[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Marilla 6-12-1997 (Ch. 159 of the 1999 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 381.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 644.
These Town of Marilla Highway Specifications (referred to as "specifications") contain the design and construction requirements of the Town of Marilla for roads, gutters and appurtenant structures. Any conditions which are beyond the scope of these specifications will be submitted to the Town of Marilla Highway Superintendent (referred to as "Superintendent") for consideration and decision.
Construction work shall not begin without a construction permit issued by the Town of Marilla Town Board (referred to as "Town"). A construction permit will be issued only after the Subdivision Map has had the final approval of the Town. Application for a construction permit shall be made to the Superintendent. Two complete sets of the final plans and specifications will accompany the application. These plans and specifications will be reviewed by the Superintendent and/or the Town of Marilla Town Engineer (referred to as "Engineer"). The applicant will be required to revise the plans and specifications to reflect any comments by the Superintendent and/or Engineer at his own expense. Construction permits will be issued by the Town upon favorable recommendation of the Superintendent and Engineer, and payment of a fee shall be established by the Town. No work is to commence prior to issuance of the necessary permits. Any work undertaken without the required permits shall be corrected at the expense of the owner (referred to as "owner").
The owner shall provide a performance bond to the Town in an amount not to exceed 110% of the estimated costs of construction plus 10% contingencies.
After filing the necessary application for the construction permit and before starting the work, the owner shall submit to the Superintendent an outline of his proposed methods and manner of executing the approved work, including sequences of operation and a time schedule for performing the work in accordance with these specifications. The outline and time schedule shall be submitted to the Superintendent no later than two weeks prior to beginning the work.
The latest edition of the following publications shall be considered to be part of these specifications and shall be adhered to unless otherwise stated in these specifications or as modified by the Superintendent and/or Engineer and approved by the Town:
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, by the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (referred to as the "design standards").
Standard Specifications: Construction and Materials, by the Office of Engineering, New York State Department of Transportation (referred to as "Standard Specifications").
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, by the New York State Department of Transportation (referred to as "MUTCD").
Policy and Standards for Entrances to State Highways, by the New York State Department of Transportation (referred to as "Entrances").
Standard Sheets, by the New York State Department of Transportation (referred to as "Standard Sheets").
Whenever the specifications refer to item numbers, such numbers shall be the New York State Department of Transportation item numbers which are referenced in the Standard Specifications.
The right-of-way for highway purposes shall have a minimum width of 66 feet for their entire length and as noted in these specifications under § 623-13. There shall be no dead-end roads with culs-de-sac unless a reserve of sixty-six-foot-wide right-of-way is provided for future extension of a Town highway to an adjacent property. The Town reserves the right not to issue a construction permit in the event that the proposed right-of-way for the street is comprised of offsets, irregularities and short curves.
Legal deed conveyances to the Town of Marilla for rights-of-way shall include a complete description of the parcel or parcels and a fully dimensioned right-of-way map giving all center-line data and measurements in accordance with accepted surveying practices and prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in New York State (referred to as a "professional land surveyor"). The map shall be drawn accurately to a scale of no less than one inch to 100 feet on either of the following size sheets: 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches or 11 inches by 17 inches or 22 inches by 34 inches; and the map shall be sealed by a professional land surveyor. The legal deeds must be accompanied by three copies of the map. No work shall begin until the Town has received the proper number of copies of the deed, with boundary description and sealed map.
Permanent right-of-way markers meeting the requirement of Sections 625-1 through 625-3 of the Standard Specifications shall be installed by the owner at displacements in the right-of-way or where directed by the Superintendent. The cost of furnishing and installing right-of-way markers shall be at the owner's expense.
The Town will accept only those rights-of-way which contain all the necessary roads, gutters, storm sewers and appurtenant structures which have been constructed in accordance with these specifications.
The rights-of-way located in areas served by a sanitary sewer system and/or water distribution system must contain provisions for utilities to be constructed in accordance with other governmental regulations.
