[Adopted 6-12-1973]
[Amended 5-10-2005]
The Town of West Hartford does hereby adopt C.G.S. §§ 4-124i through 4-124p, providing for the formation of a Regional Council of Governments within a planning region, as defined or redefined by the Director of the Office of State Planning, and does hereby join such Regional Council of Governments when and as such Council is duly established in accordance with said statute, upon the adoption of said statute by not less than 60% of all municipalities within such planning region. The adoption of such sections of the Connecticut General Statutes is intended to include the provisions of any special act of the 1973 General Assembly respecting additional representation for the core city within the capitol region on a Regional Council of Governments and a nonvoting advisory regional forum thereunder, consistent with proposed bylaws of such Regional Council of Governments, dated January 25, 1973, and endorsed by the existing Regional Council of Governments on May 3, 1973.