The purpose of the Planned Development District classification is to provide for the rezoning of land to residential, community service, commercial, industrial, recreational and mobile home development zones either jointly or separately in conformance with provisions and standards which ensure compatibility among all the land uses, foster innovation in site planning and development and encourage sound design practices.
Provisions are included for Planned Development District (PDD) to permit establishment of areas in which diverse uses may be brought together in a compatible and unified plan of development which shall be in the interest of the general welfare of the public. In Planned Development Districts, land may be used and structures may be constructed and used for any lawful purpose in accordance with the provisions set forth herein. A planned development may be a development of diversified land uses integrated into a carefully considered plan. Any of the uses listed in the Schedule of Regulations[1] may be permitted, subject to the requirements of that section. Industrial or obnoxious uses, however, shall not be allowed in established areas of PDDs if in conflict with the overall character of the zone. Where development standards may be in conflict or unnecessary due to the integrated nature of the plan, the Town Board may approve a PDD that does not meet all required standards, such as zero lot line developments, cluster housing, townhouses or such similar innovations, provided that a written explanation of the reasoning and efficiency of each modification is provided as part of the application.
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Regulations is included at the end of this chapter.
The procedure for obtaining a change in zone for undertaking development within a Planned Development District shall be as follows:
The applicant, or agent thereof, shall submit four copies of a preliminary development plan to the Town Board as described in § 73-27 and an application for a change of zone. The Town Board shall refer the application and preliminary development plan to the Town Planning Board 10 days prior to the Planning Board's next scheduled meeting. Such referral shall be prior to the date of the public hearing required by law on any proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map by the Town Board. In addition, the preliminary development plan shall be reviewed by the Broome County Planning Department, which shall report its recommendation, in writing, to the Town Board.
The Planning Board shall discuss the application and shall review the preliminary development plan with the applicant (agent). The Planning Board shall prepare recommendations with regard to the preliminary development plan and the proposed change of zone.
Within 45 days of receipt of the application and the preliminary development plan, at its regular meeting, the Planning Board shall transmit, in writing, to the Town Board, its recommendation for approval, approval with conditions or modifications, or disapproval, in accordance with its findings as described in § 73-29. The Planning Board shall include its reasons for such recommendations. The Planning Board shall send a copy of its recommendations to the applicant. Failure of the Planning Board to act within 45 days of receipt of the application shall permit the Town Board to act without the Planning Board's recommendation.
Within 45 days of receipt of the Planning Board's recommendation, public notice shall be given and a public hearing held by the Town Board on the proposed change of zone, subject to the specifications of the preliminary development plan.
Within 45 days of the public hearing, the Zoning Ordinance may be amended so as to define the boundaries of the Planned Development District, but such action shall have the effect only of granting permission for development of the approved preliminary development plan proposal in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance within the area so designated.
If the change of zone and preliminary development plan are approved by the Town Board, an appropriate notation to that effect will be made on the face of four copies of the preliminary development plan, and the Board's resolution of approval shall be attached thereto. One copy will be retained by the Town Clerk; one copy will be given to the Planning Board; one copy will be given to the Code Enforcement Officer; and one copy will be returned to the applicant.
In the event that the Town Board grants the change of zone, subject to modifications in the preliminary development plan, the resolution granting the change of zone shall specify the required modification and shall specify the time period for completion of the development plan, as specified in § 73-28D.
In the event the Town Board disapproves the application and preliminary development plan, it shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the disapproval and of the reasons for such decision.
Upon approval of the application on change of zone and the preliminary development plan, with or without required modifications, the applicant shall submit for Planning Board review four copies of a final development plan, as described in § 73-28.
When the Town Planning Board approves the final development plan as submitted, an appropriate notation to that effect will be made on the face of four copies of the final development plan. One copy will be retained by the Town Clerk; one copy will be retained by the Planning Board; one copy will be given to the Code Enforcement Officer; and one copy will be returned to the applicant.
[Amended 6-5-1978]
Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Town Board shall approve as to the form and sufficiency of any performance bond obtained by the applicant and as to the acceptability of any offers of cession, deeds or restrictive covenants.
In the event that the applicant desires to change the use of the PDD from the original proposed use, a resubmittal of the final development plan shall be required.
The applicant shall submit an application for a change of zone with a preliminary development plan at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet, which shall include the following:
Site plan.
Residential single-family subdivision. Master site plan indicating individual lot layout, ten-foot contours, open spaces, land use areas, streets, utility easements, rights-of-way and adjacent land use.
All other development. Proposed site plan, including ten-foot contours, elevations, location and dimensions of proposed buildings, signs, open spaces, land use areas, streets, utility easements, rights-of-way and adjacent land use.
Location and dimensions of driveways and driveway intersections with street and highways, proposed traffic circulation, parking and loading areas, pedestrian walks, lighting, landscaping and necessary screening. No entrances or exits shall be permitted from a Planned Development District to a Residential District.
Proposed construction sequence for buildings, parking spaces and landscaped areas.