The owner or his representative shall be responsible for all phases of the work shown on the application for the construction permit and shall be required to protect all adjoining property, existing highway facilities and utilities. The owner shall be required to repair or replace at his expense any such properties damaged or destroyed by him, his employees, agents or representatives during the construction operations.
The Town shall accept title to the improvements constructed by the owner, provided that the following has been accomplished:
The owner furnishes four sets of as-built drawings to the Superintendent for his approval.
The owner provides a maintenance guaranty to the Town in the form of a maintenance bond for a period not to exceed two years after the Town's acceptance.
The performance bond provided by the owner under Subsection B above shall be in an amount not to exceed 100% of the costs of construction for all work accepted by the Town.
All work authorized by the Town in the construction permit shall be witnessed by the Superintendent or his representative (referred to as "inspector"). Upon receiving the approved construction permit, the owner shall be required to pay for the services of an inspector appointed by the Town during the installation of the improvements; and the owner shall, before starting the work, furnish a bond or cash deposit in an amount determined by the Town to insure payment of such inspector. The owner or his representative shall keep such inspector advised of the work schedule in order that the work may be properly and fully inspected during all stages of construction. The inspector will be on site at all times. No work shall be done unless the inspector is on site to witness the operation.
All hard-surfaced roadways constructed for acceptance by the Town shall be supervised during the construction by the Superintendent and/or Engineer or their designated representative.
Upon satisfactory completion of the work and acceptance by the Town, the owner will be issued a certificate of compliance by the Superintendent.
A meeting will be held prior to starting construction to determine the duties of the inspector and the Town's expectations of the owner and his agents, representatives and contractor during the work. The time schedule shall be available at this meeting to facilitate the inspection and coordination of the construction activities. The meeting shall be attended by the Superintendent, Engineer, inspector, owner and the owner's contractor for the work.
All materials to be incorporated into the work shall be approved by the Superintendent.
The Superintendent may require in situ soil testing to determine the character of the in situ soil. In situ soil testing will be by the owner or his representative, and the written results from the tests submitted to the Superintendent for evaluation and the determination as to soil characteristic and class. All required testing shall be at the expense of the owner. In the areas to be deeded to the Town of Marilla for highway right-of-way, the earthwork construction operations relating to excavation and embankments that require compaction shall not be performed from November 1 to April 1 except with the written permission of and under such special conditions and restrictions as may be imposed by the Superintendent.
When testing of the in situ soils is required, the tests shall be conducted by a certified and competent soils testing laboratory.
Any testing and certification of other materials to be incorporated into the work shall be done at the expense of the owner when requested by the Town.
All streets shall be designed and constructed to conform to the requirements of those portions of the design standards applicable to local road and streets, collector road and streets or as noted below.
All streets and highways shall use a fifty-five-mile-per-hour design speed unless otherwise approved by the Town.
A design speed of 35 miles per hour may be used on collector streets where the annual daily traffic is projected to be fewer than 400 vehicles.
The minimum acceptable grade is six inches per 100 feet or 0.5%, and the maximum acceptable grade is 10 feet per 100 feet or 10%.
The intersection of new subdivision roads shall be at least 500 feet from existing or proposed intersections unless a variation is granted by the Town.
Street jogs with center-line offsets of less than 125 feet shall be avoided.
The proposed street shall intersect other streets or highways at an angle of not less than 75°. All intersecting streets shall be designed such that the intersection approaches follow the angle of intersection for a distance of 100 feet.
The distance between intersecting streets shall be a minimum of 500 feet unless a waiver is granted by the Town.
Exhibit 7 shall be used for the design of a cul-de-sac and permanent turnaround.[1]
Editor's Note: Said exhibit is included at the end of this chapter.
The Town at the Superintendent's recommendation may grant variations to the geometric standards in the event that the existing topography creates severe hardships.
All exits and entrances to adjoining properties from the new street shall conform to the provisions of Entrances, except with the written permission of and under such special conditions and restriction as may be imposed by the Superintendent.
All entrances in to a Town highway will be approved by the Superintendent. No entrance shall be established prior to the Superintendent issuing a driveway permit that stipulates any special conditions under which the entrance is to be constructed.
