[Added 5-25-1978]
There is hereby created the position of Clerk-Typist in the office of the Township Clerk of the Township of South Hackensack. Such position shall be filled by appointment by the Township Committee of a fit and qualified person able to perform the duties of a clerk as well as a typist. Said appointee shall hold said position for a term of one year commencing on January 1 of the year of appointment or until a successor is appointed and qualifies, except that the first appointment hereunder shall be until January 1, 1979. Any vacancy in the position shall be filled for the unexpired term.
Said Clerk-Typist shall do and perform such work as may be assigned to the holder of said position by the Borough Clerk or by the Township Committee, and said Clerk-Typist shall be subject to the orders or directions of the Township Clerk and/or the Township Committee.
Said Clerk-Typist shall be paid such compensation as may be fixed and prescribed for said position by the Salary Ordinance of the Township, which compensation shall be paid at the time at and in the manner in which all other Township employees are paid.