The following days and such other days as Town Council may designate are holidays with pay for full-time regular employees:
[Amended 10-25-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-16]
New Year's Day
Election Day
Martin Luther King Day
Return Day, 1/2 Day
President's Day
Veteran's Day
Good Friday
Thanksgiving Day
Memorial Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Independence Day
Christmas Eve, 1/2 Day*
Labor Day
Christmas Day
Columbus Day
Notes: *Christmas Eve is only recognized as a Town holiday when Christmas Day falls on a Tuesday through Saturday.
The actual date of the holiday shall be determined annually by a resolution of the Town Council. Generally, holidays will be observed the same day on which the state and county observe them.
When a paid holiday falls on a Saturday, a paid holiday is granted on Friday. When a paid holiday falls on a Sunday, a paid holiday is granted on Monday.
Recognized Town holidays are subject to employee labor agreements.
Part-time regular employees working 20 hours or more per week shall receive a half-day, four hours, with pay for each holiday designated above. If an employee in this classification works fewer than 20 hours, he/she is not eligible.
To receive holiday pay an employee must have received pay for his or her entire regularly scheduled work day before and after the holiday. Employees who are receiving worker's compensation from the Town's worker's compensation carrier are not entitled to holiday pay.
Temporary employees are not eligible for any type of holiday pay. If they are required to work on a holiday they will be paid at their regular hourly rate.
Regular holidays or special holidays declared by Town Council which occur during any leave period, except extended leave without pay or unpaid military leave, shall not be considered as leave. Unscheduled workdays which occur during any leave period shall not be considered as leave.
Nonexempt employees required to perform work on regularly scheduled holidays or special holidays declared by Town Council may be granted compensatory time off at time and one-half (1.5) or be paid at one and one-half (1.5) times their hourly rate for the hours actually worked in addition to any holiday pay to which they may be entitled. Determination will be made by the employee's department head. Compensatory time, when granted, shall be taken within 90 days from the time that it was earned.
The Town provides each full-time employee a comprehensive benefit package. A detailed listing of benefits is provided to each employee upon accepting employment with the Town and is made available through the Finance Department.
The benefit package may be modified at the discretion of the Town. Employees will be notified of any changes in the benefit package.
Regular full-time employees shall receive all employee benefits provided by the Town. Probationary employees who, upon successful completion of their probationary periods, will be regular full-time employees shall be entitled to the same benefits as regular full-time employees, subject to applicable eligibility provisions and time periods.
Regular part-time employees may be entitled to pro-rata vacation, holiday, sick leave and bereavement leave benefits. Probationary part-time employees who, upon successful completion of their probationary periods, will be regular part-time employees shall be entitled to the same benefits as regular part-time employees, subject to applicable eligibility provisions and time periods.
Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits.
Bereavement leave shall be granted to all regular employees and probationary employees who are regularly scheduled to work 20 hours or more per week who experience the death of a member of the employee's immediate family. Upon request, the employee may be granted up to three working days' leave with pay. If the funeral is over 400 miles from the Town, the employee shall be granted up to five working days, with pay, not charged to any leave balance, to arrange for and/or attend the funeral service or related matters. An employee may request additional time beyond the time provided. The Town Manager or appropriate Town official may grant such additional time to be charged against the employee's sick leave.
"Immediate family" shall be defined as a spouse, mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, children, sister, brother, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandparents grandparents-in-law and grandchildren.
If additional time off is necessary, it shall be taken as sick, vacation, or unpaid leave and shall only be taken with prior authorization by the Town Manager. Time off to attend the funeral of others may be granted without pay, taken as vacation leave, or made up within the same pay period.
The employee must notify his/her department head/supervisor upon making determination to take time off from work.
Employees who fail to return to work on the date specified are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Any regular full-time or regular part-time employee called for jury duty or as a witness on the Town's behalf shall be allowed authorized leave with pay. A probationary employee called will have his/her probationary period extended by the same amount of time as required for serving on jury duty. An employee shall return fees received from jury or witness duty to the Town, with the exception of travel allowance provided by the court.
