The Town Board of the Town of Chenango does hereby adopt and ordain the following rules and regulations to govern and control such public water supplies, water districts and water supply districts as shall be under its jurisdiction and does hereby repeal and revoke any previous rules and regulations, resolutions, motions, etc., insofar as they conflict with these rules and regulations. These rules and regulations shall be considered as a part of the contract with all parties now or hereafter taking and using water furnished by such public water supplies, water districts or water supply districts. Nothing herein shall be construed, however, as ruling that any piping or other facilities in active use on the date of adoption of these rules and regulations are unsatisfactory.
Applications for water service must be made at the office of the Town Clerk on forms furnished for that purpose at least seven days before a service connection is desired and must be signed by the property owner. Any check for the fee, which is set hereinafter, must accompany the application. In making application for water service, the applicant must comply with the rules and regulations as hereinafter set forth, including such revisions, additions and changes thereto as may be officially adopted from time to time by the Town Board.
Certificate of insurance. The contractor must file with the Town of Chenango a certificate of insurance before any work shall be started.
Street opening bond. The contractor must file with the Town Clerk, a street opening bond for $1,000 before any work shall be started.
Permits. Any services that abound on any street within the Town, be it Town, county or New York State route, he (the contractor) must secure the necessary permits from the proper agency.
The contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary barricades, lights and warning signs and take all necessary precautions for the protection and safety of the public. The contractor shall also perform all work in strict accordance with the latest issue of Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements.
No person other than the individual appointed by the Town Board to direct the operation of the water works system or persons in the employ of the Town duly authorized by and under the supervision of that individual shall be permitted to tap or make any connections with any street main or distribution pipe of the water system, unless written approval is previously given by the aforementioned individual. Any other person or persons who shall tap or make any connection with any street main or distribution pipe without prior approval will be in violation of this Part 1. Water service to the premises through the connection so made shall be shut off until the penalty fee and other costs stated above are paid in full.
No person other than duly authorized personnel of the Water Department or other person who has first obtained permission to do so shall open, close or operate in any way the curb stop in the water service line. The owner of the property served by the water service shall be liable for any costs arising from damages to the curb stop, service box and/or piping on either side of the curb stop, unless damaged by Town employees in performance of their duties.
Any injury or damage to service pipes, street mains, hydrants, valves, valve boxes or other fittings and devices, and any damage that may be caused by leakage or flow of water occasioned by such injury caused by the installation or repair of any sewer or drain line, electrical conduit or cable, telephone conduit or cable or by any excavation, embankment, paving or other construction operation, shall be repaired at the expense of the contractor doing the work causing the injury or damage, or by the owner of the premises or the person or corporation for whom such work is being done.
The use of water is permitted subject to such conditions or reservations as the Water Department may in its sole discretion consider to be reasonable. The Water Department reserves the right to restrict or prohibit extraordinary use of water, if water supply conditions so require.
No installation of water-cooled refrigeration and/or air-conditioning equipment shall be installed on any premises supplied from the Town water system until a written permit has been issued by the Water Department to the owner on whose premises the installation is to be made.
No water shall be taken from any hydrants in any water district for the purpose of filling, refilling or use in any swimming pool, pond, reservoir or other storage area on private property or for any commercial purpose without a written application being filed with the Town Water Department by the person desiring to take such water, setting forth the name of the owner of the property to which such water is to be taken, the size of the swimming pool, pond, reservoir or other storage area desired to be filled, or the name and address of such commercial user with a description of the commercial use, the location of the hydrant from which water is to be taken and the number of gallons of water to be taken from said hydrant. The fee shall be as hereinafter defined. Lawn sprinkling, car washing, pool filling or other unnecessary uses may be forbidden at any time by the Water Department in case it is necessary to conserve the water supply of the districts.
Employees of the Water District may enter and must be permitted to enter upon any premises where water is being supplied or upon any premises for which application is made for service for the purpose of inspecting all work in connection with such service. Water may be shut off by the Water District from any service or main for the purpose of constructing new work or for making repairs to the water system. Whenever it is possible, due notice will be given, but in case of emergency, the water may be shut off without notice, and the Water District shall not be held responsible for any damage resulting therefrom.
The owner of property into which water is introduced by a service pipe will be responsible for maintaining in perfect order, at his own cost and expense, said service pipe from the point where it leaves public lands or lines owned by others and enters the lands of said property owner, so as to prevent loss of water by leakage. In the event that the lateral connection is not maintained in a suitable condition and causes loss of water by leakage and the property owner or occupant fails or neglects to correct such condition as specified in said notification within 10 days from the receipt thereof, the Water District may thereupon enter upon the subject premises and make such repairs as are necessary, and the cost thereof shall be borne by the property owner, or the Water Department may shut off service at the curb box. The Water District shall not be responsible if the service pipes from the water main freeze. The owner shall be responsible if the service pipe freezes on his property, and if the district assists in thawing the service pipe, the costs shall be borne by the property owner.