Proposed public utilities plan, including water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage, with letter of review from Broome County Health Department.
[Amended 6-5-1978; 4-6-1998; 4-3-2017 by L.L. No. 1-2017]
For site plan reviews in A, R, NC, CD and PDD Districts, the applicant shall submit a final development plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals 50 feet for review to the Town Planning Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. Plans and specifications shall bear the signature of the person responsible for the design and drawings and where required by § 7302, as amended, of Article 147 of the Education Law of the State of New York, the seal of a licensed architect or licensed professional engineer or licensed land surveyor. If a business is going into a plaza (building with two or more rental spaces) and does not change in use, increase traffic, or increase assembly, the Ordinance Office Department Head with the Planning Board Chair and the Town Engineer's approval has the option to conduct an in-house review. The final development plan shall include:
Site plan showing location and dimensions of proposed buildings, signs, open spaces and land use areas, including any subdivision intended within the district.
Location and dimensions of driveways and their intersections with streets and highways, traffic circulation, required parking and loading areas, pedestrian walks and lighting.
A description of the proposed use, including hours of operation, number of employees, expected volume of business and type and amount of traffic to be generated, shall be provided in writing.
Landscaping plan, including site grading and type of landscape plantings and structures and necessary screening. This provision does not apply to single-family residential subdivision development.
Final drawings of buildings to be constructed in the current phase, including floor plans, exterior elevations and sections. This provision does not apply to single-family residential subdivision development.
Final engineering plans, including street improvements, water supply, waste disposal and drainage system (approved by the County Health Department) and other public utilities. All improvements shall comply where applicable with construction standards outlined in the Town of Chenango Subdivision Regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 62, Subdivision of Land.
Letters, in appropriate cases, directed to the Chairman of the Planning Board, signed by a responsible official of the agency, utility company, government authority or special district having jurisdiction in the area of public sewer, public water, telephone, electric or gas improvements, a responsible and qualified official of the Fire Department and School Board transmitting his or her findings concerning the plan.
Engineering feasibility studies for the solution of any anticipated problem which might arise due to the proposed development, as required by the Planning Board.
Need for performance bond for items in Subsection A(2), (4) and (6) above and bond amount shall be determined by and at the option of the Town Board.
Offers of cession and proposed restrictive covenants.
Construction sequence and time schedule for completion of each phase for buildings, parking spaces and landscaped areas, as applicable.
Complete documentation of means for the continual maintenance of common open space and buildings.
Any environmental quality review as may be required by New York State, Broome County or the Town of Chenango.
Building permits. Building permits shall be issued by the Code Enforcement Officer only in accordance with an approved site plan, accurately representing the manner in which the project shall be constructed, and after receipt of a recommendation from the Planning Board. The Planning Board shall transmit the application with its written finding to the Code Enforcement Officer within 60 days. A failure to act within 60 days of the receipt of the application will permit the Town Board to authorize the Code Enforcement Officer to act without the recommendation of the Planning Board.
Changes. An applicant wishing to make substantial changes in a duly reviewed site plan shall make application for a new building permit.
The final development plan for a PDD site plan shall be in general conformance with the approved preliminary development plan. Such approval for each phase shall be secured by the applicant for each phase of the development. Such approval for each phase shall be valid for two years; at which time, unless the proposed development has been completed or in process, the final development plan approval shall terminate, and no additional building permits shall be issued. If five or more lots (with separate deeds) are provided on the Planned Development District, the final development plan shall be in such form as to be acceptable, according to the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Chenango, as a final subdivision plat and may be approved in accordance with the procedures and requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Chenango.
Final approval of site plans in A, R and NC Districts for each phase of development, if applicable, shall be secured by the applicant for each phase. Such approval for each phase shall be valid for two years, at which time, unless the proposed development has been completed or in process, the development plan approval shall terminate and no additional building permits shall be issued.
The Planning Board, after determining that the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance dealing with planned development districts have been met, shall recommend the approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval of the preliminary development plan to the Town Board. The Planning Board shall enter its reasons for such action in its records and transmit its findings by resolution to the Town Board. The Planning Board may recommend the establishment of a planned development district, provided that it finds the facts submitted with the preliminary development plan establish that:
The uses proposed will not be detrimental to the natural characteristics of the site or to present and potential surrounding uses but will have a beneficial effect which could not be achieved under any other district.
Land surrounding the proposed development can be developed in coordination with the proposed development and be compatible in use.
Land uses surrounding the proposed development will be adequately buffered from the proposed use, where necessary, by appropriate screening devices, such as a wall, fence or hedge. Where existing features of the property can serve this function, the design of the proposed development shall be such that these features are preserved for such purpose.
The proposed change to a planned development district or the proposed site plan in R, A and NC Districts is in conformance with the general intent of the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Chenango.
Existing and proposed streets are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed district and in the vicinity of the proposed district.
Existing and proposed utility services are adequate for the proposed development.
Each phase of the proposed development, as it is proposed to be completed, contains the required parking spaces, landscape and utility areas necessary for creating and sustaining a desirable and stable environment.