[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of East Norriton 4-26-1982 by Ord. No. 171. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform Construction Code — See Ch. 74.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 105.
Stormwater management — See Ch. 166.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 168.
Subdivision and land development — See Ch. 175.
Zoning — See Ch. 205.
No changes shall be made in the contour of the land and no grading, excavating, removal or destruction of the topsoil, trees or other vegetative cover of the land shall be commenced until such time that a plan for minimizing erosion and sedimentation has been processed, reviewed and approved by the Township.
Measures used to control erosion and reduce sedimentation shall, as a minimum, meet the standards and specifications of the Montgomery County Conservation District and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The Township Engineer, or other officials as designated, shall ensure compliance with the appropriate specifications, copies of which are available from the Montgomery County Conservation District or Township Secretary.
[Amended 11-18-2014 by Ord. No. 558]
The following measures are effective in minimizing erosion and sedimentation and shall be included where applicable in the control plan:
Stripping of vegetation, regrading or other development shall be done in such a way that will minimize erosion.
Plans shall preserve salient natural features, keep cut and fill operations to a minimum and ensure conformity with topography so as to create the least erosion potential and adequately handle the volume and velocity of surface water runoff.
Whenever feasible, natural vegetation shall be retained, protected and supplemented.
The disturbed area and the duration of exposure shall be kept to a practical minimum.
Disturbed soils shall be stabilized as quickly as possible.
Temporary vegetation and/or mulching shall be used to protect exposed critical areas during grading operations.
The permanent (final) vegetation and mechanical erosion control and drainage measures shall be installed as soon as practical.
Provisions shall be made to effectively accommodate the increased runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after grading operations. Where necessary, the rate of surface water runoff will be mechanically retarded.
Sediment in the runoff water shall be trapped until the disturbed area is stabilized by the use of debris basins, sediment basins, silt traps or similar measures.
In order to provide more suitable sites for building and other uses, improve surface drainage and control erosion, the following requirements shall be met:
All land within the graded area shall be graded to drain and dispose of surface water without ponding.
All drainage provisions shall be of such design to adequately handle the surface runoff and carry it to the nearest suitable outlet such as a curbed street, storm drain or natural watercourse. Where drainage swales are used to divert surface waters, they shall be sodded or planted as required and shall be of such slope, shape and size as to conform to the requirements of the Township.
Concentration of surface water shall only be permitted in swales or watercourses.
The following are rules which should be followed with respect to excavations and fills:
Cut and fill slopes shall not be steeper than three to one unless stabilized by a retaining wall or cribbing, except as approved by the Board when handled under special conditions.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent surface water from damaging the out face of excavations or the sloping surfaces of fills.
Cut and fills shall not endanger adjoining property.
Fill shall be placed and compacted so as to minimize sliding or erosion of the soil.
Fills shall not encroach on natural watercourses or constructed channels.
Fills placed adjacent to natural watercourses or constructed channels shall have suitable protection against erosion during periods of flooding.
Grading shall not be done in such a way so as to divert water onto the property of another landowner without the written consent of the Board of Supervisors and the affected property owner.
During grading operations, necessary measures for dust control will be exercised.
Grading equipment will not be allowed to cross live streams. Provision will be made for the installation of culverts or bridges as recommended by the Township Engineer and approved in writing by the Board of Supervisors and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
[Amended 11-18-2014 by Ord. No. 558]
Whenever sedimentation is caused by stripping vegetation, regrading or other development, it shall be the responsibility of the person, corporation or other entity causing such sedimentation to remove it from all adjoining surfaces, drainage systems and watercourses and to repair any damage at his expense as quickly as possible.
It is the responsibility of any person, corporation or other entity doing any act on or across a stream, watercourse or swale or upon the floodplain right-of-way thereof to maintain as nearly as possible in its present state the stream, watercourse, swale, floodplain or right-of-way during the pendency of the activity and to return it to its original or equal condition after such activity is completed.
Maintenance of drainage facilities or watercourses originating and completely on private property is the responsibility of the owner to their point of open discharge at the property line or at a communal watercourse within the property.
No person, corporation or other entity shall block, impede the flow of, alter, construct any structure or deposit any material or thing or commit any act which will affect normal or flood flow in any stream or watercourse without having obtained prior approval from the Township and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, whichever is applicable.
[Amended 11-18-2014 by Ord. No. 558]
[Amended 11-18-2014 by Ord. No. 558]
The plan for minimizing erosion and sedimentation described in § 114-1 of this chapter shall be submitted through the Township Zoning Officer to the Township Engineer for review and approval. At the time of submission, an escrow shall be established pursuant to § 166-42.
[Amended 12-19-1988 by Ord. No. 274]
Any person, corporation or other entity who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or who should fail to comply with any notice of violation herein, upon conviction before a District Justice within the magisterial district within which the Township of East Norriton is a part, shall be fined not more than $600 plus costs of prosecution after a summary proceeding brought in the name of the Township before said District Justice. A new and separate offense shall be deemed to be committed for each day that such violation exists. In default of the payment of any fine imposed and the costs, the person or persons that are charged may be sentenced to be committed to the county jail for a period not exceeding 30 days.