Every owner of every structure or structure
units, whether commercial or residential, shall install numbers on
said structure or structure units corresponding to the address of
the unit as utilized by the Township Engineering Department and in
cooperation with the United States Postal Service.
The following regulations shall apply to all
single-family and multifamily units:
A. The identification numbers shall be no less than five
inches in height.
B. The numbers shall contrast with the background on
which they are mounted.
C. All numbers shall be mounted so that they face the
street on which the dwelling unit fronts.
D. All numbers shall be mounted not less than three feet
above the street grade level.
E. All numbers shall be visible from the street upon
which the dwelling unit fronts, provided further that if the dwelling
unit is located more than 50 feet from the posted right-of-way the
numbers shall be posted on the side of a mailbox or structure fronting
the roadway.
F. The numbers shall be maintained by the owner of the
property and shall be unobstructed by trees, shrubs or other vegetation.
G. All structures and structure units shall only display
the most current address numbering. All old or obsolete numbering
shall be removed.
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued
for any structure or structure units, whether commercial or residential,
in the Township of Howell unless said unit is in compliance with the
requirements of this chapter.
Existing structures or structure units shall
have six months from the date of final adoption of this chapter to
meet the compliance requirements of this chapter.
Any property owner in violation of this chapter
shall receive written notice thereof from the Construction Official,
Fire Official, Code Enforcement Officer, Housing Inspector or their
authorized representative requiring compliance with this chapter within
30 days thereafter. Should the property owner thereafter fail to comply
and remain in violation of this chapter, said violator shall be subject
to a fine in the amount of $50 upon conviction of violating this chapter
in the Howell Township Municipal Court.