[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Middle 2-3-1983 as Ord. No. 444-83. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby established in the Township of Middle a Recreation Advisory Council.
[Amended 4-5-1990 as Ord. No. 720-90]
The purpose of the Recreation Advisory Council shall be to advise the Board of Recreation Commissioners on recreation matters, programs and services. The Township Committee shall serve as the Board of Recreation Commissioners. The Recreation Advisory Council shall have no policy-making powers, nor shall it have the power to hire employees or otherwise expend moneys.
[Amended 1-1-1988 by Ord. No. 602-87; 1-18-1996 by Ord. No. 954-96; 5-20-2024 by Ord. No. 1699-24]
The Recreation Advisory Council membership shall consist as follows:
Seven members at large.
One member of the Recreation Department.
One Township Committee liaison.
The initial appointees to the Council shall serve terms as follows:
Three members: three-year term.
Three members: two-year term.
One member: one-year term.
Thereafter, all subsequent or reappointed members shall serve a term of three years commencing January 1.
The Council shall retain the services of a secretary appointed by the governing body, who shall keep the minutes of the meetings and provide such clerical services as may be required by the Council.
The members of the Council shall serve without compensation.
The Council will meet at least every quarter, or on such other more frequent meeting dates as the agenda established by the Committee shall provide.
The members of the Recreation Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Township Committee. They shall serve without compensation.
The Recreation Advisory Council shall adopt rules and regulations with regard to time, place, frequency and conduct of meetings.