[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Brick as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Municipal Beach — See Ch. 110, Art. I.
Boats and boating — See Ch. 116.
Firearms — See Ch. 181.
Littering — See Ch. 267.
Trees and shrubs — See Ch. 453.
Operation of vehicles in parks — See Ch. 460, Art. II.
[Adopted 4-2-1974 by Ord. No. 204-74 (Ch. 217 of the 1989 Code)]
No person in a public park and recreation area shall:
Willfully mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with or displace or remove any buildings, bridges, tables, benches, fireplaces, railings, pavings or paving materials, waterlines or other public utilities or parts or appurtenances thereof, signs, notices or placards, whether temporary or permanent, monuments, stakes, posts or other boundary markers, or other structures or equipment, facilities or park property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or personal.
Fail to cooperate in maintaining rest rooms and washrooms in a neat and sanitary condition. No person above the age of six years shall use the rest rooms and washrooms designated for the opposite sex.
Dig or remove any soil, rock, sand, stones, trees, shrubs or plants or other wood or materials or make any excavation by tool, equipment, blasting or other means or agency.
Construct or erect any building or structure of whatever kind, whether permanent or temporary, or run or string any public service utility into, upon or across such lands, except on special written permit issued hereunder.
Damage, cut, carve, transplant or remove any tree or plant or injure the bark or pick flowers or seeds of any trees or plants, dig in or otherwise disturb grass areas or in any other way injure the natural beauty or usefulness of any area.
Climb any tree or walk, stand or sit upon monuments, vases, planters, fountains, railings, fences or upon any other property not designated or customarily used for such purposes.
Tie or hitch an animal to any tree or plant.
Hunt, molest, harm, frighten, kill, trap, pursue, chase, tease, shoot or throw missiles at any animal, wildlife, reptile or bird; nor shall be remove or have in his possession the young of any wild animal or the eggs, nest or young of any reptile or bird. Exception to the foregoing is made in that snakes known to be deadly poisonous or deadly reptiles may be killed on sight.
Throw, discharge or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake, stream or other body of water in or adjacent to any park or any tributary stream, storm sewer or drain flowing into such water any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which will or may result in the pollution of said waters.
Have brought in or dump in, deposit or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage, refuse or other trash. No such refuse or trash shall be placed in any waters in or contiguous to any park or left anywhere on the grounds thereof, but shall be placed in the proper receptacles where these are provided; where receptacles are not provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere.
Drive any vehicle on any area except the paved park roads or parking areas or such areas as may, on occasion, be specifically designated as temporary areas.
Park a vehicle in other than an established or designated parking area, and such shall be in accordance with posted directions thereat and with the instruction of any attendant who may be present.
Leave a vehicle standing or parked at night in established parking areas or elsewhere in the park areas.
Leave a bicycle in a place other than a bicycle rack when such is provided and there is space available.
Ride a bicycle without reasonable regard to the safety of others.
Leave a bicycle lying on the ground or paving or set against trees or in any place or position where other persons may trip over or be injured by it.
Swim, bathe or wade in any waters or waterways in or adjacent to any park, except in such waters and at such places as are provided therefor, and in compliance with such regulations as are herein set forth or may be hereinafter adopted; nor shall any person frequent any waters or places customarily designated for the purposes of swimming or bathing or congregate thereat when such activities are prohibited by the Department of Parks and Recreation upon a finding that such use of the water would be dangerous or otherwise inadvisable.
[Amended 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 6-08]
Frequent any waters or places designated for the purposes of swimming or bathing or congregate thereat except between such hours of the day as shall be designated by the Department of Parks and Recreation for such purposes for each individual site.
[Amended 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 6-08]
Erect, maintain, use or occupy on or in any beach or bathing area any tent, shelter or structure of any kind unless there shall be an unobstructed view into said tent, shelter or structure from at least two sides, nor shall any guy wire, rope or extension brace or support be connected or fastened from any such structure to any other structure, stake, rock or other object outside thereof.