An employee who receives notice of jury duty or witness service must notify his/her department head/supervisor immediately in order that arrangements may be made to cover the position. The Town reserves the right to request that an employee who is called for jury duty be excused if his/her absence would create a hardship on the operational effectiveness of the department to which he/she is assigned.
Since most courts are located in Town, the employee is expected to report to work before and after meeting court-imposed obligations. Employees are to return to work after jury duty or court leave if they are dismissed during their regularly scheduled workday. If excused as a juror on any given day, the employee is expected to contact his/her department head/supervisor and to report to work as instructed.
Time away from work on jury duty or as a witness on the Town's behalf will not affect vacation or sick leave accruals.
Employees who appear in court as the plaintiff or defendant in any action not related to their official duties with the Town shall not be paid for time away from work unless they elect to use accrued vacation leave.
Authority. The authority for this policy is derived from the provisions of Public Law 93-508 dated December 3, 1974, as amended by Public Law 94-286 dated May 14, 1976.
Applicability. This policy applies to all Town employees who are affiliated with the United States Armed Forces, National Guard or Coast Guard.
Employer's responsibilities:
The Town is obligated to release employees for service with the Armed Forces when the employee participates in:
Annual training (summer camp).
Active duty of training (school).
Inactive duty training assemblies (weekend drills).
Extended leave of absence for voluntary active duty service (enlistment).
Involuntary call-up.
As limited by PL 94-286.
Military leave of absence shall result in no loss of seniority status or benefits that would have normally accrued if the employee had not been absent for such purposes.
The employee may request use of vacation, compensatory time (if applicable), or leave with pay for military leave absence.
An employee who is called to or volunteers for service with the Armed Forces of the United States or the Delaware National Guard is eligible for reinstatement in his/her position upon completion of service, provided that the period of service is four years or less.
The Town will make a reasonable effort to adjust work schedules and assignments to accommodate employees fulfilling military obligations.
An employee promoted or hired to fill a vacancy created by a person on military leave is appointed to the position subject to the return of the absent employee. Upon such return, a promoted employee is restored to his/her original position or an equivalent position. A replacement employee is subject to layoff if no other position is available.
Employee's responsibilities:
The employee is responsible to provide his/her department head/supervisor with copies of all military orders that will result in a leave of absence for active military duty. Orders must specify the duties of absence, promulgation authority, letter order number and signature of issuing authority. Employees are required to notify their department head/supervisor at the earliest possible date upon learning of scheduled military duty.
Employees who fail to return to work on the date specified in the leave request without receiving an extension in advance are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Inactive duty training dates (weekend drills) should be provided to the department head as soon as available if the dates conflict with scheduled employment with the Town.
Accounting procedures:
The department head/supervisor will report all military leaves to the payroll officer and Town Manager.
Military leave (fifteen-calendar-day military leave allowance) will be accounted for in increments of twenty-four-hour periods (from 0001 hours to 2400 hours).
It is the responsibility of the department head/supervisor in each department to annotate the use of military leave on the employee's time card. Military leave will be registered on the time card by use of the letters "ML."
The payroll officer is responsible for the creation and maintenance of an annual Military Leave Register for each affected employee to ensure accurate accountability of leave expended.
All regular full-time and regular part-time employees, whether paid on an hourly or salaried basis, shall be entitled to sick leave as follows:
Full-time employees shall be granted sick leave at the rate of eight hours for each calendar month of service.
Part-time employees may be granted a pro-rated amount for each calendar month of service.
Temporary employees are not eligible for sick leave.
An employee shall not be entitled to sick leave until he/she has been employed continuously for at least six months, and has successfully completed a standard probationary period. After successful completion of the probationary period, sick leave shall accrue as provided herein from the date of initial employment.
Final pay and repayment of sick leave.
