[Adopted 9-1-1972 as Ch. 2, Sec. 2-10, of the 1972 Code]
[Amended 8-2-1977 by Ord. No. 2290]
There shall be a Department of Law through which the ordinary legal business of the City shall be conducted. The term "City Attorney" shall include any qualified attorney the City Manager may regularly employ, on either a full- or part-time basis, to represent the interests of the City and, if more than one City Attorney is employed, the City Manager shall designate one to serve as head of the legal department. Any City Attorney shall be employed for an indefinite term and shall perform, to the satisfaction of the City Manager, such duties as the City Manager may assign to him.
The City Manager may from time to time employ additional attorneys either to assist the City Attorney or as special counsel for the City for a particular purpose.
The Department of Law shall provide legal advice to the Council and all other officers, departments and agencies of the City government in matters relating to their official powers and duties; provided that the Department of Law is not hereby authorized or designated to provide legal services for the Hospital Authority, the municipal hospital or any of the officers or employees thereof and such legal services shall be separately contracted for by the Hospital Authority. Any City Attorney shall have standing to represent the City in any legal proceedings, including prosecutions in the Municipal Court or appeals therefrom, in accordance with the terms of his employment.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).