Allow himself to be so covered with a bathing suit so as to indecently expose his person.
Dress or undress on any beach or in any vehicle, toilet or other place, except in such bathing houses or structures as may be provided for that purpose.
Bring into or operate any boat, raft or other watercraft, whether motorpowered or not, upon any waters, except at places designated for boating. Such activity shall be in accordance with applicable regulations as are now or hereafter may be adopted.
Navigate, direct or handle any boat in such a manner as to unjustifiably or unnecessarily annoy, frighten or endanger the occupant of any other boat.
Launch, dock or operate any boat of any kind on any water between the closing hour of the park at night and the opening hour of the park the following morning, nor shall any person be on or remain on or in any boat during said closed hours of the park.
Fish in any area where bathing is permitted.
Carry or possess firearms of any description or air rifles, spring guns, bows and arrows, slings or any other form of weapon potentially inimical to wildlife and dangerous to human safety or any instrument that can be loaded with and fire blank cartridges or any kind of trapping device. Shooting into park areas from beyond park boundaries is forbidden.
Picnic or lunch in a place other than those designated for the purpose.
Use any portion of the picnic area or any of the buildings or structures therein for the purpose of holding picnics to the exclusion of other persons, nor shall any person use such areas and facilities for an unreasonable time if the facilities are crowded.
Leave a picnic area before the fire is completely extinguished and before all trash is placed in the disposal receptacles where provided. If no such trash receptacles are available, then trash shall be carried away from the park area by the picnicker to be properly disposed of elsewhere.
Take part in or abet the playing of any games involving thrown or otherwise propelled objects such as balls, stones, arrows, javelins, horseshoes, quoits or model airplanes, except in those areas set apart for such forms of recreation.
Grill or cook food without a permit issued for such purpose. Grills must be factory built, and under no circumstances shall any tabletop grills or tabletop cooking element of any sort be used.
[Added 3-8-2016 by Ord. No. 4-16]
While in a public park or recreation area, all persons shall conduct themselves in a proper and orderly manner, and, in particular, no person shall:
Bring alcoholic beverages or drink the same at any time, nor shall any person be under the influence of intoxicating liquors in the park; provided, however, that any organization, association or group utilizing the premises known as "Windward Beach" or "Trader's Cove Marina and Park" pursuant to a group reservation shall be permitted to dispense beer to members of said group who may consume the same at said event, if a permit is obtained for such purpose pursuant to the provisions of § 217-3 of this article.
[Amended 3-14-1978 by Ord. No. 204-A-78; 3-8-2016 by Ord. No. 4-16]
Have in his possession, set or otherwise cause to explode, discharge or burn any firecrackers, torpedo rockets or other fireworks, firecrackers or explosives of flammable material or discharge them or throw them into any such areas from lands or highways adjacent thereto. This prohibition includes any substance, compound, mixture or article that, in conjunction with any other substance or compound, would be dangerous from any of the foregoing standpoints. At any discretion of the Department of Parks and Recreation, permits may be given for conducting properly supervised fireworks in designated park areas.
[Amended 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 6-08]
Appear at any place in other than proper clothing.
Solicit alms or contributions for any purpose, whether public or private.
Build or attempt to build a fire, except in such areas and under such regulations as may be designated. No person shall drop, throw or otherwise scatter lighted matches, burning cigarettes or cigars, tobacco paper or other flammable material within any park or on any highways, roads or streets abutting or contiguous thereto. Any organization, association or group utilizing the premises known as "Windward Beach" or "Trader's Cove" pursuant to a group reservation shall be permitted to grill or cook food if a permit is obtained for such purposes. Grills must be factory built, and under no circumstances shall any tabletop grills or tabletop cooking element of any sort be used.