[Amended 3-28-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-5]
Employees hired prior to April 30, 2012.
Sick leave so granted and not used shall accrue to the credit of each such employee. In the event of retirement, one quarter of accrued sick leave may be reimbursed, up to a maximum of 520 hours, and may be paid to the employee in installments over the next three (3) months or in a lump sum as determined by the Town Manager. For retirement under an approved Town pension plan, an employee shall be credited in full for accrued sick leave, if the employee is retiring with 25 or more years of service with the Town of Georgetown. This payment may be paid to the employee in installments over the next three (3) months or in a lump sum as determined by the Town Manager upon retirement or the employee may convert his/her accumulated sick leave to years of service credit.
The maximum pay-out of accrued sick leave shall be no greater than 2,080 hours.
Employees hired beginning May 1, 2012. In the event of service retirement, one quarter of accrued sick leave shall be reimbursed, up to a maximum of 360 hours, and may he paid to the employee in installments over the next three months or in a lump sum as determined by the Town Manager. Accrued sick leave will not be paid at departure of employment for any type of departure other than service retirement. For purposes of this subsection, "service retirement" shall be defined as voluntary termination after having satisfied the age and length of employment requirements of the applicable Town retirement system (State of Delaware pension plan).
Sick leave benefits shall apply to cases of personal illness, accidents, medical, dental or optical appointments, and events covered by the Family Leave Act. Employees entitled to sick leave may remain away from work with pay, where such absence is the result of personal illness or physical incapacity, not job-related, involuntary or enforced quarantine, or sickness or death of an immediate family member. The Town Manager must approve sick leave granted in excess of three days' bereavement leave.
An employee who is unable to report for work due to any of the cases specified above must notify his/her supervisor/department head before the scheduled start of his/her shift. The supervisor/department head should also be contacted on each additional day of absence. If an employee is absent for three or more consecutive days, a physician's statement verifying the nature of the disability and its beginning and expected ending dates may be required.
Worker's compensation. In any case in which an employee is entitled to benefits or payments under the Worker's Compensation Act or similar legislation of the state, or any other governmental unit, the Town shall pay the difference between the benefits and payments received under such Act and the regular rate of compensation he/she would have received from the Town if able to work. The foregoing payment by the Town shall be limited to the period of time that such employee had accumulated sick leave.
When an employee suffers an on-the-job injury, receives a full paycheck from the Town, plus receives a time-loss check from another agency, the paycheck must be returned to the Town. The Town will then issue a paycheck for the appropriate amount of sick leave pay.
Other sick leave provisions.
Sick leave shall not accrue during leaves of absence without pay.
Sick leave shall be rounded off to the nearest half-hour.
No sick leave will be advanced or given to an employee in excess of the amount earned and available to the employee, unless approved by the Town Manager or Town Council.
When an employee is transferred to another position, any unused sick leave, which may have accumulated to the employee's credit, shall transfer with the employee.
In the event of extended illness an employee may use vacation time when sick leave has been exhausted.
Earned sick leave accruals must be exhausted prior to taking an unpaid medical leave of absence.
It is the responsibility of each department head/supervisor to ensure the provisions of this policy are observed. Corrective action should be taken in instances of suspected abuses or misinterpretation of the utilization of sick leave.
Department heads will ensure that any sick leave used will be reflected with the submission of time sheets.
It is the responsibility of the Payroll Officer to ensure that proper accountability of sick leave is kept on all eligible employees. This shall include keeping a record of accruals and utilization.
When it is suspected that sick leave is being abused, the Town Manager may deny or limit its use and/or impose stricter verification requirements.
Sick leave sharing.
The Town Manager may permit a regular full-time or regular part-time employee to receive sick leave donations from other qualified employees under this subsection if:
The employee suffers from an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which is of an extraordinary or severe nature and which has caused, or is likely to cause, the employee to:
Go on leave-without-pay status; or
Terminate Town employment.
