The following principles of subdivision and land development, general requirements and minimum standards of design shall be observed by the applicant in all instances, whether or not the proposed improvements are to be accepted by the Township:
All portions of a tract being subdivided shall be taken up in lots, streets, public lands or other proposed uses so that remnants and landlocked areas shall not be created.
When only a portion of a tract is being reviewed relative to subdivision and land development, but where future subdivision or land development is imminent, the applicant shall, subject to approval of his plan, demonstrate that the remainder of the tract or parcel may be subdivided or developed in conformance with the existing zoning classification of land use in a logical and satisfactory manner.
Whenever a parcel of land is being subdivided for the specific purpose of being added to an adjoining parcel of land, then such subdivision application shall be accompanied by an executed agreement of sale between the applicant for subdivision and the owner of the parcel to which the subdivided parcel is to be annexed. Any such subdivision must result in a lot or lots owned by the applicant and the adjoining landowner which shall conform in all respects to the regulations contained in this chapter. In the event that settlement is not held in accordance with the agreement of sale within six months of the date of subdivision approval, then the approval shall be voided.
Whenever possible, applicants shall preserve trees, groves, waterways, scenic points, historic spots and other community assets and landmarks.
Subdivisions and land developments should be laid out so as to avoid the necessity for excessive cut or fill unless specifically warranted by terrain or location.
Flood-prone areas shall not be subdivided or developed except in strict compliance with the standards and requirements of § 175-33 of this article.
Where no public water supply is available to the subdivision or land development, the Supervisors shall require the subdivider, developer or builder to obtain from the District Sanitarian of the Pennsylvania Department of Health or other appropriate state agency certificates of approval as to the quality and adequacy of the water supply proposed to be utilized by the subdivider, developer or builder and approval of the type of construction methods to be employed in the installation of the individual water supply system.
Where the subdivision or land development is inaccessible to sanitary sewers, the Supervisors shall require the subdivider, developer or builder to obtain from the Sewage Enforcement Officer, the Department of Environmental Resources or other appropriate state agency certificates of approval of the sewage disposal facilities to be provided by the subdivider, developer or builder.
Applicants shall observe the ultimate right-of-way for contiguous existing streets as prescribed by the Official Map for the Township.[1] Additional portions of the corridors for such streets shall be offered to the government agency having jurisdiction at the time the subdivision or land development is consummated. Applicable building setback lines, as defined by the Township Zoning Ordinance of current adoption,[2] shall be delineated as measured from the ultimate right-of-way street line.
Editor's Note: The Official Map is on file in the Township offices and may be examined there during regular business hours.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 205, Zoning.
Proposed subdivision and land development shall be coordinated with the existing nearby neighborhood so that the community as a whole may develop harmoniously.
Improvement construction requirements will be completed under specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources or other appropriate state agency, the Montgomery County Soil and Water Conservation District or other appropriate agency or the specifications included herein, whichever specifications shall result in the stricter interpretation of this chapter.
Construction of facilities. The subdivider, developer or builder shall, where specified by the Township, construct and install, with no expense to the Township, the streets, curbs, sidewalks, water mains, sanitary and storm sewers, streetlights, fire hydrants, street signs, shade trees, monuments and recreational facilities and other facilities and utilities specified in this article. Construction and installation of such facilities and utilities shall be subject to inspection by appropriate Township officials during the progress of the work, and the subdivider shall pay for inspection.
The standards of design in this article should be used to judge the adequacy of subdivision proposals. Where, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, the literal application of these standards in certain cases would work undue hardship or be plainly unreasonable, the Township Planning Commission may recommend to the Board such reasonable exceptions as will not be contrary to the public interest.
Modification of the requirements of one or more provisions of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance may be granted if the literal enforcement will exact undue hardship because of the peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question, provided that such modification will not be contrary to the public interest and that the purpose and intent of the ordinance is observed.
All requests for a modification shall be in writing and shall accompany and be a part of the application for development. The request shall state in full the grounds and facts of unreasonableness or hardship on which the request is based, the provision or provisions of the ordinance involved and the minimum modification necessary. The request for modification may be referred to the Planning Commission for advisory comments. The Township shall maintain a written record of all action on all requests for modifications.
A transportation impact study shall be undertaken for all subdivision and land developments meeting the criteria of Subsection C below to:
Enable the Township to assess the impact of a proposed development on the local transportation system.