[Amended 3-8-2016 by Ord. No. 4-16]
Enter an area posted as "Closed to the Public," nor shall any person use or abet in the use of any area in violation of posted notices.
Gamble or participate in or abet any game of chance, except in such areas and under such regulations as may be designated by the Department of Parks and Recreation.
[Amended 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 6-08]
Go onto the ice on any of the waters, except such areas as are designated as skating fields and provided that a safety signal is displayed.
Sleep or protractedly lounge on the seats or benches or other areas or engage in loud, boisterous, threatening, abusive, insulting or indecent language or engage in any disorderly conduct or behavior tending to breach the public peace.
Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any area or participating in any activity under the authority of a permit.
Paste, glue, tack or otherwise post any sign, placard advertisement or inscription whatever, nor shall any person erect or cause to be erected any sign whatever on any public lands or highways or roads adjacent to a park.
Except for unusual and unforeseen emergencies, parks shall be open to the public every day of the year from dawn to dusk. No person shall enter upon or occupy any park except during such hours without the written permission of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
[Amended 10-14-1980 by Ord. No. 204-B-80; 11-28-2006 by Ord. No. 37-06; 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 6-08]
Any section or part of any park may be declared closed to the public at any time and for any interval of time, either temporary or at regular and stated intervals, daily or otherwise, and either entirely or merely for certain uses.
[Amended 5-25-1982 by Ord. No. 204-C-82; 4-14-1987 by Ord. No. 204-D-87; 4-28-1987 by Ord. No. 204-E-87; 6-23-1987 by Ord. No. 204-F-87; 4-10-1990 by Ord. No. 204-G-90; 9-14-1999 by Ord. No. 204-I-99; 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 6-08; 11-25-2014 by Ord. No. 34-14]
Permits for seasonal and special events in parks, to be known as "facility use permits," shall be obtained by application to the Department of Parks and Recreation in accordance with the following procedure:
A person seeking issuance of a permit hereunder shall file an application with the Division of Recreation stating:
The name and address of the applicant
The name and address of the person, persons, corporation or association sponsoring the activity, if any.
The day and hours for which the permit is desired.
The park or portion thereof for which such permit is desired.
Any other information which the Department of Parks and Recreation shall find reasonably necessary to a fair determination as to whether a permit should be issued hereunder.
Such application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee payable to the Township of Brick in the amount of $150. The Township Business Administrator is hereby given authority to waive this fee for any not-for-profit corporation.
Standards for issuance of a use permit by the Department of Parks and Recreation include the following findings:
The proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the general public enjoyment of the park.
The proposed activity and use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of public health, welfare, safety and recreation.
The proposed activity or uses that are reasonably anticipated will not include violence, crime or disorderly conduct.
The proposed activity will not entail extraordinary or burdensome expense or police operation by the Township.
The facilities desired have not been reserved for other use at the date and hour requested in the application.
Permits shall be issued for any day during the year, except that no permits shall be issued for events scheduled for July 4 or Labor Day.
No permits shall be issued for use of any park by groups of individuals of fewer than 25 or more than 200 in number.
Beer shall be permitted only in conjunction with events where food is consumed and only in designated picnic areas. No beer bottles or beer trucks shall be allowed in any park.
All facilities shall be cleaned and restored to their original conditions by any permittee.
No animals or pets shall be allowed in any park and/or beach area.
No profitmaking group or organization which has been issued a permit under this article shall charge any admission to any event conducted under a permit issued under this article.
No food or beverages shall be sold in any park except by an individual or entity which has entered into a contract with the Township for the sale of such food or beverages in the particular park in question.
There shall be no amplified music, drunkenness, profanity or behavior that will offend other recreation facility users.