The employee's absence and the use of shared sick leave are justified;
The employee has depleted or will shortly deplete his or her annual vacation leave and sick leave reserves;
The employee has abided by all personnel rules regarding sick leave use.
The Town Manager shall determine the amount of sick leave, if any, and under what conditions, which an employee may receive under this section. However, an employee shall not receive, in donations, a total of more than 720 of donated sick leave unless authorized by the Town Council.
Donated sick leave shall be utilized in the order of receipt by the Town Manager. Such leave shall normally be donated in eight-hour increments. Sick leave shall not be loaned.
Sick leave credits accumulated by each Town employee shall be retained as of the effective date of this policy.
All regular full-time and regular part-time employees, whether paid on an hourly or salaried basis, shall be entitled to vacation leave as follows:
Full-time employees shall be granted vacation leave in accordance with the following schedule:
[Amended 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
Years of Completed Service
Vacation Leave Earned
Vacation Leave Earned
0 — 5
Part-time employees will accrue vacation at one-half the rate of a full-time employee.
[Amended 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
Temporary employees are not eligible for vacation leave.
Vacation leave shall be credited to the employee on the first pay of the following month.
[Amended 1-26-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-2]
An employee shall not be entitled to vacation leave until he/she has been employed continuously for at least six months, and has successfully completed a standard probationary period. After successful completion of the probationary period, the employee shall be credited with 60 hours of vacation leave and shall accrue vacation leave as provided by this chapter.
[Amended 1-26-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-2; 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
Increased vacation accrual amounts for "years of completed service" will commence with the pay period following the anniversary date for the applicable years of service.
[Amended 1-26-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-2; 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
An employee may carry over up to a maximum of 160 hours of accrued vacation leave. Vacation time earned in excess of the maximum limit shall be used or forfeited, by the end of the calendar year, unless the vacation time requested has been denied in writing by the department head or Town Manager.
[Amended 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
Employees will be compensated for unused vacation leave accumulated up to the date of separation at the regular base rate of pay.
[Amended 12-13-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-06]
All vacation time shall be taken at such time as shall be approved by the department head. Vacations shall be scheduled at such times as the department head finds most suitable after considering the wishes of the employee and the requirements of the department. All requests for vacation must be approved by the department head prior to the commencement of the requested vacation.
[Amended 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
Vacation leave will not accrue while an employee is on leave of absence without pay. Accrued and unused vacation leave may be used to supplement sick leave if the employee has exhausted sick leave accruals. Vacation credit earned by an employee cannot be transferred to another employee.
If a Town holiday occurs during vacation time, the employee shall be paid holiday time for that day, and it shall not be charged against vacation time.
[Amended 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
Other vacation leave provisions.
Department heads are responsible for managing the vacation schedules in their departments and for administering the provisions of this policy and advising the Town Manager of pending employee vacations.
The Town Manager shall approve all vacation requests for department heads.
[Amended 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
Vacation approvals by department heads and by the Town Manager shall be made only when the efficiency of Town operations will not be adversely affected.
A department head and next ranking subordinate may not take vacations at the same time unless approved by the Town Manager in writing:
[Amended 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
While on vacation leave or sick leave an employee shall continue to earn vacation time and sick leave credit. An employee who converts vacation and sick leave to terminal leave shall not continue to earn vacation and/or sick leave while on terminal leave.
If the Town Manager determines that unusual and extenuating circumstances exist which justify allowing an employee to be excused from the vacation carry-over limits of this section for a particular year, he/she may do so. An employee must submit a request to the Town Manager in writing prior to December 1 of the year in question. Such approvals must be documented, in wring, in the employee's personnel record.
[Amended 3-11-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02(A)]
Upon submission of a resignation, an employee shall be paid for vacation leave accumulated to the date of separation. At the time of the employee's separation the following shall be deducted from the employee's final compensation: (1) any vacation leave owed the Town, (2) qualified educational assistance and (3) any funds owed to the Town by the employee as a result of criminal activity or negligence.
