Plans are required for all subdivisions or land developments in accordance with the procedures, plan requirements, and design standards set forth in these regulations.
For the purpose of having a subdivision or land development reviewed and approved by the Borough Council, the applicant shall file with the Borough Manager the respective plans and applications (See Appendix A) in accordance with Article IV.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
A tentative sketch plan may be submitted by the applicant as a basis for informal discussion with the Planning Commission.
Data furnished in the tentative sketch plan shall include the following information:
Name of the subdivision or land development.
Name and address of the owner.
Name and address of the engineer, surveyor, or architect.
Tract boundaries.
North point and date.
Location map.
Streets on and adjacent to the tract.
Significant topographical and physical features.
Proposed general street layout.
Proposed general lot layout or building layout.
Contours based on USGS topography.
[Amended 6-8-1993 by Ord. No. 863; 12-16-2002 by Ord. No. 927]
The preliminary plan shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
General information.
The name of the subdivision or land development.
The tax map parcel number and the name of the Borough, county and state in which the subject property is located.
The name and address of the owner/applicant/developer.
The type of domestic water and sanitary sewerage service proposed.
The zoning district and boundaries.
A table showing the zoning requirements, including, but not limited to, the zoning district and pertinent requirements in terms of lot size, yard requirements, open space, and any variance or special exceptions which may have been granted.
The owner names and tax map parcel numbers on abutting properties, including those across streets.
A location map at a scale of 800 feet to the inch, showing the location of the parcel in relation to adjacent streets, roads, municipal and zoning boundaries, within 800 feet of the parcel.
The original date and dates of any revisions, North arrow and scale, both graphically and in equation form.
Any deed restrictions, including any rights-of-way and easements.
Drafting standards.
The scale of the plan shall be at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or greater.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts, and bearings shall be in degrees, minutes and seconds. All radii, arc and chord lengths and central angles of curves shall also be shown.
The sheet or sheets shall be one of the following sizes: 24 inches by 36 inches, 30 inches by 42 inches, or 36 inches by 48 inches. If multiple sheets are needed, each sheet shall be the same size, numbered consecutively, and a key map shall be provided on the front sheet to show the relation of the individual sheets to one another.
The plan shall be legible and bear a legend sufficient to demonstrate the symbols and line styles used on the plans and should clearly indicate which features are existing and which are proposed.
All preliminary plans shall be labeled with the words "Preliminary Plan — Not to be Recorded."
All plans must be acknowledged and signed and sealed in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law. If any other consultants, including, but not limited to, environmental consultants or landscape architects, contributed to the preparation of the plan, the name and address of those individuals shall also be shown.
Existing features.
A complete boundary survey of the property to be subdivided or developed shall be provided and shall not have an error in closure greater than one part in 10,000.
The total acreage of the land to be divided and/or developed.
The location, name and route numbers of all streets adjacent to the parcel to be divided.
The location of all existing buildings, sanitary sewers, water mains, storm sewers, gas mains, fire hydrants and other significant facilities.
The location of all existing monuments, including iron pipes, pins, spikes or other marks relating to the parcel.
Contours at vertical intervals of two feet and based on USGS datum or other datum as approved by the Township Engineer.
The location, size and ownership of any and all underground utilities and easements or rights-of-way within the parcel.
Existing buildings, impervious surfaces, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, easements and other significant features within 100 feet of the site.
Natural features. The applicant shall furnish on other plans all natural features defined and regulated by Chapter 465, Zoning.
Floodplains. The location of any designated floodplain as defined by the latest Flood Insurance Study and the one-hundred-year flood elevation.
Mature trees and forests. The location, species and size of mature trees, eight-inch caliper or greater measured four feet from grade level, standing alone. The outline of forest area as defined in Chapter 465, Zoning. The tree protection zone shall be shown. The location of all trees to be saved, including their trunk and dripline locations. Except for those along the perimeter, individual trees do not need to be individually specified in forest areas declared to be preserved.
Wetlands. Wetlands, as defined by any of the three parameters (hydric soils, hydrotrophic vegetation or evidence of hydrology), shall be shown on the plans. A delineation shall be performed by a qualified wetlands professional, and a certification shall be provided on the plans that the delineation has been performed in accordance with the current federal regulations or any more restrictive amendment thereof. The delineated wetland boundary shall be surveyed and shown on the plans with metes and bounds and tie distances and bearings to the property boundary.
