In accordance with Article II of the Home Rule Charter, the Borough's personnel system shall be based on merit, and, by adoption of this Administrative Code, the Borough is readopting the West Chester Borough Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual originally adopted December 28, 1988, as amended.
The administration of the personnel system shall be the responsibility of the Borough Manager under the authority granted to him/her by the Home Rule Charter and by this Administrative Code except with respect to police officers whose administration will be the responsibility of the Mayor.
Except when otherwise stated, the personnel system and all personnel policies, procedures and regulations shall apply to all employees of the Borough except where in conflict with collective bargaining agreements or civil service regulations.
It shall be the policy of the Borough that the following principles shall apply to the personnel system:
Employment with the Borough shall be free of political consideration.
The Borough is an equal opportunity employer. There shall be no discrimination in employment with the Borough on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex or sexual orientation, ancestry, union membership, disability, Vietnam Veteran status or life-style, age, national origin or political affiliation.
Positions having similar duties and responsibilities shall be classified and compensated for on a uniform basis.
Just and equitable conditions of employment shall be established and maintained to promote efficiency and economy in the Borough government.
All employees of the Borough share a common responsibility to provide efficient, courteous and dedicated service in the public interest.