[Amended 5-20-1985]
It shall be the obligation of the applicant for the service connection to open and close and compact the trench and/or drive through the ground from the main to the building wall and provide proper connections for the installation of the meter. All work is to be done with the approval of the Water Superintendent. Any pavement restoration shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
[Amended 5-20-1985; 10-3-1995 by L.L. No. 2-1995]
The service connection shall include tapping the main, installing the corporation cock in the main, installing piping from the main to the curb cock, installing the curb cock and curb box and supplying a suitable meter of 5/8 by 1/2 inch or 5/8 by 3/4 inch in size. All excavation and restoration is provided by the customer.
All private residential water services shall be provided with shutoff valves on each side of the meter plus a double check-valve (DCV) immediately after the water meter and before the second shutoff valve. In addition, an expansion tank or other suitable pressure-relief device shall be installed.
All commercial water services must be protected from cross-connection with the public water supply (per New York State Sanitary Code Part 5, Section 5-1.31) in the following manner:
[Added 10-3-1995 by L.L. No. 2-1995[1]]
By installing a device designed to protect the public water supply from the hazard posed by the water use at that location. The degree of hazard posed shall be determined by the Water Department under the guidelines set forth by the New York State Department of Health. Approved devices shall be either an air gap or reduced-pressure-zone device (RPZD) for hazardous locations or a double check-valve assembly (DCV) for aesthetically objectionable locations.
All such devices shall be installed as close to the water service connection at the public water supply as possible. All devices shall be approved by the Water Superintendent and the New York State Department of Health Engineer.
Editor's Note: This local law also provided for the relettering of former Subsections E through H as Subsections F through I, respectively.
Installation of service pipes less than 1 1/2 inches in size.
Each premises to which water is supplied must be connected to the water main by a separate service pipe which must be laid in a straight line from the water main and enter the premises at the front and at right angles thereto. No attachment to a service pipe or any branch connection shall be made between the meter and the point of connection of the service pipe to the water main. The service pipe must be of new Type K copper tubing and shall have a minimum size of 3/4 of an inch.
Whenever a new tap on the water main is desired at a location different from that of the existing service, the existing service shall be cut off at the main and the curb stop and curb box removed. The expense of this work shall be borne by the property owner. If within a period of six months after a property has been substantially demolished and no new structure is in the process of erection at such location as will permit the use of the existing water service, the water stop and curb box may be removed. All service lines shall be installed continuous with no breaks, couplings, etc., unless written permission of the Water Department is issued. The owner of the property in which water is introduced by service pipes is responsible to maintain the curb box in an accessible position at all times.
Installation of service pipes 1 1/2 inches in size and larger.
Service connections 1 1/2 inches in size or larger shall be made by the use of a tapping valve and tapping sleeve. Valve shall be provided with cast-iron valve box to grade. No connection shall be made to a water main which is larger in size than the water main itself.
The charge to the property owner for service connections and for the cutting off and removal of curb stops and curb boxes is hereinafter set forth under Article III.
A separate application shall be made and a separate service connection shall be installed for each premises. If the title shall change for a portion of a premises, a new application and a separate service connection shall then be provided by the newly formed premises.
No open trenching across an existing Town road shall be done without prior approval of the Water Department, Highway Superintendent and the Town Engineer.
[Amended 10-3-1995 by L.L. No. 2-1995]
The Water Department shall not be legally required to supply water to a greater pressure than necessary to deliver water into the basement of buildings.
Cross-connection of the piping (either inside or outside of the premises) serving water supplied by the Town water mains will not be permitted with any source of supply. Such a violation is a violation of the New York State Sanitary Code.
No connection of piping, either inside or outside of the premises serving water, shall be made ahead of the meter.
The penalty for a violation of this section will be the shutting off at the water main of the water supply to the premises and the charging of the owner of all expenses of every nature incidental thereto. Water service will not be restored until violations have been removed and all costs in connection therewith paid.
The service pipe will be required to be laid not less than five feet below the surface of the ground any point outside the foundation wall of the building into which the service is to be introduced. In the event that the final grade of a street or sidewalk has been officially determined and established, then the service shall be laid at a depth of not less than five feet below said established grade at all points so that, when the street and walk are graded, there shall be not less than five feet of earth cover over the service line at all points. A service pipe shall not be laid within three feet of any other subsurface structure, conduit or pipe nor directly under and parallel with such subsurface structure, conduit or pipe. A service pipe laid in a sewer or construction trench shall be provided with completely adequate supports in order to protect it from settlement or lateral movement or it shall be placed on a secure bench in the side wall of the trench.
The service curb box shall be located at the center of the property on the property line unless prior approval is given by the Water Superintendent.
