Operational departments of government shall be created or abolished by the Borough Council. Within each department, however, the organization and implementation of specific functions shall be the responsibility of the department head, subject to the review and approval of the Borough Manager or, in the case of the Police Department, by the Mayor.
The Office of Borough Manager has been created by the Home Rule Charter and has the power and duties as provided by Article V of the Home Rule Charter. The Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Borough and shall have those powers and duties prescribed by law, the Charter and ordinance, including the power and duty to:
Administer and enforce those personnel policies and regulations required by the Charter, by law, by ordinance and by resolution of the Council, except in those specific instances where other provisions for administration and enforcement have been specified by ordinance or contract.
Develop and maintain employment records reflecting all aspects of the service of Borough employees, except the police officers.
Authorize a department head or other employees responsible to the Manager to appoint, suspend and remove subordinates serving under that department head or official.
Designate an employee to temporarily perform the duties of any office or position which is vacant until the office or position is filled in accordance with the Charter and this chapter.
Prescribe such administrative rules, practices and procedures as shall be deemed necessary or expedient for the conduct and operation of administrative departments and revoke, suspend or amend any rules, practices or procedures by whomever prescribed, unless contained in an ordinance, a contract or a resolution adopted by the Council, and make such rules, practices and procedures available to affected employees and for public inspection.
Investigate or inquire into the operations of any department.
Overrule or set aside any action taken by a department head except that of the Police Chief with respect to police officers.
Assign any employee to any department requiring the services of that employee; provided, however, that such assignment is appropriate to and consistent with the personnel classification of the employee and applicable personnel rules and regulations.
Establishment of departments. The following departments are hereby established to operate under the direction and supervision of the Borough Manager and then under the department head as indicated:
Department of Finance - Director of Finance/Treasurer.
Department of Recreation - Director of Recreation.
Department of Public Works - Director of Public Works.
Department of Building, Housing and Codes Enforcement: Director of Building, Housing and Codes Enforcement.
Department of Wastewater Treatment - Superintendent of Wastewater Treatment.
Parking Services Department - Director of Parking Services.
[Amended 1-21-2004 by Ord. No. 1-2004[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the repeal of former Subsection B(6), Department of Commerce and Economic Development - Director of Commerce.
Department of Police, to be managed by the Chief of Police under the direction of the Mayor. Nonpolice civilian employees assigned to the Police Department will be supervised by the Chief of Police but will be under the ultimate direction of the Borough Manager.
Department of Fire, managed by the Fire Chief, is established consisting of the Volunteer Fire Companies serving the Borough. The Fire Chief will report to the Borough Manager for budgetary and administrative affairs.
Department of Borough Solicitor, whose activities will be supervised by the Borough Manager.
Department of Borough Engineer, whose activities will be supervised by the Borough Manager.
Appointment of Department Directors.
Directors of departments of the Borough which operate under the direction and supervision of the Borough Manager shall possess the necessary qualifications for their respective offices as established by the Borough Manager and the Borough Job Description Manual. They shall be appointed and removed by the Borough Manager in accordance with the provisions of Section 502 of the Home Rule Charter.
The Borough Council shall appoint a Borough Solicitor for a two-year term every January of an odd-numbered year. The Solicitor shall be a person or firm who is licensed to practice law in the commonwealth and who maintains a practice in the proximity of the Borough. The Solicitor may be removed with or without cause at any time during his or her term.
[Amended 6-27-2012 by Ord. No. 10-2012]
The Borough Council may appoint a Borough Engineer for a two-year term every January of an odd-numbered year. The Engineer may be an individual, a partnership or a corporation licensed to practice civil engineering in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and shall be appointed on the basis of his or her professional qualifications. The Engineer may be removed with or without cause at any time during his or her term.
[Amended 6-27-2012 by Ord. No. 10-2012]
The West Chester Volunteer Fire Department shall nominate a Fire Chief in accordance with company procedures and bylaws for a three-year term. The Borough Council will consider the nomination and vote to approve the Fire Chief prior to him/her being sworn into office.
The Borough Council may appoint a Planning Consultant for a two-year term every January of an odd-numbered year. The Planning Consultant may be an individual, a partnership or a corporation who has obtained a certification from the American Institute of Certified Planners or another nationally recognized planning agency. The Planning Consultant may be removed with or without cause at any time during his or her term.
[Added 6-27-2012 by Ord. No. 10-2012]
Responsibilities of Department Directors.
Directors of departments of the Borough which operate under the direction and supervision of the Borough Manager shall be directly and immediately responsible to the Borough Manager for the effective administration and operation of their respective departments and all activities pertaining thereto.
The Police Chief shall be directly and immediately responsible to the Mayor for the effective administration of the Police Department.
Department Directors shall have all powers and duties and shall be subject to all obligations and liabilities heretofore or hereafter lawfully granted or imposed by the Home Rule Charter, this Administrative Code, ordinance or resolution of the Borough Council, order or direction of the Manager or any law of the Commonwealth not inconsistent with the Home Rule Charter.
Borough departments shall cooperate with other departments in furnishing such services, labor and materials as may be requisitioned by the Directors of such other departments, subject to such regulations as the Borough Manager may prescribe.
Borough departments shall establish, maintain and preserve a system of filing and indexing records and reports in sufficient detail in order to furnish all information necessary for proper departmental activities and in order to form a basis for periodic reports to the Borough Manager, the Borough Council or the Mayor as appropriate.
The Department of Finance shall be responsible for all activities relating but not limited to the following functions:
General financial administration.
Tax and revenue collection.