Ensure that proposed developments do not adversely affect the transportation network and to identify any traffic problems associated with access from the site to the existing transportation network.
Delineate solutions to potential problems.
Present improvements to be incorporated into the proposed development.
Protect air quality, conserve energy and encourage use of public transportation.
The transportation impact study shall be prepared by a qualified traffic engineer and/or transportation planner with previous traffic study experience. The procedures and standards for the traffic study are set forth in Subsection D of this section utilizing the terminology contained in the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, 1985, as may be hereafter revised (hereinafter referred to as the "Highway Capacity Manual").
A transportation impact study shall be required for all subdivisions and land developments that meet one or more of the following criteria:
Residential: 10 or more dwelling units.
Commercial: a commercial building(s) consisting of 10,000 square feet or more of gross leasable floor space.
Office: a development consisting of 10,000 square feet or more of gross leasable floor space.
Industrial: any development of such nature.
Institutional: any development of such nature.
For other types of development or where special conditions exist, the supervisors may request the preparation of a transportation impact study for any other subdivisions or land development. Special conditions include but are not limited to development generating 100 new trips into or out of the site at either a.m. or p.m. peak hour, using Institute of Transportation Engineers standards.
The transportation impact study shall contain but not be limited to the following information:
General site description.
The site description shall include the size, location, proposed land uses, construction staging and completion date of the proposed subdivision or land development. If the development is residential, types of dwelling units and number of bedrooms shall also be included. The general site description shall also include probable socioeconomic characteristics of potential site users to the extent that it may affect the transportation needs of the site (i.e., number of senior citizens).
The description shall also contain a full documentation of the proposed internal transportation system. This description shall include proposed internal vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian circulation, all proposed ingress and egress locations, all internal roadway widths and rights-of-way, parking conditions, traffic channelization and any traffic signals or other intersection-control devices within the site. The site design shall be shown to maximize potential public transportation usage to and from the development, such as providing adequate turning radii at all access points to allow a bus to enter the development. Bus shelter and sign locations shall be designated where appropriate.
Area conditions.
The size of the study area shall extend 1/2 mile from all property boundary lines of the proposed subdivision or land development. Care should be taken to include in the study all known congested locations that may be impacted by the proposed development. A brief description of other existing and proposed subdivisions and land developments within the study area shall be provided.
The report shall describe the entire external roadway system within the study area. Major intersections in the study area shall be identified and sketched. All existing and proposed public transportation services and facilities within a one-mile radius of the site shall also be documented. All proposed future highway improvements, including proposed construction and traffic signalization, shall be noted. This information shall be obtained from the Twelve-Year Highway Capital Program for the Delaware Valley Region, from the East Norriton Township Comprehensive Plan, from the Montgomery County Planning Commission and from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Any proposed roadway improvements resulting from proposed surrounding developments shall also be recorded.
Existing traffic conditions.
Existing traffic conditions shall be measured and documented for all major streets and intersections identified in the study area. Intersection traffic counts shall include traffic volumes during the peak highway and peak development hours and for average daily conditions.
Intersection capacity analyses shall be conducted at all intersections examined for existing conditions according to the Highway Capacity Manual published by the Transportation Research Board. Levels of service shall be determined at all intersections. This analysis will determine the adequacy of the existing roadway system to serve the current traffic demand. Roadways and intersection approaches experiencing Levels of Service E or F shall be noted as congestion locations, and improvements shall be recommended to accommodate existing traffic conditions.
Base conditions.
The selection of a horizon year for which study results are to be characterized may be directly related to local plan horizons, development phasing (for this and other projects) or major transportation system changes. Table 1 sets forth the appropriate study horizon, based on the number of trips generated by the development during the peak hour.
Table 1
Appropriate Study Horizons
Development Characteristic
Suggested Horizons
Small development (under 500 peak hour trips)
Anticipated opening year, assuming full buildout and occupancy.
Moderate single-phase development (under 500 to 1,000 peak hour trips)
Anticipated opening year, assuming full development buildout and occupancy.
Adopted transportation plan horizon year if the development is significantly larger than that included in the adopted plan or forecasts for the area.
Large single-phase development (over 1,000 peak hour trips)
Anticipated opening year, assuming full buildout and occupancy.
Adopted transportation plan horizon year.
Moderate or large multiple-phase development
Anticipated opening years of each major phase, assuming buildout and full occupancy of each phase.
Anticipated year of complete buildout and occupancy.
Adopted transportation plan horizon year.