The estate of an employee who dies while employed by the Town shall be entitled to payment for all of the accumulated vacation leave credited to the employee's account.
A regular employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to six months by the Town Manager, provided it has been requested in writing and the employee has exhausted all accumulated vacation leave. If an employee is applying for disability insurance under the Town of Georgetown employee's policy, then the employee does not have to exhaust his or her accumulated vacation leave. Generally, the leave shall be used for reasons of personal or family disability, continuation of education or special work that will permit the Town to benefit by the experience gained or the work performed. An extension of leave for six months may be granted by the Town Manager. However, no leave of absence may exceed a total of one year. The Town Manager must be notified before a decision can be rendered.
The employee shall apply in writing for leave. The employee is obligated to return to duty within or at the end of the time determined appropriate by the Town Manager. Upon returning to duty after being on leave without pay, the employee shall be entitled to return to the same position held at the time leave was granted or to one of like classification, seniority or pay, including any cost-of-living adjustments or salary range adjustments that may have occurred during the leave. If the employee decides not to return to work, the supervisor should be notified immediately. Failure to report at the expiration of a leave of absence, unless an extension has been requested and approved in writing, shall be considered a resignation.
If the Town learns that an employee on a leave of absence is no longer using the leave for reasons originally stated in the leave request, then the employee may be terminated.
These provisions are subject to employee labor agreements, when applicable.
An employee shall retain all unused sick leave while on leave without pay. An employee ceases to earn all leave credits on the date leave without pay begins. Completed service credits for the purpose of computing longevity pay, sick and vacation leave shall accrue for a period of 45 days following the start of leave of absence without pay. The employee may continue to be eligible for benefits under the Town's group insurance plans, provided the employee shall be responsible for the payment of the total insurance premium to the Town prior to the first day of each month while on leave; unless the leave is for an employee illness, disability or maternity case in which the employee is only required to pay the premium amount normally deducted from the employee pay check.
Upon retiring directly from Town service under an approved Town pension plan, a regular employee is eligible to take terminal leave prior to his/her retirement date, under the following conditions:
Terminal leave shall consist of a total of both an employee's unused sick and vacation leave. The maximum amount of sick leave an employee may convert is 150 days if the employee is retiring with 25 or more years of service with the Town of Georgetown. The employee retiring with less than 25 years of service with the Town of Georgetown shall be permitted to convert a maximum of 130 days of accrued sick leave to terminal leave.
Once terminal leave begins, the employee ceases to earn vacation or sick leave credits and is no longer eligible for annual salary reviews.
Once terminal leave begins, the employee can not return to active service unless approved by the Town Manager. If a return to active service is approved, then the employee will be required to pay back all expended sick leave credits if the request to return to work was initiated by the employee.
In order to qualify for terminal leave, an employee must request leave a minimum of 45 days' notice prior to the employee's retirement date unless waived by the Town Manager.
Any leave taken within 30 calendar days prior to terminal leave beginning will be considered terminal leave.
Employment policies or practices involving the commencement and duration of leave, the availability of extensions, the accrual of benefits and payment under any health or disability insurance or medical leave plan shall be applied to the disabilities consistent with the employer's current insurance. General leave is for a period of six weeks (30 working days). Such leave may be taken based on a licensed practicing physician's authorization prior to childbirth or it may begin on the day of childbirth. Should the mother have surgery or other medical complications as a result of pregnancy or childbirth, the same rules and guidelines apply as for any other medical leave. Should the child need extended medical care beyond the mother's general leave of six weeks (30 working days), then the mother may use accumulated vacation days, or accumulated sick leave days, or request time off without pay for an additional 90 working days. If the father is an employee, he may use accumulated vacation days, accumulated sick leave days, or request time off without pay for an additional 90 working days.
The Town shall provide a service award program to recognize employees for continuous and loyal service. Employees who work 40 hours per week are eligible for the award.
Awards shall be presented to employees who have completed five, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service.