New wastewater sewers and all extensions to wastewater sewers owned and operated by the City shall be designed by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the state in accordance with the Recommended Standards for Sewage Works, as adopted by the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State Sanitary Engineers ("Ten State Standards") and in strict conformance with all requirements of the NYSDEC. Plans and specifications shall be submitted to, and written approval shall be obtained from, the Oswego County Health Department and the NYSDEC before initiating any construction. Plans and specifications shall also be submitted to, and connection permit(s) obtained from, the City Engineer before initiating any construction. The design shall anticipate and allow for flows from all reasonably anticipated future extensions or developments within the immediate planning area.
When a person proposes to construct wastewater sewers or extensions to wastewater sewers in an area proposed for subdivision, the plans and specifications for construction shall be subject to the approval of the Oswego County Health Department and NYSDEC in accordance with § 199-37 of this article. Said person shall pay for the entire installation, including City connection permit(s), insurance coverage(s), a proportionate share of the treatment plant, intercepting or trunk sewers, pumping stations, force mains and all other expenses incidental thereto. Each building sewer shall be designed, installed and inspected pursuant to Article VII of this Part 2. Design and installation of wastewater sewers shall be as required by this Part 2 and in conformance with Paragraphs 3 through 6 of ASTM Specification C-12. The installation of the wastewater sewer shall be subject to periodic inspection by the City Engineer without prior notice. The City Engineer shall determine whether the work is proceeding in general conformance with the approved plans and specifications and whether the completed work will perform as intended. The wastewater sewer, as constructed, must pass the tests required by this Part 2 before any building sewer is connected thereto. The City Engineer shall be notified 30 days in advance of the start of any construction actions so that such inspection frequencies and procedures as may be necessary or required may be established. No new wastewater sewers will be accepted by the City Common Council until such construction inspections have been made so as to assure the City thereto. The City Engineer has the authority to require such excavation as necessary to inspect any installed facilities if the facilities were covered or otherwise backfilled before they were inspected so as to permit inspection of the construction. The City Engineer shall report all findings of inspections and tests to the Mayor.
Plans and specifications for construction shall conform to the requirements of this article. Material and construction specifications for wastewater sewers shall conform to the City's standard requirements, which include, but are not limited to, type of pipe and joint, class of pipe and load factors, pipe installation, manholes and manhole installation and acceptance testing (air tests, infiltration/exfiltration tests, lamping and deflection tests); a copy of said standard requirements may be obtained from the City Engineer. When requested, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer, Oswego County Health Department and NYSDEC all design calculations and other pertinent data to supplement review of the plans and specifications. Results of manufacturer's tests on each lot of pipe delivered to the job site shall also be furnished upon request.
All wastewater sewers and extensions to wastewater sewers constructed at the applicant's expense, after final approval and acceptance by the City Engineer, and concurrence by the City Common Council, shall become the property of the City and shall thereafter be operated and maintained by the City. No wastewater sewer shall be accepted by the City until four copies of as-built drawings have been so filed with the City Engineer and the City Engineer has approved the submitted drawings. Said wastewater sewers, after their acceptance by the City, shall be guaranteed against defects in materials or workmanship for one year by the applicant. The guarantee shall be in such form and contain such provision as deemed necessary by the City Common Council, secured by a surety bond or such other security as the City Common Council may approve.
All contractors engaged in the installation of new sewers or sewer extensions and building sewers, who perform any work within the City's public right-of-way, shall file a bond, the amount of which shall be determined by the city, with the City Clerk to indemnify the City against loss, cost, damage or expense sustained or recovered on account of any negligence, omission or act of the person or any of his or their agents arising or resulting directly or indirectly by reason of such negligence, omission or act. All bonds shall contain a clause which stipulates that permits given by the City may be revoked at any time for just cause.
Before commencing work, the above person shall file insurance certificates with the City Chamberlain. A copy of the instructions for standard City insurance requirements may be obtained from the City Attorney.
Where it is necessary to enter upon or excavate any highway or cut any pavement, sidewalk or curbing, permission must be obtained from the owner(s) of said facilities.