Maintenance Personnel and Equipment Fees
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Putting up barricades: 1 man, 1 hour
Picking up barricades: 1 man, 1 hour
Putting up banner: 2 men, 1 hour
Taking down banner: 2 men, 1 hour
Use of pickup truck, per hour
Use of dump truck
Use of sweeper, per hour
Use of front end loader, per hour
Use of dozer, per hour
Use of portable float (stage) and steps
Use of litter scooter, per hour
Use of garbage truck, per hour
Dumping fee
$120 per ton
Use of bucket, per hour
Beach cleaner
$20 per man hour
Fire engine or rescue truck
$500 per day*
*Items shown with an asterisk require an additional charge for
the operator of the vehicle or equipment, which shall be at the rate
of $50 per man-hour. The above fees include delivery and pickup during
regular working hours (7:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m.). All charges shall
be hourly (except for the use of the portable float/stage and steps)
and shall have a minimum charge of one hour. For any increments into
the following hours, a one-hour charge shall be incurred.
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Filing fees for police
Rate per man-hour
Road jobs rate per man-hour is calculated at 1 1/2 times
the rate of the top-rated police officer's pay scale. Minimum of four
hours is guaranteed for roadwork.
Parking will be provided for vendors at the north end of Ocean
Avenue and Lake Terrace when requested. Parking rate will be paid
at the rate of the meter.