The standards set forth in §§ 232-22 to 232-24 shall be deemed mandatory for all subdivisions within the borough.
No topsoil shall be used as spoil in the subdivision nor removed from the site, except in compliance with the Borough Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance, § 232-23.
All applications providing a disturbance of the land mass which is equal to or more than 5,000 square feet, shall have an accompanying soil erosion and sedimentation control plan which shall be filed with the local Conservation District of the Soil Conservation Service. This plan shall be included in all site plan and subdivision applications and shall be reviewed by the approving authority based upon Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey, adopted by the New Jersey State Soil Conservation Committee.
All applications meeting the minimum requirements to be classified as a soil-mining activity shall submit an application for soil mining in accordance with Chapter 194, Soil Removal.
Applicable standards. All applications shall be subject to the provisions herein and the United States Army Corps Engineers and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, where applicable.
Cut or fill slopes.
Cut or fill slopes for embankments outside of the graded portion of the street shall make use of rubble walls or other suitable materials, as approved by the Borough Engineer, wherever applicable.
Cut or fill slopes exceeding a ratio of one foot vertical to two feet horizontal require special methods of embankment stabilization. These include seed bed preparation, adjusted fertilization levels, supplemented irrigation, adapted seedlings or plants and site protection until vegetative cover is established. A detailed outline of procedures and specifications shall be submitted by the applicant.
Except as provided in Subsection B(2) herein, cut slopes shall be no steeper than one foot vertical to two feet horizontal. Subsurface drainage shall be provided as necessary for stability.
Except as provided in Subsection B(2) herein, cut slopes shall be no steeper than one foot vertical to two feet horizontal.
Cut or fill slopes exceeding a ratio of one foot vertical to two feet horizontal shall be considered by the approving authority only in special situations. The applicant must establish that a physical hardship condition exists with the land and must also indicate the special methods of embankment stabilization to be utilized. These may include hand-placed riprap, existence of exposed bedrock or other approved methods. Any request for approval to construct slopes steeper than 1 to 2 shall be accompanied by appropriate calculations prepared by a licensed professional engineer which shall document the stability of the particular soil when placed at the proposed slope.
Retaining walls.
Retaining walls shall be designed to be safe and adequate for the purpose intended. The walls shall not detract from the aesthetic beauty of the site when constructed, and the approving authority may require such retaining walls to be fenced or landscaped.
All retaining walls or facings with a total vertical projection in excess of four feet shall be designed as structural members keyed into stable foundations and capable of sustaining the design loads. Structural calculations and details shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey and submitted for all such retaining walls and facings.
Whenever two or more retaining walls are proposed where the average slope from the top of the lowest wall to the top of the highest wall has an average slope equal to or greater than one foot vertical to two feet horizontal an engineering analysis of the entire sloped area shall be submitted.