Appeal. Within five days after the receipt of an application, the Department of Parks and Recreation shall appraise an applicant, in writing, of its reasons for refusing a permit, and any aggrieved person shall have the right to appeal to the Business Administrator by serving written notice thereof on the Business Administrator within five days of said refusal. A copy of said notice shall also be served on the Department of Parks and Recreation within the same time, and said Department shall immediately forward the application and the reasons for its refusal to the Business Administrator, who shall consider the application under the standards set forth under Subsection B hereof and sustain or overrule the Department of Parks and Recreation's decision within 10 days from the receipt of the appeal by him. The decision of the Business Administrator shall be final.
A permittee shall be bound by all park rules and regulations and all applicable ordinances fully as though the same were inserted in said permit.
The person or persons to whom the permit is issued shall be liable for all loss, damage or injury sustained by any person whatever by reason of the negligence of the person or persons to whom such permit shall have been issued. The Department of Parks and Recreation shall have the right to require any permittee to submit evidence of liability insurance naming the Township of Brick as an insured, covering injuries to members of the general public arising out of such permitted activities in such amounts as may be from time to time determined by the Department of Parks and Recreation prior to the commencement of any activity or issuance of any permit. Evidence of such liability insurance shall be submitted by the Department of Parks and Recreation to the office of the Township Clerk for verification as to the adequacy of the form of such evidence prior to the issuance of any permit under this article.
Revocation. The Department of Parks and Recreation shall have the authority to revoke a permit upon finding of a violation of any rule or ordinance or upon good cause shown.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, where a permittee has been issued a permit under this article for the use and occupancy of a tent to be erected and maintained by the Township in a park or recreational area, the provisions of §§ 318-1A(19), 318-2A and 318-3B(7) and (12) of this article shall not apply to the activities of such permittee in the use of such tent and/or the park or recreation area where such tent is located. In addition, such permittee shall be allowed to produce amplified music notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection B(13) of this section.
The Department of Parks and Recreation and park attendants shall, in connection with their duties imposed by law, diligently enforce the provisions of this article.
[Amended 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 6-08]
The Department of Parks and Recreation and any park attendant shall have the authority to eject from the park area any person or persons acting in violation of this article.
[Amended 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 6-08]
The Department of Parks and Recreation and any park attendant shall have the authority to seize and confiscate any property, thing or device in the park used in violation of this article.
[Amended 2-12-2008 by Ord. No. 6-08]
This article shall also be enforced by the Police Department of the Township.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto shall, upon conviction, be subject to the replacement, repair or restoration of any damaged park property and shall be subject to the penalties as provided in Chapter 1, § 1-15, General penalty, in the discretion of the Judge.
[Adopted 9-23-2001 by Ord. No. 204-3-04]
In addition to the provisions of Article I of this chapter, the following regulations shall be applicable to the use of the Brick Township Sports Complex Skateboard Park.
The facility is for skateboards and in-line skaters only. Bicycles, scooters and motorized vehicles are not permitted.
All users must wear safety equipment including helmets, elbow and knee pads.
The hours of operation are as follows:
Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or dusk, whichever is earlier.
Sundays: 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.
Weekdays (school year): 3:00 p.m. to dusk.
[Amended 11-9-2004 by Ord. No. 204-K-04]
Weekends and weekdays when school is not in session: dawn to dusk.
[Amended 11-9-2004 by Ord. No. 204-K-04]
The facility will be closed when equipment/surface is wet or icy.
Use of drugs, alcohol, profanity, littering, fighting, abusive language and or vandalism is strictly prohibited and shall result in expulsion of individuals and other penalties provided for to the fullest extent of the law.
No glass containers are permitted in the skate park area.
Skateboarding is prohibited outside of the enclosed skate park area within the Sports Complex and Board of Education property.
[Amended 9-28-2004 by Ord. No. 204-J-04]
Any person violating any provision of this article or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant hereto shall, upon conviction, be subject to replacement, repair or restoration of any damaged park property and shall be subject to the penalties as provided in Chapter 1, § 1-15, General penalty, in the discretion of the Judge except, however, in those cases involving parking violations, the fine shall not exceed $30 plus court costs.