Additional years when major area transportation improvement is completed.
NOTE: Peak hour trips are based on trip generation.
Base conditions, that is, horizon year conditions without the subject site being developed, shall be determined for all peak hours examined. Base condition traffic will consist of the existing traffic expanded to the horizon year using an annual background growth factor and traffic generated by other proposed developments in the study area. All sources used in developing the background growth factor should be stated. The traffic generated by other developments in the area should be determined from the manual, Trip Generation, Fourth Edition, 1987, or as may be amended, an Institute of Transportation Engineers Informational Report.
Capacity analyses for the base condition peak hour volumes should be conducted according to the Highway Capacity Manual. Levels of service shall be determined at all intersections. This analysis will determine the adequacy of the horizon year roadway system to serve the base condition traffic demand. Roadways and intersection approaches experiencing Levels of Service E or F shall be noted as congestion locations, and improvements will be recommended to accommodate the horizon year traffic conditions.
Transportation impact of the development.
The traffic generated by the proposed development shall be determined according to the manual, Trip Generation, Fourth Edition, 1987, or as may be amended, an Institute of Transportation Engineers Informational Report. Where the appropriate date is not available for the proposed subdivision and land development use, the developer shall provide the rates applied and document the source of the rate applied. If the developer requests to use significantly different rates than those given, he/she shall submit the rates and specific justification to the Township Engineer prior to submission of the transportation impact study for approval or denial. Trip generation shall be conducted for average daily traffic, highway peak hours and the land development or subdivision peak hours. These generated volumes shall be distributed to the study area and assigned to the existing streets and intersections throughout the study area. Documentation of all assumptions used in the distribution and assignment phase shall be provided. Traffic characteristics of the site that will cause unusual trip generation rates and/or traffic flows shall be noted.
The total future traffic demand in the study area based on full occupancy of the proposed development shall be calculated. This demand shall consist of the combination of the base condition volumes and the development-generated traffic.
Pedestrian volumes shall also be calculated, if applicable. If school crossings are to be used, pedestrian volumes shall be assigned to each crossing.
An intersection capacity analysis shall be conducted for projected conditions. If staging of the proposed development is anticipated, calculations for each stage of completion shall be made. This analysis shall be performed using the peak highway hour(s) and peak development-generated hour(s) for all intersections examined in the study area. Levels of service shall be determined at all intersections. This analysis will determine the adequacy of the horizon year roadway system to serve the projected traffic demand. Roadways and intersection approaches experiencing Levels of Service E or F shall be noted as congestion locations and improvements shall be recommended to accommodate the projected traffic conditions.
All pedestrian crossings and access points and unsignalized intersection approaches operating at Levels of Service E or F shall be examined as to the feasibility of installing traffic signals. This evaluation shall examine the feasibility of installing a traffic signal according to both PADOT (Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Publication 201, Engineering and Traffic Studies, Subchapter D, Traffic Control Restrictions) and U.S. DOT (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration) standards.
Conclusions and recommended improvements.
All roadways or intersection approaches operating at Levels of Service of E or F shall be considered deficient, and specific recommendations for the elimination of these problems shall be listed. This listing of recommended improvements shall include but not be limited to the following elements: internal circulation design, site access location and design, external street and intersection design and improvements, traffic signal installation and operation, including signal timing, and transit design improvements.
Existing and/or future public transportation shall also be addressed. A listing of all actions to be undertaken to increase present public transportation usage and improve service, if applicable, shall be included.
The listing of recommended improvements for both streets and transit shall include, for such improvement, the party responsible for the improvement, the cost and funding of the improvement and the proposed completion date for the improvement.
The planning agencies having jurisdiction, including but not limited to the Township Planning Commission and/or the Montgomery County Planning Commission, shall review the transportation impact study to determine its adequacy in solving any traffic problems which may occur due to the land development or subdivision and make recommendations to the supervisors.
The Township may decide that certain improvements contained in the study on or adjacent to the site are required for application plan approval and may attach these conditions to the preliminary approval.
The improvement plans shall not be submitted to PADOT and/or the Montgomery County Permits Office until such plans are approved by the Township. This submittal shall be accompanied by comments of the Township and the Montgomery County Planning Commission.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish an impact fee program to ensure that the transportation system is available and adequate to support new growth and development. To advance this objective, there is hereby created an impact fee payable to the Township prior to building permit issuances.
