The following criteria shall be the basis for the design of all streets and stormwater collection systems.
All highways and streets shall be designed in accordance with the following minimum standards:
Street widths.
On a collector street, the width of the right-of-way shall be 50 feet, of which 34 feet shall be paved.
On a minor street, the right-of-way shall be 50 feet, of which 20 feet shall be paved.
On a lane, the right-of-way shall be 30 feet, of which 18 feet shall be paved.
All streets which terminate at the water shall have a minimum width of 75 feet for a distance not less than 100 feet from the water.
Culs-de-sac or dead-end streets shall be provided with a turnaround with a minimum radius of 50 feet. If such street is constructed so that the turnarounds are left with an island of natural or replanted vegetation of no less than a diameter of 100 feet enclosed by the standard width of the right-of-way, this island may be accepted as part of the reserved area requirement.
No curve greater than a twenty-degree curve shall be used for horizontal alignment.
Where a street has been constructed so that the elevation of the street is higher or lower than the elevation of the adjacent property, a cut or fill easement shall be granted so that a one-on-two slope may be maintained.
All street intersections shall have radius curves with a minimum tangent distance of 25 feet.
Street intersections, points of curvature and points of tangency and all angle points shall be monumented. Such monuments shall be of stone or concrete, at least two feet six inches long and four inches by four inches square, and so placed that at least four inches thereof shall appear above ground, except where a concrete sidewalk grade is already established, the monument shall be set flush to sidewalk grade.
Four-cornered intersections should be avoided wherever possible, and the angle of intersection of all streets shall be as near 90º as feasible.
The intersections of minor streets leading into a collector street from opposite sides of the collector streets shall be separated by a minimum distance of 125 feet between center lines.
Each map shall show all details and, whenever possible, the point or points of beginning, or terminals shall be fixed with relation to a street intersection or a highway monument at an angle point in a recorded street. If no permanent point is reasonably to be found, monuments must be definitely placed at least three points before filing of said map and be shown thereon. Each map shall also show a center line profile of existing grades and proposed grades at a scale of horizontal one inch equals 50 feet and vertical one inch equals 10 feet for each road or street.
[Amended 1-12-2004 by L.L. No. 1-2004]
It is the requirement of the Planning Board to return stormwater to the ground within subdivisions. This is to be done through the use of recharge basins and/or leaching basins and/or lots specifically designated as drainage lots to be used for no other purpose. All stormwater collection systems shall be designed in accordance with the following standards and shall be approved by the Superintendent of Public Works or the Village Engineer.
Whenever necessary, drop inlets, leaching basins or storm sewers shall be placed to intercept drainage runoff. Wherever determined by the Village Engineer or the Superintendent of Public Works, provision must be made for right-of-way to a recharge basin in preference to easement to a river, pond, stream or bay.
Such drainage system shall be constructed outside the street line.
Such drainage area or recharge basin shall be enclosed by a six-foot-high link wire fence to be landscaped according to regulations.
When necessary for drainage or for any other reason, curbs and gutters shall be built of concrete or other approved material. Detailed plans shall be furnished to the Superintendent of Public Works. All specifications concerning concrete for structures or other purposes are to conform to the specifications outlined by the Suffolk County Department of Public Works.
The storage capacity of stormwater recharge basins shall provide for four inches of rainfall on the tributary area. Where it is evident that possible overflow of the recharge basin will cause property damage, the above capacity shall be increased 50%.
The maximum depth of a recharge basin shall be 10 feet.
All piping laid to such recharge basin or stormwater collection area shall be shown in detail, both as to grade and construction, on the map to be submitted to the Superintendent of Public Works.