[HISTORY: Derived from § BH:2-1 of the 1974 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes such buildings as are on one tract of land or on contiguous tracts. Where a farm is divided by a public road or other premises which are used for any farming purposes by another, or are inhabited by another, each such section or tract shall have a separate pit.
Every farm, dressing plant and dealer holding poultry over 12 hours in the Township, having 100 or more head of poultry or 100 or more other fowl of any kind or housing capacity to maintain thereon 100 or more head of poultry or 100 or more other fowl shall have constructed upon it a disposal pit not smaller than six feet long, six feet wide and six feet in depth; or have a cubic content of not less than 218 cubic feet, and so constructed as not to have a runoff through the top, and a cover of durable material which shall be flytight and to fit well that it shall not permit odors to escape therefrom. The cover shall be constructed of appropriate permanent metal or concrete. It shall not be closer than 50 feet to any boundary, water supply or stream of water, and shall be kept in a sanitary manner, contents to be covered with lime or other decomposing element.
Any person who owns or occupies any farm, where poultry or other fowl came to their death by reason of natural causes, ill health or disease, shall, within 24 hours after such death, place such poultry or other fowl in the pit. When the pit becomes nearly full or for other reasons becomes unused or unusable, another pit shall be constructed to replace the same.
The requirements of this chapter may be temporarily suspended by the Board of Health in proper cases for such period of time and in such manner as the justice of the situation shall require, upon application being made thereof by the person owning or occupying the premises.
The placing in, discharging into, casting or depositing or allowing to flow or to enter into, or the placing or depositing on the banks of any stream, river, lake, pond, bay, thoroughfare or other body of water within the Township, any excremental matter, substance containing excremental matter waste liquids from wash tubs, basins or sinks, or other foul or putrescible or decomposable liquids is hereby declared to be a nuisance, provided that this chapter shall not apply to the effluent from a sewage disposal plant which has been approved by the State Department of Health.
The placing in or depositing upon the banks of any river, stream, lake, pond, bay, thoroughfare or other body of water in the Township, any dead animal, or any part of the same, or any garbage, offal, rubbish, or any foul, offensive, or obnoxious substance whatsoever, is hereby declared to be a nuisance.