General findings and conditions. The Board of Supervisors hereby finds and declares that:
The conditions and standards for the determination and imposition of the impact fee set forth herein are those set forth in Act 209 of 1990,[2] and any and all amendments thereto (hereinafter the "Act"), and consist of:
The recitals set forth above;
The analysis, advice and recommendation of the Traffic Advisory Committee;
The Land Use Assumptions as adopted by the Board of Supervisors;
The Roadway Sufficiency Analysis as adopted by the Board of Supervisors;
The Transportation Capital Improvement Plan, as adopted by the Board of Supervisors; and
Such other conditions and standards as the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, identify from time to time as being relevant and material to the imposition of an impact fee and consistent with the provisions of the Act and any amendments thereto.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10501-A.
The collection, distribution and accounting of impact fees shall be administered by the office of the Township Manager or Secretary/Treasurer, subject to review, oversight and control by the Board of Supervisors.
The time, method and procedure for payment of impact fees shall be as set forth in this section.
The procedure for credits against or refunds of impact fees shall be as set forth in this section.
Definitions. The terms and definitions set forth in § 502-A of the Act[3] are hereby adopted and incorporated in this section by reference.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10502-A.
Imposition. There is hereby enacted an impact fee to be imposed upon new development for the purpose of off-site public transportation capital improvements authorized by the Act and as described in the program adopted by the Board of Supervisors. The impact fee shall apply to all new developments or subdivisions within the transportation service area identified herein and shall be a condition precedent to final approval of a development or a subdivision plan or issuance of a building permit.
Uses. Impact fees collected pursuant to this section shall be expended for cost incurred for improvements attributable to new development and designated in the Transportation Capital Improvement Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors in Resolution No. 1959 for improvements within the transportation service area. Additionally, such fees may be used for the acquisition of land and rights-of-way, engineering, legal, planning costs and all other cost, including debt service related to road improvements within the designated service area, and including such proportionate amount of the Roadway Sufficiency Analysis as is allowed under the provisions of the Act.
Documents adopted by the Board of Supervisors. The following documents, previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors, are hereby incorporated by reference in this section:
Land Use Assumptions as adopted by Township resolution.
Roadway Sufficiency Analysis as adopted by Township resolution.
The Transportation Capital Improvement Plan as adopted by Township resolution.
The Impact Fee Schedule as adopted by Township resolution.
Designation of Transportation Service Area as the entire Township consisting of 6.11 square miles.
Special traffic studies.
Where intended to assist in determining the appropriate amount of traffic impact fees, the Township may require the preparation of special transportation studies to determine the traffic generation or circulation patterns in new nonresidential developments only; provided, however, that no studies may be required where the proposed development will not require a deviation from the land use assumptions used to create the Plan.
Any such studies required by the Township shall be submitted prior to the imposition of the impact fee and shall be considered in the determination of the fee.
Applicability of impact fee. This section shall be uniformly applicable to all development that occurs within a designated service area.
Imposition of impact fee. No building permit shall be issued for a development in a designated service area, as herein defined, unless the applicant therefore has paid the impact fee imposed by and calculated pursuant to this section.
Calculation of impact fees.
The impact fee for transportation capital improvements shall be based upon the total cost of the road improvements included in the adopted Transportation Capital Improvement Plan within the transportation service area attributable to and necessitated by new development within the service area as defined, divided by the number of anticipated peak-hour trips generated by all new development within the service area as defined, divided by the number of anticipated peak-hour trips generated by all new development consistent with the adopted Land Use Assumptions and calculated in accordance with the Trip Generation Manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineer, fourth or subsequent editions, which is hereby adopted by the Township, to equal a per-trip cost for transportation improvement within the service area.
The specific impact fee for a specific new development or subdivision within the service area or road improvements shall be determined as of the date of preliminary land development or subdivision approval by multiplying the per-trip cost established for the service as determined in the Transportation Capital Improvement Plan by the estimated number of peak-hour trips to be generated by the new development or subdivision using generally accepted traffic engineering standards.
The Board of Supervisors may authorize or require the preparation of a special transportation study in order to determine traffic generation or circulation for a new nonresidential development to assist in the determination of the amount of the transportation fee for such development or subdivision as required in § 175-17.1, Transportation impact study.
Establishment of transportation service areas.
The transportation service areas shall be all of East Norriton Township.
