[Amended 2-23-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015, effective 3-12-2015]
Every driver of a taxicab or livery, as defined in Article 1 of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law, who solicits business within the corporate limits of the Village must possess a valid Westchester County Taxi and Limousine Commission taxi driver's license, and must comply with the rules, regulations and requirements of the Westchester County Taxi and Limousine Commission in order to be allowed to drive a taxicab or limousine within the Village of Mamaroneck. Any driver holding a valid Village of Mamaroneck taxi driver's license on the date of adoption of this amendment to the Code may continue to drive a taxicab or livery under such valid taxi driver's license until such Village license expires.
If, for any reason, a driver licensed under this chapter loses his or her Westchester County Taxi and Limousine Commission taxi or limousine driver's license, he or she shall be ineligible to drive a taxicab or livery in the Village until he or she can obtain a new license or authorization from the Westchester County Taxi and Limousine Commission.
Drivers shall maintain a valid taxi driver's license from the Westchester County Taxi and Limousine Commission and shall obtain such new license from the Westchester County Taxi and Limousine Commission before their current Village of Mamaroneck taxi driver's license expires.
All taxi or limousine drivers shall display valid Westchester County Taxi and Limousine Commission driver's licenses within the for-hire vehicle they are driving in a conspicuous place that can be seen by all passengers when the vehicle is in use. A clear duplication of the original license shall not be sufficient to comply with this provision. The taxicab number shall also be similarly displayed inside the vehicle.