[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck 7-25-1955 as Sec. 7 of Ch. 7 of the Unified Code of Ordinances, effective 10-2-1955. Sections 106-3 and 106-4 amended and § 106-10 added at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Handbills — See Ch. 206.
Fees — See Ch. A347.
No person shall carry on the business of auctioneer or sell any personal property at auction within the Village of Mamaroneck, except his own property, upon the premises owned and occupied by him, or under and by virtue of legal process or for a mortgagee or for an executor or administrator of a decedent who was a resident of the Village of Mamaroneck, unless such person shall have procured a license as required by the terms of this chapter.
A license to sell personal property at public auction within the Village of Mamaroneck may be granted to any person who is a resident thereof.
[Amended 3-23-1987 by L.L. No. 5-1987, effective 4-2-1987]
The fee for the license here required shall be as set forth in Chapter A347, Fees. Such license shall expire on the 31st day of December next succeeding its issuance.
[Amended 3-23-1987 by L.L. No. 5-1987, effective 4-2-1987]
A license may be granted to a nonresident or traveling auctioneer to conduct an auction sale of any personal property within said village upon the payment to the Village Clerk of a fee as set forth in Chapter A347, Fees, for each day or fraction of a day while such sale is continued.
Every person licensed under this chapter is required to execute to the Village of Mamaroneck and file with the Clerk thereof a bond in the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.), the sureties to be approved by the Village Manager conditioned for the faithful observance of the laws of the State of New York and the ordinances of the Village of Mamaroneck now or hereafter enacted relating to auctions and auctioneers. The license required by this chapter shall not be transferred without the written consent of the Manager endorsed thereon.
No auctioneer or other person shall knowingly make any false representations as to the character, quality or ownership of any personal property offered for sale at any public auction within said village.
No auctioneer or other person shall substitute any other article for the article sold to the buyer.
No auctioneer shall bid in any personal property offered for sale by him, and no person shall act as accomplice for the purpose of making false bids at any auction.
No bellman, crier nor any instrument of music or means of attracting the attention of passerby, other than a sign or a flag, shall be employed or permitted to be used at or near any place where any auction sale is conducted, and such sign or flag shall bear the license number given when the license is issued.
[Added 3-23-1987 by L.L. No. 5-1987, effective 4-2-1987]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable, upon conviction thereof, by a fine not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars ($250.) or imprisonment not exceeding fifteen (15) days, or both.