The inhabitants of Sykesville, Carroll County, Maryland, within the corporate limits legally established from time to time are hereby constituted and continued a body corporate, by the name of "The Town of Sykesville" (hereinafter referred to as the "Town") with all the privileges of a body corporate, by that name to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity, to have and use a common seal and to have perpetual succession, unless the Charter and the corporate existence are legally abrogated.
The courses and distances showing the exact corporate limits of the Town shall be filed at all times with the Land Records of Carroll County, Maryland, the Director of the Department of Legislative Services of Maryland, and in the Town Hall, 7547 Main Street, Sykesville, Maryland 21784 or in the Town records wherever so located within the Town limits. All the officials or offices named in this section are hereby directed to file or record all such descriptions of corporate boundaries so filed with them, each in a suitable book or place, properly indexed and reasonably available for public inspection during normal business hours.