Soils. The soil classifications and boundaries for all soils located on site, and the descriptions and engineering or building limitations thereof.
Steep slopes. Slopes of 8% to 15%, 15% to 25%, and 25% or greater shall be delineated on the plans, and the area of land contained within each of these delineations shall be shown on the plans. The area to be disturbed within each classification shall also be shown in tabular form along with the pertinent requirements of Chapter 465, Zoning.
Water bodies. All rivers, lakes, ponds and waters of the Commonwealth or waters of the United States shall be shown on the plans.
Proposed features.
The layout, dimensions and numbering of all lots.
Building setback lines established by Chapter 465, Zoning, or other ordinances or deed restrictions with the setback dimensions shown. Building setback lines from wetlands, floodplains and forest areas shall be shown and shall include bearings and distances and tie dimensions.
The location of zoning district boundary lines.
The layout of all streets and walkways, including names, rights-of-way and width dimensions. Where new streets are proposed, the plan shall include centerline bearings, distances, curve data and stationing.
Existing and proposed sight distances at existing and/or proposed intersections. Sight distances shall be determined in accordance with Pennsylvania Code Title 67, Chapter 441.
Clear sight triangles at proposed and existing intersections.
Parking requirements.
Proposed landscaping, including proposed locations and names of trees and landscape treatment of required buffer yards.
Location and size of sanitary sewers, gas mains, water mains, fire hydrants, streetlights, proposed signage, other underground conduits and all related appurtenances.
Utility, drainage or other proposed easements or rights-of-way.
The location and type of proposed monuments.
Proposed stormwater management facilities along with supporting calculations showing watershed areas, inlets, pipe material and size and slopes, headwalls and endwalls and invert elevations thereof.
A letter of design approval for the proposed soil and erosion sedimentation control shall be required from the Bucks County Conservation District.
The approximate location and size of proposed buildings and other impervious surfaces, including walkways and driveways.
The proposed grading as required to detail the construction of all proposed subdivisions. Proposed contours shall be shown at vertical intervals of two feet and based on USGS datum or other datum as approved by the Borough Engineer.
Profile views for each proposed or widened street shown on the plans. Profiles shall extend no less than 200 feet beyond the tract boundaries. Cross-sections shall include:
The profile of the existing ground surface along the centerline of street.
The profile of the proposed ground surface along the centerline of street, including grade of tangents and elevations at fifty-foot intervals.
The vertical curve data, including length, elevations and minimum sight distance as required by the Borough Engineer.
Cross-sections for each proposed or widened street shown on the plans. Cross-sections shall include:
The right-of-way width and width of paving.
The type and thickness of paving.
The type and size of curb.
The location, width, type and size of sidewalks.
Profile views of any and all proposed sanitary and storm sewerage facilities. Profiles shall include:
The profile of the existing and proposed ground surface with elevations for tops of inlets and manholes.
The profile of the sewer or storm drains, showing the material and size and slope of pipes, including invert elevations.
[Amended 12-16-2002 by Ord. No. 927]
The final plan shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
General information. All information required of preliminary plans.
Drafting standards. Drafting standards shall be the same as those required for preliminary plans.
Preliminary plan compliance. All final plans shall address the conditions of preliminary plan approval.
[Amended 12-16-2002 by Ord. No. 927]
General information.
The name of the subdivision or land development.
The tax map parcel number and the name of the Borough, county and state in which the subject property is located.
The name and address of the owner/applicant/developer.
The type of domestic water and sanitary sewerage service proposed.
The zoning district and boundaries.
A table showing the zoning requirements, including, but not limited to, the zoning district and pertinent requirements in terms of lot size, yard requirements, open space and any variance or special exceptions which may have been granted.
The owner names and tax map parcel numbers on abutting properties, including those across streets.
A location map at a scale of 800 feet to the inch, showing the location of the parcel in relation to adjacent streets, roads, municipal and zoning boundaries within 800 feet of the parcel.
The original date, and dates of any revisions, North arrow and scale, both graphically and in equation form.