Driveways may be constructed of concrete, brick, blacktop or crushed stone but no portion of the driveway located within the bounds of the road right-of-way shall be constructed of any material other than blacktop or crushed stone. The Town of Marilla will not be responsible for replacing concrete or brick driveways with like-kind materials. Any driveway replacement by the Town within the right-of-way shall be limited to replacement with blacktop or crushed stone. Notwithstanding the above provision, the Town Highway Superintendent may approve the use of concrete or brick driveway materials where the Town Highway Superintendent, in his sole discretion, determines that such use will facilitate drainage or some other purpose.
[Added 10-8-1998[1]]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
No driveways shall be permitted at the end of a dead-end street. (The purpose of this provision is to facilitate snow removal by the Town Highway Department.)[2]
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Proper drainage of the subgrade surface shall be constructed as shown on the approved road section. Provisions shall be made during construction to have all underdrain and storm sewers drain to a natural drainage area. Where drainage must be transferred from one side of the road to the other, culverts of corrugated-steel pipe or reinforced-concrete pipe meeting the provisions in Section 700 of the Standard Specifications shall be used unless otherwise modified by the Superintendent. A minimum twelve-inch-diameter pipe or equivalent shall be installed unless the study recommends a larger diameter. Headwalls and/or end sections shall be installed on all drainage pipes and culverts within the right-of-way. The installation shall be done in a method to prevent erosion of the material surrounding the pipes and culverts. All work will be completed at the owner's expense.
In the event that the unsatisfactory drainage conditions are encountered during construction, the owner is responsible for providing positive drainage to a natural drainage area as directed by the Superintendent. A hydraulic study undertaken by a licensed professional engineer may be necessary to determine if the new drainage patterns will negatively effect natural drainage conditions. The owner is responsible for the cost of this work.
Catch basins, gutters, underdrain and end sections shall be detailed on the approved plans. Exhibits 2 through 6[1] shall be used during the design of these details. Furthermore, these facilities shall conform to the Standard Specifications and Standard Sheets.
Editor's Note: Said exhibits are included at the end of this chapter.
The general provisions of Sections 201-1 through 201-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications. The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work will be at the owner's expense. The owner shall repair or replace any damage done due to negligence on his part or by his agents and representatives.
The general provisions of Sections 203-1 through 203-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply with the exception of Section 203-3.14, Proof Rolling in Cut Sections, unless modified by the Superintendent. Proof rolling in embankment sections may be waived by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications. The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work will be at the owner's expense.
Whenever unsuitable material (Section 203-1.09 of the Standard Specifications) or soft clay, quicksand, muck or wet spots are encountered in the subgrade area, the following shall be accomplished:
The unsuitable material must be removed to the limits determined by the Superintendent.
The area shall be properly drained with six- or eight-inch-diameter perforated underdrain as directed by the Superintendent.
Dupont Fabric Typar R-3401 or equal, approved by the Superintendent, shall be placed over the entire area.
The area shall be filled with stone or gravel material meeting the requirements of Section 304-2.02 of the Standard Specifications, Gradation Type II, and compacted in accordance with Section 203-3.12, Compaction, of the Standard Specifications.
The Superintendent or Engineer must approve the subgrade prior to placement of underdrain and subbase materials.
The roadbed limits of work shall be six inches wider on each side than the total width of the designed pavement and gutter shown on the approved typical road section.
Foundation courses for permanent roads shall not be used for access or haul roads in wet weather during winter or frozen conditions or at such times when the subgrade could intrude into the foundation course.
Three classes of subgrade have been established based upon the following three soil classifications:
Soil Class 1: Well-drained gravel or sand soils.
Soil Class 2: Average clay/loam soils which are not plastic when wet.
Soil Class 3: Heavy clay soils which are plastic when wet.
The Superintendent will make the determination of subgrade class based upon the written test results provided under § 623-12, Materials, of these specifications.
The general provisions of Sections 304-1 through 304-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply, with the exception of Section 304-3.05, Optional Type, unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications. The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work will be at the owner's expense.
