[Adopted 6-6-1977 by Ord. No. M-2]
It shall be unlawful for any owner, possessor or person to keep any dog or dogs which, by frequent, habitual or long-continued noise, disturb any person or neighborhood. Such action is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and detrimental to the public health and welfare.
Any person or neighborhoods so disturbed shall so advise the owner, possessor or person who keeps such dog or dogs. In the event that the nuisance is then not abated, any persons so disturbed shall then give notice to the police of the facts, and the police shall then visit the owner, possessor or person who owns such dog or dogs and advise such owner, possessor or person of said facts and of the provisions of this article and the penalties for violation thereof.
[Amended 9-8-1998; 12-3-2007]
Any owner, possessor or person who keeps such dog or dogs and who is so notified as above described and who then fails to abate said nuisance shall be fined not less than $25 and costs for the first offense, not more than $100 and costs for the second offense and not more than $125 and costs for each offense thereafter. For the purpose of this article and the penalty herein imposed, each dog of any owner shall constitute a separate offense.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Section 9-311, which immediately followed this section and dealt with registration of dogs, barking and howling dogs and exceptions for nonresidents, was deleted 9-8-1998.