The Town shall have the power:
To construct, operate and maintain a water system and water plant.
To construct, operate, and maintain a sanitary sewerage system and a sewage treatment plant.
To construct, operate, and maintain a storm water drainage system and stormwater sewers.
To construct, maintain, reconstruct, enlarge, alter, repair, improve, or dispose of all parts, installations, and structures of the above plants and systems.
To have surveys, plans, specifications, and estimates made for any of the above plants and systems or parts thereof or the extension thereof.
To do all things it deems necessary for the efficient operation and maintenance of the above plants and systems.
Editor's Note: The following sections have been moved into other chapters of the Code: Section 18-76, Structures in public ways (now in Ch. 122, Art. I); Section 18-77, Obstructions in public ways (now in Ch. 122, Art. I); Section 18-82, Private systems (now in Ch. 174); Section 18-85, Pollution of water supply (now in Ch. 174). The following sections were deleted during codification (see Ch. 1, General Provision, Art. III): Section 18-78, Entering County public ways; Section 18-79, Connections; Section 18-80, Same; charge; Section 18-81, Improper use of systems; Section 18-83, Extensions beyond boundaries; Section 18-84, Right of entry; Section 18-86, Contracts for service; Section 18-87, Charges for service.