[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Potsdam 8-17-1987 as L.L. No. 3-1987. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The special service hereinafter referred to rendered to private industries and business concerns by the Police Department of the Village of Potsdam shall be subject to the payment of a fee for such services. The following fees are hereby fixed and established for such services:
A fee of $10 for the first half hour or part thereof shall be payable for each police officer detailed to such special service and for each additional half hour or part thereof.
A similar fee of $10 shall be payable for each police officer detailed to such special service for:
Conveying payrolls from banks to any location within the Village of Potsdam.
Escorting an armored truck to and from any location within the Village of Potsdam.
Conveying money to and from any location within the Village of Potsdam.
Special detail within the place of business of any private industry or business concern.
Any person, firm or corporation requesting such special services as hereinabove set forth shall furnish to the Village of Potsdam certificates of insurance policies for liability coverage and any other such policies that the Village Administrator may require in order to hold the Village of Potsdam or any of its agents, employees or officers harmless for any act or omission in connection with the rendering of the aforesaid services.
The Chief of Police or designee of the Police Department shall cause to be kept an accurate record of the time devoted to such special services by the police officers.
The Village Treasurer shall cause to be kept an accurate record of all revenue accrued by the supplying of special services.
All such fees collected shall be payable to the Village Treasurer.