Streets shall have a minimum right-of-way of 50 feet.
Dead-end streets shall terminate in a right-of-way 100 feet in diameter.
Rights-of-way for sewers, water mains, storm drainage and pedestrian walks shall have a minimum width of 20 feet.
Streets with combined curbs and gutters shall have a minimum distance between faces of curb of 32 feet.
Streets without curbs shall have a minimum width of pavement of 24 feet and shall have two six-foot shoulders.
Turnarounds on dead-end streets shall be paved 80 feet in diameter, measured from face to face of curb or from edge of the pavement to edge of pavement.
Streets shall have a minimum grade of 10%, except that grades up to 12% may be approved on short runs at the discretion of the Planning Board.
Within 40 feet of an intersection, the maximum grade on all streets shall be limited to 2%.
All streets without curbs and gutters shall have a minimum grade of 1%.
All streets with curbs and gutters shall have a minimum grade of 0.5%.
In general, street lines within a block deflecting from each other at any one point by more than 10º shall be connected with a curve. In each case the outer street boundary line shall always be parallel to the inner street boundary.
Horizontal curves on streets shall have a minimum radius of 150 feet, except for street intersection corners. Reverse curves on minor streets shall be separated with a minimum tangent of 100 feet.
The property line corners at all minor street intersections shall be rounded by curves having a minimum radius of 20 feet.
The property line corners at all secondary street intersections shall be rounded by curves having a minimum radius of 30 feet.
Vertical curves on minor streets shall have a minimum length of 100 feet but not less than 20 feet for each one-percent algebraic difference in grade.
Vertical curves on secondary streets shall have a minimum length of 200 feet but not less than 30 feet for each one-percent algebraic difference in grade.
Visibility for traffic safety shall be provided, by excavation if necessary, within the triangles formed by the outside boundaries of intersecting right-of-way lines and a diagonal line connecting points in each right-of-way line, said points being 60 feet from the intersection of the outside boundaries of right-of-way lines. No obstacles, including but not limited to fences, walls, hedges or other landscaping, shall be permitted to obstruct such visibility.
Pavements shall be centered in the right-of-way and crowned so that the crown at the center line of the pavement is level with the tops of curbs or six inches higher than the edges of the pavement if there are no curbs.
Where curbs are installed, the finished grade shall slope up from the tops of curbs to the limit of the right-of-way or edge of sidewalk at a rate of 1/2 inch per foot.
Where curbs are not installed, the finished grade shall slope down from the edge of the pavement at a rate of one inch per foot to form a shoulder with a minimum width of six feet.
Ditches shall be installed between the outside edge of the shoulder and the right-of-way lines where curbs and gutters are not installed.
Sidewalks, where required, shall be constructed within the right-of-way, with the outside edge of the walk placed on the outside edge of the right-of-way line. Additional sidewalk shall be constructed at street corners for access to the roadway. Walks shall be four feet wide and shall slope toward the top of the curb at a rate of 1/4 inch per foot.
Side slopes of embankments adjacent to the right-of-way shall not exceed two horizontal to one vertical. If slopes in excess of this are required in order to avoid the right-of-way lines, then retaining walls shall be installed.
Guide rails shall, in general, be constructed following the criteria for guide rail installations as established by the New York State Department of Transportation in the current Highway Design Manual, Volume 1. Actual field conditions may warrant additional guide rail, which shall be installed prior to Town acceptance when so directed by the Town's Engineer or Town Highway Superintendent.
Steel pipe underdrain shall be installed where necessary to control groundwater and/or drain the pavement subbase. When in actual construction groundwater seepage is found which, in the opinion of the Town's Engineer or Town Highway Superintendent, will be injurious to the roadway, the subdivider shall install underdrain as directed.
No two or more utility lines shall be installed in the same trench.
Sanitary sewers shall be placed along the center line of the streets with house connections extending to the right-of-way lines.
Stormwater sewer lines shall be placed on the lower side of the street at a distance of 10 feet from the center line. Connections shall extend to catch basins placed along the curblines or to inlets placed along the ditch lines.
Water mains shall be placed on the higher side of the streets at a distance of 10 feet from the center line, with service connections extending to the right-of-way lines.
All water mains and services shall have a minimum depth of cover of five feet.
Sanitary sewer lines shall be deep enough to service basements and shall have a minimum cover of three feet. Care shall be taken in establishing the grade of sewers lines to ensure that the lateral connections thereto do not intercept other lines or water mains.
[Amended 5-26-1999 by L.L. No. 1-1999]
Fire hydrants shall be placed 2 1/2 feet beyond the face of curbs or seven feet beyond the edge of pavement where curbs are not installed.