[Adopted 9-6-1963 by Ord. No. 7]
As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes any individual or individuals, partnerships, association
or corporation singular or plural, including the responsible officers
of any such association or corporation.
Includes all streams, springs and all bodies of water, whether
the same be surface or subterranean, including percolating as well
as subterranean streams, whether natural or artificial, within the
geographic limits of the township.
A. A permit shall be required to erect artesian wells,
wells, septic tanks, seepage pits and other disposal systems, and
the same shall be constructed in accordance with requirements as herein
set forth and in accordance with such requirements of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania Department of Health. The request for said permit
shall be accompanied by a plot plan, upon which plot plan there shall
be shown all proposed structures for sewage disposal and water supply.
B. No newly constructed septic tank, seepage pit or other sewage disposal system, or artesian wells for drinking water, shall hereafter be covered and/or used until same has been inspected and approved by the Building Inspector of the Township of Bern, and a use permit is issued by the Building Inspector. Use permits shall be issued by the Building Inspector only after owner has complied with all requirements listed under §
C. No newly constructed wells shall hereafter be covered and/or used until same have been inspected and approved by the Building Inspector of the Township of Bern, and a use permit is issued by the Building Inspector. Use permits shall be issued by the Building Inspector only after owner has complied with all requirements listed under §
D. Fees for such permits as are required under these
regulations shall be in accordance with a schedule of fees adopted
by the Board of Supervisors by resolution from time to time and, upon
adoption of same, are incorporated herein by reference and shall become
part thereof.
Percolation tests shall be required and be performed
by a duly licensed engineer licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and said engineer shall, as part of said percolation tests, submit
the required tile field needed for adequate and proper disposal.
A. All receptacles of whatever nature or kind for disposal
of sewage shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner which
shall not permit access to the contents thereof by flies, mosquitoes
or other insects and rodents.
B. Overflowing of sewage disposal systems will not be
C. The transportation of human excrement shall be effected
in watertight containers with tight-fitting covers.
D. No human excrement shall be placed on the surface
of the ground, buried or otherwise disposed of where it is likely
to gain access to any water of the state, and the same may not be
used as fertilizer for the fertilization of crops to be consumed by
human beings.
E. Toilet accommodations.
(1) Sufficient and suitable free toilet accommodations,
well-lighted and ventilated and separated for each sex, shall be provided
at all public buildings, public markets, public playgrounds, public
swimming pools, camp meeting grounds, county fairs and such other
places as are frequented by the public generally.
(2) The word "public," as herein employed, shall mean
any building or ground where occupant thereof invites the general
public to frequent and use the same, whether said grounds or building
are publicly or privately owned.
(3) The construction of said toilet accommodations shall
be in accordance with the requirements as set forth herein.
F. No person shall permit to be discharged into any street,
gutter, public roadway or upon the surface of the ground any water
or sewage.
G. It shall be unlawful to hereafter construct any sewage
disposal system other than a type approved herein.
A. No garbage, offal, pomace, dead animals, decaying
matter or organic waste substances of any kind shall be thrown or
disposed of upon the surface of the ground or in any street or highway.
The transportation of any such matter aforedescribed shall be effected
in such vehicles or containers as shall prevent any spillage therefrom
and shall be cleaned at sufficient intervals to prevent obnoxious
B. Manure and synthetic compost shall not be allowed
to accumulate in any place where it can prejudicially affect any source
of drinking water.
C. The carcass of any dead animal not slaughtered for
food shall be removed and disposed of by burial, incineration or other
sanitary method within 24 hours after death. If the carcass is buried,
it shall be placed so that every part shall be covered by at least
two feet of earth and at a location not less than 100 feet from any
water of the state and not subject to overflow by said water. In all
cases of death from communicable disease, the carcass shall be thoroughly
enveloped in unslaked lime.
D. No person shall allow any noxious gases that are deleterious
or detrimental to public health to escape into the air or any substance
that is deleterious or detrimental to public health to accumulate
upon premises or be thrown or allowed to be discharged into any street,
roadway or public place or be thrown or allowed to be discharged into
any stream or other water of the state.
No person shall maintain, or permit to be maintained,
any pond, privy vault, cesspool, well, cistern, rain barrel or other
receptacle containing water in such a condition that mosquitoes breed
therein or become a menace to the public health.
No owner or occupant of any premises shall maintain
any well, spring, cistern or other source of water supply used for
drinking or household purposes which is polluted or which is so situated
or constructed that it may become polluted in any manner that may
render such water supply injurious to health, unless such water is
properly treated to render it fit for human consumption.
A. Connection to a sanitary municipally owned sewage
system shall, when the main of such sewage system lies in the bed
of the street, be made by a cast-iron pipe to the curb of said street
and shall have root-tight joints.
B. All tile shall be laid on a bed of stone not less
than 12 inches deep and covered with six inches of stone one inch
or 3/4 inch. All tile fields shall be laid with a fall of two inches
in 50 feet tile field to be at a minimum of 14 inches to a maximum
of 48 inches, as required in accordance with the results of percolation
A. Septic tanks shall be made of concrete, steel or other
approved material in accordance with American Society for Testing
Materials specifications. Steel septic tanks shall be coated on the
inside and outside with a bituminous or approved material. All septic
tanks shall be located at least 10 feet from the building they are
to accommodate and 10 feet from bordering property lines.
