Design and construction.
Design and construction of mobile home courts shall conform to applicable zoning and building regulations and generally accepted standards for mobile home courts.
Open areas shall be adequate to assure privacy, natural light and ventilation for each mobile home and sufficient for essential outdoor uses.
Storm water drainage.
Mobile home courts shall have adequate facilities for drainage of surface and subsurface water.
Grading of the entire property shall be such as to facilitate the safe and efficient drainage of surface water.
Gutters, culverts, catch basins, drain inlets, storm water sewers, approved combined storm and sanitary sewers or other satisfactory drainage systems shall be utilized where deemed necessary.
Surfacing. Walks, driveways and parking spaces shall be provided with paved and durable surfacing so as to provide safe and easy access under normal use and weather conditions.
Overhead wires. Wires installed above driveways and parking spaces shall have a clearance of not less than 18 feet.
Exterior lighting. Artificial lighting shall be provided to illuminate walks, driveways and parking spaces for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night.
Maintenance. Mobile home courts shall be properly maintained so as to assure the desirable residential character of the property.
Travel or vacation trailers. No occupied travel or vacation trailer or other form of temporary type living units shall be permitted in a mobile home court.
Water, sewage, gas and electricity.
A mobile home court shall be provided with the following utilities:
A water supply system.
A sewage disposal system.
An electrical system.
Utilities, including gas piping system where provided, shall have sufficient capacity to supply the requirements of the mobile home court and for the maximum number of connected mobile homes.
Water supply system. Water supply systems shall be designed to provide a sufficient supply of potable water, under adequate pressure, to outlets servicing mobile homes, community structures, drinking fountains, hose connections, hydrants, etc.
Private water system. Where a public water supply system is not available, an adequate private water supply system, approved by the State, County or City Health Department having jurisdiction, shall be provided.
Sewage disposal system.
Sewage disposal systems shall provide each mobile home and community structures containing plumbing fixtures with an adequate and safe method of sewage disposal.
No sewage from a plumbing system shall be disposed of into the waters of the State of New York, except where specially approved by the authority having jurisdiction, in accordance with Article 12 of the New York State Public Health Law.[1]
Editor's Note: Article 12 of the Public Health Law was repealed by L. 1972, c. 664, § 6, effective 9-1-1972; see now Article 17 of the Environmental Conservation Law.
Private sewage disposal system. Where a public sewage disposal system is not available, an adequate private sewage disposal system, approved by the State, County or City Health Department having jurisdiction, shall be provided.
Gas-piping system. Gas-piping system shall be designed to provide a supply of gas sufficient to meet the maximum demand without undue loss of pressure at the connection to the mobile home furthest from the source of supply.
Electrical system. Electrical systems shall be designed to provide adequate capacity to supply the connected load without exceeding the allowable current-carrying capacity of the conductors.
Mobile home stand.
A mobile home lot shall contain a mobile home stand capable of retaining the mobile home in a fixed position.
Mobile home stand shall be adequately compacted and at such elevation, distance and angle, in relation to the accessway, as to facilitate the safe and efficient placement and removal of the mobile home.
Accessory structures. Accessory structures shall be of durable construction and appropriate for intended use and location.
Patios. Patios shall be located so as to provide safe and easy access from the mobile home.
Storage lockers. Storage lockers shall be designed to provide adequate storage facilities convenient to the mobile home.
Utility connections.
A mobile home lot shall be provided with the following utility connections:
A water supply connection.
A sanitary drainage connection.
An electrical receptacle.
Utility connections, including gas connections where provided, shall be readily accessible at the mobile home stand and shall have means for safe and efficient hookup to the mobile home.
Water supply connections shall be located a safe distance from sanitary drainage connection and shall not be subject to surface drainage. Means shall be provided for a suitable watertight connection, without cross-connection and danger of freezing.
Sanitary drainage connections shall be at proper location relative to the mobile home, and piping shall have a continuous grade to the point of disposal. Drainage connections shall be provided with suitable fittings to permit a watertight junction to be made with the mobile home outlet.
Gas connections shall provide a suitable gastight connection to the mobile home.
Electric system connection receptacles or terminal boxes shall be of an approved weatherproof type. Such receptacles shall have provision for an equipment ground.
Community areas, including community facilities, shall be appropriate for intended use and location.
Fences, walls and other minor constructions shall be capable of sustaining anticipated loads.
Swimming pools, playground equipment, etc., shall be designed so as not to be a potential hazard.
Community structures shall be structurally sound and appropriate for intended use and location.
A mobile home court shall be provided with facilities for the safe and efficient storage of required fuels.
Liquefied petroleum gas. Liquefied petroleum gas storage containers having a capacity exceeding 125 gallons shall be located not less than 25 feet from the nearest mobile home, structure, building and lot line and shall not be subject to damage from moving vehicles.
Fuel oil. Fuel oil and other flammable materials shall be stored so as not to be a fire hazard.
A mobile home court shall be maintained in a safe, sanitary and orderly condition.
Premises. Premises shall be kept clean and free from physical hazards.
Brush and weed control. Open areas shall be maintained free of heavy underplant growth, and those which are noxious or detrimental to health shall be eliminated.
Infestation. Grounds and structures shall be maintained free of insects, vermin and rodent harborage and infestation. Methods used for purposes of extermination shall conform with generally accepted practice.
Structures. Exterior wood surfaces of structures that are not inherently resistant to deterioration shall be periodically treated with a protective coating of paint or other suitable preservative.
Garbage and refuse. Adequate sanitary facilities and methods shall be used for the collection, storage, handling and disposal of garbage and refuse.