Any deed restrictions, including any rights-of-way and easements.
Drafting standards.
The scale of the plan shall be at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or greater.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts, and bearings shall be in degrees, minutes and seconds. All radii, arc and chord lengths and central angles of curves shall also be shown.
The sheet or sheets shall be one of the following sizes: 24 inches by 36 inches, 30 inches by 42 inches, or 36 inches by 48 inches. If multiple sheets are needed, each sheet shall be the same size, numbered consecutively, and a key map shall be provided on the front sheet to show the relation of the individual sheets to one another.
The plan shall be legible and bear a legend sufficient to demonstrate the symbols and line styles used on the plans and should clearly indicate which features are existing and which are proposed.
All preliminary plans shall be labeled with the words "Preliminary Plan — Not to be Recorded."
All plans must be acknowledged and signed and sealed in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law. If any other consultants, including, but not limited to, environmental consultants or landscape architects, contributed to the preparation of the plan, the name and address of those individuals shall also be shown.
Existing features.
A separate plan depicting the existing features outlined in this section shall be provided.
A complete boundary survey of the property to be subdivided or developed shall be provided and shall not have an error in closure greater than one part in 10,000.
The total acreage of the land to be divided and/or developed.
The location, name and route numbers of all streets adjacent to the parcel to be divided.
The location of all existing buildings, sanitary sewers, water mains, storm sewers, gas mains, fire hydrants and other significant facilities.
The location of all existing monuments, including iron pipes, pins, spikes or other marks relating to the parcel.
Contours at vertical intervals of two feet and based on USGS datum or other datum as approved by the Borough Engineer.
The location, size and ownership of any and all underground utilities and easements or rights-of-way within the parcel.
Existing buildings, impervious surfaces, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, easements and other significant features within 100 feet of the site.
Natural features. The applicant shall depict all natural features defined and regulated by Chapter 465, Zoning.
Floodplains. The location of any designated floodplain as defined by the latest Flood Insurance Study and the one-hundred-year flood elevation.
Mature trees and forests. The location, species and size of mature trees, eight-inch caliper or greater, measured four feet from grade level, standing alone. The outline of forest area as defined in Chapter 465, Zoning. The tree protection zone shall be shown. The location of all trees to be saved, including their trunk and dripline locations. Except for those along the perimeter, individual trees do not need to be individually specified in forest areas declared to be preserved. The forest area to be disturbed shall also be shown in tabular form along with the pertinent requirements of Chapter 465, Zoning.
Wetlands. Wetlands, as defined by any of the three parameters (hydric soils, hydrotrophic vegetation or evidence of hydrology), shall be shown on the plans. A delineation shall be performed by a qualified wetlands professional, and a certification shall be provided on the plans that the delineation has been performed in accordance with the current federal regulations or any more restrictive amendment thereof. The delineated wetland boundary shall be surveyed and shown on the plans with metes and bounds and tie distances and bearings to the property boundary.
Soils. The soil classifications and boundaries for all soils located on site and the descriptions and engineering or building limitations thereof.
Steep slopes. Slopes of 8% to 15%, 15% to 25% and 25% or greater shall be delineated on the plans, and the area of land contained within each of these delineations shall be shown on the plans. The area to be disturbed within each classification shall also be shown in tabular form along with the pertinent requirements of Chapter 465, Zoning .
Water bodies. All rivers, lakes, ponds and waters of the Commonwealth or waters of the United States shall be shown on the plans.
Proposed features.
The following proposed features shall be shown on a separate plan of construction improvements, or other plan as required, along with the existing features.
The layout, dimensions and numbering of all lots.
Where the plan covers only a part of the owner's entire holding, a sketch shall be submitted of the prospective use and layout of the remainder.
Building setback lines established by Chapter 465, Zoning, or other ordinances or deed restrictions with the setback dimensions shown. Building setback lines from wetlands, floodplains and forest areas shall be shown and shall include bearings and distances and tie dimensions.
The location of zoning district boundary lines.
The layout of all streets and walkways, including names, rights-of-way and width dimensions. Where new streets are proposed, the plan shall include centerline bearings, distances, curve data and stationing.
Existing and proposed sight distances at existing and/or proposed intersections. Sight distances shall be determined in accordance with Pennsylvania Code Title 67, Chapter 441.
