mylar print.
The subdivider shall file a signed, original approved plat (not including the supporting drawings and documents) in the Westchester County Register's Office, within 90 days of signed approval, unless granted an extension according to the provisions of § 233-11.
Planning Board approval of a final plat shall not be deemed an acceptance by the Village of any street or other land shown as offered for dedication to public use.
The retention of consultants and payment for professional services provided by such consultants, including Village staff, shall be governed by the provisions in Chapter 91, Article III (Building Construction, Fees).
[Amended 10-6-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009; 5-1-2024 by L.L. No. 3-2024]
From the date of the adoption of the resolution stating the decision of the Board of the final plat, the Chairman or other duly authorized member of the Planning Board shall cause a copy of such resolution to be filed in the office of the Village Clerk. Planning Board approval of a final plat shall expire 180 days after the date of the Planning Board resolution authorizing the Chairman to sign the drawings, unless the subdivider has fulfilled the requirements of § 233-10Q and the resolution.
The Planning Board may extend for periods of 90 days each the time in which a conditionally approved plat must be submitted for signature if, in the opinion of the Planning Board, such extension is warranted by the particular circumstances.
Expiration of an approval shall mean that any further action will require a new filing fee as well as a review of all previous findings.
The final plat shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer and land surveyor and shall provide the information noted in this section as follows:
The drawing sheet
The size shall be:
[Amended 10-6-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009]
No smaller than 18 inches by 20 inches;
No larger than 36 inches by 48 inches.
If more than one sheet is required, a clearly drawn cut line shall be shown on both sheets and on the key map.
Title block. The title block shall be the same as that required for the preliminary plat (see § 233-8B).
Other notations shall be the same as those required for the preliminary plat, except that the certification that the topography shown resulted from an actual field survey shall be omitted [see § 233-8C(1), (2), (3) and (4)].
The key map of the entire subdivision shall be the same as that required on the preliminary plat (see 233-8D) with the following additions:
The final plat area being submitted for approval shall be shaded if it is only one section of the entire subdivision.
Boundary lines.
Building zone districts.
Special districts.
General information required.
Street rights-of-way and widening of street rights-of-way.
Notation on widenings where an offer of dedication is being made.
Other rights-of-way and easements.
Identification and description (see Appendix B-200).[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix B-200 is on file in the Village offices.
Width and other dimensions necessary for description.
Lot layout.
Number identification by a suitable system of consecutive numbers, and numbers shall be circled.
Lot lines with accurate dimensions to the nearest hundredth of a foot.
Building setback lines with dimensions.
Special parcels.
Descriptions of proposed actions and uses, including a note where an offer of dedication is being made.
Boundary lines with accurate dimensions to the nearest one hundredth of a foot.
Survey data.
Accurate traverses of subdivision boundaries with true bearings and distances.
Survey tie-ins with true bearings and distances to the three nearest established street monuments or official monuments.
Village, town, county and special district boundaries referenced to the subdivision survey by true bearings and distances.
Radii, internal angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings and lengths of all arcs.
Accurate dimensions to the nearest hundredths of a foot.
Accurate locations of all monuments.
Existing monuments shall be shown.
[Amended 10-6-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009]
Proposed new monuments or monuments to be reset.
[Amended 10-6-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009]
One monument shall be located at each corner of the boundary survey and at each general change in direction of the boundary.
Two monuments shall be located at each street intersection.
Monuments shall be located at the beginning and end of each curve along one side of the street right-of-way.
This plan and profile are declared to be an integral part of the final plat submission.
The performance bond and the inspection service shall be based on this drawing, the final plat itself, these subdivision regulations and the Village specifications for such public improvements and utilities.
Unless a specific waiver is requested in writing, the proposed public improvements and utilities shall be considered to comply specifically with these subdivision regulations and the Village specifications.
Basic plan requirements:
Sheet size shall be:
[Amended 10-6-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009]
No smaller than 18 inches by 20 inches;
No larger than 36 inches by 48 inches.
The area covered, the scale and the title block shall be the same as the preliminary plat (see § 233-8).
The plan shall show the outline of all rights-of-way easements and similar conditions.
Street center-line gradients in percent indicated with arrows to establish the direction of flow.
Critical street center-line grade elevations.
Drainage system requirements:
A complete drainage system for the entire subdivision, with appropriate development stages for each of the final plat sections, shall be shown graphically with all existing drainage features to be incorporated properly identified as "existing."
Boundaries of stormwater runoff watersheds for each drainage structure and their area in acres.
All proposed surface drainage structures (e.g., valley gutters).
All appropriate details and dimensions necessary to explain clearly the proposed construction, including type of construction, material, size, pitch and invert elevations among other things, in accordance with good engineering practice.
Location of all test pits and description of soil conditions and water table.
Utility systems requirements:
Water supply and distribution.
Location of sources on property or, where piped in, the size of the supply main.
Location and size of all distribution mains.
Location of fire hydrants.
Location of all control valves.
Electric and telephone systems.
Location of all service routes, for both aerial and underground cables, and of all poles.
Location of all special facilities.
Sanitary waste disposal system.
Sanitary sewer system design shall be indicated in all cases where public sewer connections exist or are proposed.
Typical lot layout indicating location of the system with reference to house and water supplies and detailed drawings of proposed sanitary waste disposal units shall be provided.
Profile drawing requirements:
Drawings shall be made on standard profile paper with the following scales:
Horizontal scale: one inch equals 40 feet.
Vertical scale: one inch equals four feet.
All profiles shall show the existing natural grades, the typical cross sections of existing and proposed roads, the center lines of intersecting roads and a system of survey stations.
The center-line profile of all proposed roads with dimensioning on vertical curves and notation as to gradient and critical elevations shall be shown.
The invert profile and location of all drainage structures in street rights-of-way and in drainage easements shall be shown.