Any person who is a citizen of the commonwealth (hereinafter "citizen") shall have the right to examine and copy any account, voucher, contract, minute, order or decision of the Borough ("Borough records") in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the procedure hereinafter set forth.
Any citizen who desires to examine or copy Borough records shall conform to the following procedures:
The person who desires to examine the Borough records shall address a letter to the Borough Manager stating the Borough records which the citizen desires to examine.
The Borough Manager shall notify such citizen of the time and place at which the Borough records requested may be examined. Such time shall be fixed within one week of receipt of the request to examine the Borough records; provided, however, that if the Borough records which have been requested for examination are not available, the Borough Manager shall state, in writing, the time when such Borough records will be available and the place where they can be examined.
Any Borough record may be copied at the time the Borough record is examined; provided, however that if the copy is made by the Borough, the citizen requesting the copy shall pay a reasonable cost to be determined by the Borough Manager. In addition to the procedure set forth above, at the discretion of the Borough Manager, all Borough records may be made available to any citizen during regular business hours.
No citizen shall have the right to examine or copy any records to which the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the Borough deny public access.
Any citizen shall have the right to appeal the denial of access to Borough records in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The Borough Council hereby declares its intent to follow the Municipal Records Retention and Disposition Schedule approved by the Local Government Records Committee pursuant to the Municipal Records Act.[1] All records of the Borough shall be preserved for such period of time as may be designated in said schedule for each particular kind and character of municipal public record.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 9001 et seq.