Upon receiving a written petition containing a statement of proper facts and circumstances from which it will appear that the extension of any main or mains or distribution pipe or pipes is necessary and required in order to service properties of petitioners, the Town Board and its Water Department may authorize such extension, the condition of which shall be that the cost shall be paid wholly by the owners of the lands benefited or abutting the street where said work is done, all as provided for in Article 12 of the Town Law.
Rules governing installation of water mains and services. After November 1 of any year, the Water District will make no installation of water mains or service connections until weather permits in the spring, except in case of an emergency.
[Amended 5-20-1985]
A property owner or occupant shall, during any reasonable hour, permit the entrance on the premises of a duly authorized representative of the Water District for the purposes of removing a water meter for repair and/or testing and shall permit the entrance on the premises of said representative for the purpose of reading and/or inspecting a water meter, which meter will be furnished by and remain the property of the Water District.
Prior to each billing period as provided in § 71-24 of this Part 1, the Water Department shall mail to each owner or occupant a meter record card. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or occupant to read the water meter and record the usage on the meter record card and return the record card to the Water Department within 10 days thereafter.
Failure to read the meter, record the reading on the meter reading card and return the meter record card to the Water Department within 10 days shall subject the owner or occupant to a penalty of $25.
It shall be the responsibility of every property owner or occupant to keep water meters in an accessible location where said authorized representative may conveniently inspect, read or remove said water meter.
In the event that a water meter cannot be conveniently accessed for reading, inspection, repair, removal or replacement, the property owner and/or occupant will be notified by a duly authorized representative of the Water Department that access to the meter is required. Should the property owner and/or occupant fail to timely arrange for access after being notified, the authorized representative of the Water Department will send a written second notice to the property owner and/or occupant. Should the property owner and/or occupant fail to arrange for access to the water meter by the authorized representative of the Water Department within the time frame designated in the written second notice, a fourteen-day advance written notice of action will be sent to the property owner and/or occupant.
[Amended 10-4-2010 by L.L. No. 4-2010]
Thereafter, if the authorized representative of the Water Department has not been provided access to the water meter, upon the expiration of the 14 days, the Water Department will, until such time as the property owner and/or occupant has permitted access to the authorized representative of the Water Department:
Charge the property owner and/or occupant a per-quarter nonrefundable surcharge of $200; and/or
Temporarily suspend water service to said property owner and/or occupant.
The Water Department may, at its discretion and upon written notice to the property owner and/or occupant, initiate legal action against the property and/or occupant for access to the meter, in which event the property owner and/or occupant will be responsible for all reasonable attorney fees, court costs and disbursements.
Persons making complaints as to the correctness of meter bills and claiming to be overcharged can, by application to the Water Department within 10 days after the bills have become due, have the meter examined and dial reread; or, by depositing $15 at the office of the Water Department and making written request, have the meter taken out and tested. If the meter is found to be correct or to under register, the deposit will be retained by the Water Department as payment for testing the meter. Should the meter be found to over register, the deposit will be returned to the complainant and the proper reasonable correction made in the bill. The Water Department is authorized to correct any charge due to a fault in the meter or to incorrect reading of the dial but shall have no power to reduce meter bills for any other reason whatsoever. All repairs to meters, whether owned by the Town or the consumer, shall be made by regular employees of the Water Department only. Repairs due to ordinary wear will be made free of charge, but repairs due to hot water, freezing or other external sources must be paid for by the owner of the premises, and if a meter is damaged beyond repair, such owner must pay for a new meter. Upon refusal of the owner to pay for any such repairs, the water will be shut off and not be turned on again until all charges are paid.
As necessity may arise in the case of breaks in water mains or other emergencies of a similar nature, including the necessity for making repairs, connections, extensions and/or the installing and repairing of consumer services, the Water Department shall have the right and authority to temporarily shut off the water supply in order to perform the necessary work.
The Water Department will use, if possible, all reasonable and practicable means to notify the consumers in advance of such discontinuation of water service.
However, the Water Department shall not be liable for any inconvenience suffered by the consumer, or for any damage which may result to the consumer's piping, fixtures, appliances, etc., resulting from the shutting off of the water supply for any purpose whatever, whether or not previous notice has been given.
The Water Department will not be liable in any case for any claim against it at any time for the interruption of water service, lessening of the water supply, inadequate water pressure or any other cause which may be beyond its control.
Water service to a consumer may be shut off only by the Water Department, its employee or agent for the purpose of inspection or for the making of repairs or alterations to water mains, meters, pipes, valves or other appurtenances. No other person shall open, close or tamper with any valve, valve bow or valve box cover or any other equipment of the Town water supply system.
All hydrants are under the control of the Water District. No person shall use a wrench to open a hydrant, except an authorized employee of the Water District or Fire Department. Any person causing damage to a fire hydrant by collision or otherwise will be held responsible for any damage caused thereby, and such person should immediately report the same to the Water Department or nearest fire station, giving his name and address.
See the drawings attached to these rules and regulations for typical standard installation details.[1]
Editor's Note: The drawings for standard installation details are included at the end of this chapter.