Accounting and expenditure control.
Payroll administration and control.
Insurance programs.
Budget preparation and control.
Capital programming.
Internal auditing.
Purchasing systems.
Property and inventory maintenance.
Staff assistance to independent auditors.
Staff assistance to boards and commissions or committees as assigned.
All other responsibilities and obligations that the Borough Manager may from time to time assign consistent with the Home Rule Charter and this Administrative Code.
The Department of Recreation shall be responsible for all activities relating but not limited to the following functions:
Youth programs and activities.
Adult programs and activities.
Cultural arts activities and programs.
Liaison between and coordination of private and quasi-public resident recreation programs.
Staff assistance to the Recreation Commission and the Borough Council committees as assigned.
All other responsibilities and obligations that the Borough Manager may from time to time assign consistent with the Home Rule Charter and this Administrative Code.
The Department of Public Works shall be responsible for all activities relating but not limited to the following functions:
Maintenance of municipal buildings, equipment and functions.
Construction and maintenance of streets and sewers.
Erection and maintenance of parking and traffic control signals, signs and street markings.
Coordination and direction of refuse/recycling material removal and disposal.
Maintenance of parks, playgrounds and open space areas.
Maintenance of recreational facilities.
Planting, care and removal of trees on public lands and rights-of-way.
Direction and coordination of contractual grounds maintenance programs.
All other responsibilities and obligations that the Borough Manager may, from time to time, assign consistent with the Home Rule Charter and this Administrative Code.
The Department of Building, Housing and Codes Enforcement shall be responsible for all activities relating but not limited to the following functions:
Housing, land and building inspection.
Enforcement of Borough building, housing, fire prevention codes and other minor ordinances as assigned.
[Amended 1-21-2004 by Ord. No. 1-2004]
Coordination of code enforcement with other agencies.
Administration and enforcement of the Borough Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 112, Zoning, and Ch. 97, Subdivision and Land Development.
Technical and staff review assistance to the Planning Commission.
Technical and staff review assistance to the Zoning Hearing Board.
Technical and staff review assistance to the Building, Housing and Fire Codes Appeals Board.
Technical and staff assistance to the Historic Architectural Review Board.
[2]All other responsibilities and obligations that the Borough Manager may from time to time assign consistent with the Home Rule Charter and this Administrative Code.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D(9), Direction and operation of the Parking Services Division, was repealed 1-21-2004 by Ord. No. 1-2004. This ordinance also provided for the redesignation of former Subsection D(10) as Subsection D(9).
The Department of Wastewater Treatment shall be responsible for all activities relating but not limited to the following functions:
Operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants.
Operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment pumping stations throughout the wastewater collection system.
Compliance with federal and state regulation pertaining to wastewater treatment.
Assistance to the Public Works Department with maintenance and operation of the wastewater collection system.
Enforcement of Sewer Use Ordinance regulations and requirements.[3]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 89, Sewers.
Assistance to the Department of Finance for wastewater billing.
All other responsibilities and obligations that the Borough Manager may from time to time assign consistent with the Home Rule Charter and this Administrative Code.
The Department of Parking Services shall be responsible for all activities relating to parking in the Borough which shall include, but not be limited to, the following functions:
[Amended 1-21-2004 by Ord. No. 1-2004]
Administration and enforcement of parking ordinances and the parking program established in Chapter 77 of the Borough Code.
Operation of all public parking facilities located in the Borough.
Coordination with the Police Department, Public Works Department, Finance Department and other Borough departments on issues relating to parking in the Borough.
Sale of parking permits as authorized by Chapter 77 of the Borough Code.
Maintenance of complete and accurate records of all parking permits issued and enforcement of parking ordinances.
Coordination with the Borough Solicitor on enforcement of parking ordinances and preparation for court hearings concerning parking violations..
Advise Borough Manager and Borough Council on matters relating to parking within the Borough.
The West Chester Volunteer Fire Department shall be the recognized agency to provide fire protection to the Borough of West Chester.
The Department of Police shall be responsible for all activities relating but not limited to the following functions:
General preservation of public order.
Enforcement of parking and other Borough ordinances in addition to other departments authorized to enforce Borough ordinances.
Prevention and suppression of crime.
Apprehension of violators of the law.
Protection of life and property.
Traffic and pedestrian control and safety.
Investigation of crimes.
Maintenance of police records and files.
Operation of the holding facility.
Operation of the emergency communications system.
Coordination of police programs and services with other agencies.
Staff assistance to the Civil Service Commission by civilian employees.
All other responsibilities and obligations that the Mayor may from time to time assign consistent with the Home Rule Charter and this Administrative Code.
The Borough Solicitor shall be responsible for all activities relating but not limited to the following functions:
Furnishing legal advice to the Borough Council, to the Mayor, to the Borough Manager and to boards and commissions, except as provided otherwise by this Administrative Code or the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, concerning any matter or thing arising in connection with the exercise of their official powers or performance of their official duties.
Appearing for and representing the Borough on matters before the various regulatory agencies or other governmental bodies and in the courts of the Commonwealth.
All other responsibilities and obligations that the Borough Council or the Borough Manager may from time to time assign consistent with the Home Rule Charter and this Administrative Code.
The Borough Engineer shall be responsible for all activities relating but not limited to the following functions:
Engineering matters of the Borough as referred, such as land development and subdivision review, or other consultation assistance.
Staff assistance to the Public Works Department or the Building and Housing Department.
All other responsibilities and obligations that the Borough Council or the Borough Manager may from time to time assign consistent with the Home Rule Charter and this Administrative Code.