No employee of the Town shall accept any gift, whether in the form of service, loan, thing or promise, from any person who, to the employee's knowledge, is interested directly or indirectly in any manner in business dealings with the Town and where said contact can be construed as having or attempting to have influence on either the employee's performance or the Town's business.
No employee shall grant, in the discharge of duties, any improper favor, service or thing of value.
No employee of the Town shall, directly or indirectly, contribute any money or anything of value to any candidate for nomination or election to any Town office, to any Town office candidate campaign or take active part in any Town political campaign. The only exception to this is the casting of one's vote.
A person holding a Town position shall not, while performing official duties or using Town equipment at the person's disposal by reason of his/her position, solicit in any manner contributions for any purpose. Also, a person cannot engage in any activity during working hours that impairs the efficiency of the position or presence during the working hours.
A person holding a Town position shall not, by authority of the position, secure or attempt to secure, in any manner, for any other person an appointment, or advantage in appointment, to a Town position or an increase in pay, or other advantage of employment, in any such position for the purpose of influencing the vote of that person, or for any other consideration.
A person who supervises a Town employee shall not directly or indirectly solicit the person supervised to contribute money, any thing of value or service, for any purpose not connected to said person's employment.
Any person holding a Town position who shall become a candidate for any elective office of the Town of Georgetown shall, within 60 days prior to the primary or general election, voluntarily or automatically receive a leave of absence. This leave will be without pay and continue until the person is eliminated as a candidate or his/her term runs out. During this time the person shall perform no duties connected with the position so held.
An employee shall terminate his/her employment with the Town if appointed or elected to an elective office of the Town.
Any violation of this section shall subject such employee to dismissal or other disciplinary action.
The work of the Town will take precedence over other occupational interests of employees. All outside employment for salaries, wages, commission and self-employment must be reported to the employee's supervisor, who in turn will report to the Town Manager or an appropriate Town official for review. The Town Manager or the appropriate Town official will review such employment for possible conflicts of interest and/or impact upon the efficiency of the employee. Such request will be placed in the employee's personnel file located in the Town Manager. Conflicting outside employment or outside employment which inhibits an employee's efficiency will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Findings, approvals, and denials of said outside employment requests shall be documented in writing to the employee and the employee's personnel file.
An employee shall not engage in any activity or enterprise which is incompatible with his/her duties as a Town employee as determined by the department head of the department in which he/she is employed. The following activities shall be considered incompatible with Town employment:
Any activity or enterprise which involves the use, for private gain, of the Town's time, facilities, equipment, supplies, badge, uniform, prestige or influence of a Town office or equipment.
Any activity or enterprise which involves the receipt or acceptance by the employee of any money or other consideration from anyone other than the Town for performance of an act which the employee would be required to render in the regular course of Town employment or as part of his/her duties as a Town employee.
Any activity or enterprise which involves the performance of an act in other than his/her capacity as a Town employee which may be later subject, directly or indirectly, to the control, inspection, review, audit or enforcement by such employee or the employing agency.
Any activity or enterprise which involves the employee's time such that it impairs attendance or efficiency in the performance of duties as a Town employee
Members of an immediate family shall not be employed at the same time, if such employment would result in an employee directly or indirectly supervising a member of his/her immediate family.
This policy shall not be retroactive and no action will be taken concerning those members of the same family employed in conflict with Subsection A above prior to the adoption of this policy.
"Immediate family" is defined for the purpose of this section as a spouse, mother, father, guardian, children, sister, brother, grandparents, grandchildren plus the various combinations of half-, step-, in-law and adopted relationships that can be derived from those named.