Clear sight triangles at proposed and existing intersections.
Parking requirements.
Landscape plan showing proposed locations and names of trees and landscape treatment of required buffer yards.
Location and size of sanitary sewers, gas mains, water mains, fire hydrants, streetlights, proposed signage, other underground conduits and all related appurtenances.
Utility, drainage or other proposed easements or rights-of-way.
The location and type of proposed monuments.
Proposed stormwater management facilities along with supporting calculations showing watershed areas, inlets, pipe material and size and slopes, headwalls and endwalls, and invert elevations thereof.
A soil erosion and sedimentation control plan and design for protection against soil erosion during and after site construction. The plan shall include the following:
All existing and proposed stormwater management facilities.
All grading and other facilities proposed to control soil erosion and sedimentation during construction and thereafter, and all detention/retention facilities in accordance with all applicable Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and United States Soil Conservation Service regulations. A letter of design approval for the proposed soil and erosion sedimentation control shall be required from the Bucks County Conservation District.
The approximate location and size of proposed buildings and other impervious surfaces, including walkways and driveways.
The proposed grading as required to detail the construction of all proposed subdivisions. Proposed contours shall be shown at vertical intervals of two feet and based on USGS datum or other datum as approved by the Borough Engineer.
Profile views for each proposed or widened street shown on the plans. Profiles shall extend no less than 200 feet beyond the tract boundaries. Cross-sections shall include:
The profile of the existing ground surface along the centerline of street.
The profile of the proposed ground surface along the centerline of street, including grade of tangents and elevations at fifty-foot intervals.
The vertical curve data, including length, elevations and minimum sight distance as required by the Borough Engineer.
The profile of the sewer or storm drains, showing the material and size and slope of pipes, including invert elevations.
Cross-sections for each proposed or widened street shown on the plans. Cross-sections shall include:
The right-of-way width and width of paving.
The type and thickness of paving.
The type and size of curb.
The location, width, type and size of sidewalks.
Profile views of any and all proposed sanitary and storm sewerage facilities. Profiles shall include:
The profile of the existing and proposed ground surface with elevations for tops of inlets and manholes.
The profile of the sewer or storm drains, showing the material and size and slope of pipes, including invert elevations.
[Amended 12-16-2002 by Ord. No. 927]
The final plan shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
General information. All information required of preliminary plans.
Drafting standards. Drafting standards shall be the same as those required for preliminary plans.
Preliminary plan compliance. All final plans shall address the conditions of preliminary plan approval.
[Amended 9-26-1977 by Ord. No. 727; 4-13-1982 by Ord. No. 771; 12-16-2002 by Ord. No. 927]
The record plan shall be clear and legible and on material acceptable to the Bucks County Recorder of Deeds and shall be an exact copy of the approved final plan on one sheet.
The following information shall appear on the record plan, in addition to information required under other criterion established in this section:
On all plans where multiple sheets are required, a note stating "Sheets 2 through _____ inclusive, last revised _____, and on record at Morrisville Borough, shall be considered a part of the approved final plan as if recorded with same."
The seal and signature of the registered land surveyor certifying that the plan represents a survey performed by him and that the dimensional and geodetic details are correct.
The impressed corporation seal if the applicant is a corporation.
The impressed seal of a notary public or other qualified officer acknowledging the owner's statement of intent.
The impressed seal of the Borough.
A statement to the effect that the applicant is the owner of the land proposed to be developed and that the subdivision or land development shown on the final plan is made with his or their consent and that it is desired to record the same.
The signatures of the owner or owners of the land.
The signature of the notary public acknowledging the owner's statement of intent.
The signatures of the licensed engineer or surveyor or landscape architect who prepared the plan.
The signatures of the chairman and secretary of the Borough Planning Commission.
The signature of the Borough Engineer.
The signature of the president and secretary of the Borough Council.
The plan shall indicate that it was reviewed by the Bucks County Planning Commission and include the following:
Bucks County Planning Commission
PROCESSED AND REVIEWED. Report prepared by the Bucks County Planning Commission in accordance with the Municipalities Planning Code. Date Certified:
Executive Director, Bucks County Planning Commission