[Adopted 6-6-1977 by Ord. No. M-5]
From and after the passage of this article, no horse, mule, cow or other cattle, goats, sheep or hogs shall be permitted to run at large on the street, roads, lanes or alleys within the Town of Middletown.
It shall be the duty of the police of the Town of Middletown when any of said animals are found running at large contrary to this article to seize and impound the same in any convention place which shall be deemed a pound for that purpose and to here hold the same animal or animals until the fine imposed hereunder and all costs, together with the cost of seizing and keeping said animals, shall be paid.
If said fine, costs and expenses are not paid after two days' notice to the owner or person having charge of said animal or animals, then it shall be the duty of the police to advertise said animals for sale within five days and thereafter at public auction and the same to sell and out of the proceeds thereof to deduct the fine, cost and expenses as aforesaid, including the cost of advertising and selling, and pay over the balance, if any, to the owner of said animal or animals or the person having the same in charge.
[Amended 9-8-1998]
Any person or persons owning such animals or having the same in charge who shall permit or suffer them or any of them to run at large in said streets, lanes or alleys shall forfeit and pay a fine of $25 per offense, each day being a separate offense, and all costs for each offense.