B. Size and capacity.
(1) The size and capacity of septic tanks shall be determined
by the number of bedrooms, as set forth in the following table, and
in all cases shall be the minimum capacity; each additional bedroom
above four shall have an additional capacity of 150 gallons.
Number of Bedrooms
Minimum Liquid Capacity
(2) In all cases there shall be, leading from said septic
tank, a minimum of 200 lineal feet of tile field. Where percolation
is poor, the number of feet of tile shall be determined by the engineer.
C. Septic tanks shall be so constructed that at least
12 inches of air space is permitted above the flow line.
Distribution box shall be a minimum of 18 inches
wide, 48 inches long and 24 inches high and shall have at least four
outlets to disposal field. Distribution box connections to either
septic tank or other approved sewage disposal receptacle shall be
constructed of four-inch pipe of cast iron, vitrified clay or other
approved material and shall be root-tight jointed. Distribution box
shall have removable top and shall be reasonably watertight. All lines
leading from distribution box to field shall be solid line.
The location of the disposal field shall be
at a safe distance from the water supply, 25 feet from any streams,
20 feet from any dwelling, 10 feet from any trees and at least 10
feet from any property line and at least five feet apart.
All wastewaters or overflow from a disposal
system must be kept underground and shall never surface or be connected
to any storm sewers, creeks, streams, watercourses or drainage ditches.
Plans for disposing of sewage waste for manufacturing
plants, schools, apartments, commercial building, churches, etc.,
showing method, capacity and construction, after being approved by
the proper state authority, must be submitted to Township Engineer
and Planning Commission for approval.
No receptacle for the disposal of sewage by
more than one family shall be permitted, except in multiple housing
where plans for disposal facilities shall first be submitted to the
township for their approval; said plans and design for disposal facilities
shall be prepared by a licensed engineer licensed by the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
A. Water closets.
(1) For places of assembly there shall be one water closet
for every 100 persons or fraction thereof, but not less than one of
each sex.
(2) In schools and other educational buildings, there
shall be at least one water closet for every 25 persons.
(3) In every other building, there shall be at least one
water closet for every 15 occupants.
B. Toilet rooms.
(1) Water closets and urinals shall be placed in rooms
or compartments which are devoted exclusively to toilet facilities.
(2) In every water closet or urinal compartment hereafter
constructed or installed, except in dwellings and multifamily houses,
the entire floor and the side walls to a height of not less than four
feet shall be made waterproof with cement, tile, marble, slate or
other approved material impervious to water.
(3) The partitions enclosing toilet rooms shall be solid,
except for the entrance door, and shall extend from the floor to the
ceiling. Partitions separating water closets or urinals within a toilet
room shall not extend to the ceiling, but shall be so constructed
as to permit circulation of air throughout the toilet room.
C. Bathrooms and water-closet compartments. Every bathroom
and every room containing one or more water closets or urinals shall
be ventilated by one or more windows opening on a street or on a court
conforming to the requirements of this article; or by a separate duct
or incombustible and noncorrodible material, not less than 72 square
inches in cross section, extending independently of any other duct
to and above the roof; or by a ventilating skylights or by an approved
means of mechanical ventilation as prescribed in this article.
D. Mechanical ventilation.
(1) When mechanical ventilation is required, or is permitted
as an alternative, the system shall be designed and constructed in
accordance with generally accepted good practice to provide the necessary
changes of air, but not less than prescribed in this section.
(2) Except as otherwise specifically prescribed by law
or in duly promulgated rules, the recommendations of the American
Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers shall be deemed to be
generally accepted good practice.
(3) Bathroom and toilet rooms. For bathrooms and toilet
compartments, not less than two cubic feet of air per minute for each
square foot of floor shall be provided.
E. Wherever toilet facilities are required hereunder,
there shall also be provided a hand washbowl, together with soap and
disposable paper towels for washing and drying of hands; said hand
bowl shall be of porcelain or other noncorrosive material.
The minimum charge for all permits issued under
this article shall be $5. When septic tanks are included, this five-dollar
fee shall include all septic tanks up to and including one-thousand-gallon
capacity. An additional charge of $1 will be made for each one-thousand-gallon
additional unit or fraction thereof installed. Exception to the above
shall be that a fee of $1 shall be charged for permit issued covering
artesian wells and wells.
Drainage and sewerage work must not be covered
or concealed in any manner until after it is inspected and approved.
Notice must be given to the inspector when the work is sufficiently
advanced for such inspection, when it shall be the duty of the proper
officer to inspect the same within 24 hours after receipt of said
notice. When the work has been completed, inspected and approved,
a use certificate shall be issued. No new installation shall be put
into service prior to the issuance of the certificate.
Unless otherwise specifically provided herein,
these rules and regulations shall be enforced by such officer of the
Township of Bern as may be designated by the Board of Supervisors
by resolution to be adopted by said Board of Supervisors.
[Amended 3-5-2002 by Ord. No. 195-2002]
This article shall be enforced by action brought
before a District Justice in the same manner provided for the enforcement
of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Any person who violates or permits the violation of this article shall,
upon conviction in a summary proceeding, be punishable by a fine of
not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90
days. Each day or portion thereof that such violation continues or
is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense. Each
section of this article that is violated shall also constitute a separate