Blast furnace slag and sand will not be used.
Only material meeting the gradation requirements of Type 1 or 2 subbase course is acceptable. Material will be placed to the following number of courses and depth.
Soil Class
Number of Courses
Course Thickness
Compacted Depth
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
Maximum 8
The general provisions of Sections 401-1 through 401-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications. The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work will be at the owner's expense.
The minimum-compacted pavement thicknesses for each course of pavement depending on soil class shall conform to the following.
Base course.
Soil Class
of Courses
Binder course.
Soil Class
of Courses
Top course.
Soil Class
of Courses
Tack coat. The general provisions of Sections 407-1 through 407-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications. The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work will be at the owner's expense.
Weather and seasonal limitations. Asphalt concrete or tack coat shall be placed on surfaces having a temperature of 45° F. or greater unless otherwise authorized by the Superintendent. Top course shall be placed only during the period of May 1 to October 1 unless otherwise authorized by the Town with the recommendation of the Superintendent.
The general provisions of Sections 606-1 through 606-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications.
The type of guide rail to be installed will be determined by the Superintendent.
The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work will be at the owner's expense.
The general provisions of Sections 619-1 through 619-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications.
Necessary measures to maintain and protect traffic during construction shall conform to Section 300 of the MUTCD.
The owner shall be responsible for maintaining and protecting the roadway and cul-de-sac and/or turnaround until the right-of-way is accepted by the Town and the owner is issued the certificate of compliance by the Superintendent.
The owner shall submit a schedule of his proposed road maintenance program to the Town for approval. This schedule must detail maintenance methods, time schedule of maintenance and an estimate of maintenance costs.
The approved road maintenance program shall become part of the project work, and the approved estimate of maintenance costs shall be included in the maintenance guaranty described in § 623-9.
The general provisions of Sections 624-1 through 624-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply with exception of references to asphalt concrete gutters and cobble gutters unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications. All concrete gutters shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Exhibits 2 and 3 of these specifications.[1] The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work will be at the owner's expense.
Editor's Note: Said exhibits are included at the end of this chapter.
Concrete gutters shall not be installed on a frozen or frost-covered base.
The general provisions of Sections 604-1 through 604-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply with exception of references to manholes and leaching basins unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications. Catch basins shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Exhibit 4 of these specifications. Drop inlets shall be either Type A or Type B in accordance with Exhibits 5 and 6 of these specifications[1] or the appropriate Standard Sheet 604-5 through 604-8 as authorized by the Superintendent. The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to satisfactorily complete the work will be at the owner's expense.
Precast catch basin or drop inlets may be used with the approval of the Superintendent. A precast catch basin is manufactured by Kistner Concrete Products, No. CB-3036, or equal may be approved by the Superintendent.
Precast catch basins shall be cast with a six-inch-diameter opening on two opposite sides to allow for connection of six-inch-diameter underdrain.
Frame and grates shall meet the requirements of Section 655-2.02, Frames and Grates, of the Standard Specifications unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent.
An approved frame and grate may be No. R-3350, as manufactured by Neenah Foundry or equal high velocity grate of the dimensions 28 inches by 28 inches.
Editor's Note: Said exhibits are included at the end of this chapter.
The general provisions of Sections 645-1 through 645-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications.
The owner will provide the Superintendent with a sign plan showing the location and text of permanent regulatory, warning and guide signs, delineators and other special devices required to safely control traffic after the project's completion.
Signs, delineators and other special devices shall conform to the requirements of the MUTCD.
The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to complete the work shall be at the owner's expense.
The general provisions of Sections 605-1 through 605-3 of the Standard Specifications shall apply unless modified by the Superintendent. Specific references to New York State Department of Transportation contract documents and agreements are not part of these specifications.
The material used for the underdrain pipe shall be reviewed and approved by the Superintendent.
Underdrain Filter Type III meeting the gradation and quality requirements of Section 703-07, Concrete Sand, of the Standard Specifications will not be used.
The cost of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to complete the installation of underdrain pipe and filter shall be at the owner's expense.