Additional transportation district areas or combinations of transportation district subareas may be designated by the Board of Supervisors from time to time consistent with the procedure set forth in this section and in consideration of the following factors:
The Comprehensive Plan;
Any standards for adequate public facilities incorporated in the Plan;
The projected buildout and timing of development areas;
The need for and cost of unprogrammed transportation improvements necessary to support projected development; and
Such other factors as the Board of Supervisors may deem relevant.
Calculation of peak hour trip fee for transportation service area. The amount of the per-peak-hour-trip fee for the Transportation Service Area shall be $2,123 until and unless revised or amended in accordance with the provisions hereof and the Act, calculated in accordance with §§ 504-A(e)(1)(iv)(c) and 505-A(a)(1) of the Act.[4] This fee was calculated as follows:
[Amended 8-28-2007 by Ord. No. 500]
Total cost of road improvements included in the adopted Transportation Capital Improvement Plan attributable to and necessitated by new development within the Transportation Service Area including 50% of the estimated cost of improvements to highways, roads and streets qualifying as a state highway or portion of the rural highway system as provided in § 102 of the State Highway Law and also the assumption was made that 50% of funding for county owned roads would come from other sources: $4,368,007.
Prorated share of costs of Roadway Sufficiency Analysis Report pursuant to § 502-A(d)(5) of the Act (28% x $35,000 = $9,800).
      + 9,800
Four million three hundred seventy-seven thousand eight hundred seven dollars divided by 2062 total per peak hour trips = $2,123 per peak hour trip.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10504-A(e)(1)(iv)(C) and 53 P.S. § 10505-A(a)(1), respectively.
Projects not contained in the Transportation Capital Improvement Plan. Any other provisions of this section to the contrary notwithstanding, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Township may expend transportation impact fees paid by an applicant on projects not contained in the Transportation Capital Improvement Plan or may provide credit against transportation impact fees for the value of any construction projects not contained in the Transportation Capital Improvement Plan which are performed at the applicant's expense if all of the following criteria are met:
The applicant has provided written consent for use of its collected impact fees or provisions of such credit against the applicant's impact fees for specific transportation projects which are not included in the Transportation Capital Improvement Plan.
The alternative transportation projects, whether highway or multimodal, have as their purpose the reduction of traffic congestion or the removal of vehicle trips from the roadway network.
The Township amends its Transportation Capital Improvement Plan components required by § 504-A(e)(1)(vi) of the Act[5] to provide replacement of the collected impact fees transferred to transportation projects outside the Transportation Capital Improvement Plan from sources other than impact fees or developers contributions within three years of completion of the alternate projects to which the transferred fees were applied or for which credit was provided. All interest earned on such funds shall become funds of that account. The Township shall make an accounting annually for any funds account containing impact fee proceeds and earned interest. Such accounting shall include, but not be limited to, the total funds collected, the source of the funds collected, the total amount of interest accruing on such funds and the amount of funds expended on specific transportation improvements. Notice of the availability of the results of the accounting shall be included and published as part of the annual audit required of the Township. A copy of the report shall also be provided to the Transportation Impact Fee Advisory Committee.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. 10504-A(e)(1)(vi).
Nonbinding impact fee estimate. Prior to making an application for a building permit, an applicant may request a nonbinding impact fee estimate from the Township, which shall be based upon the maximum development potential of the site pursuant to existing zoning regulations, unless the applicant specifies a lesser use of development.
Administration of impact fee.
Collection of impact fee. Impact fees due pursuant to this section shall be collected by the Township in the manner or manners prescribed herein prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Establishment of fund. Upon receipt of impact fees, the Township Manager or Finance Director shall be responsible for the separate and proper accounting of such fees. All such fees shall be deposited in interest-bearing accounts in a bank authorized to receive deposits of the Township funds. Interest earned by each account shall be credited to that account and shall be used solely for the purpose specified for funds of such account.
Establishment and maintenance of accounts. The Township Manager or Finance Director shall establish appropriate trust fund accounts and shall maintain records whereby impact fees collected can be segregated for each transportation district service area.
Maintenance of records. The Township Manager or Finance Director shall maintain and keep adequate financial records for each such account which shall show the source and disbursement of all revenues, which shall account for all moneys received, and which shall ensure that the disbursement of funds from each account shall be used solely and exclusively for the provision of projects specified in the plan for the particular transportation service area.
Method of payment. Payment of the transportation capital improvements impact fee shall be made in cash, certified check or bank check by the person seeking to build or develop.
Credit. Any applicant who shall perform, at his own expense and with the consent and agreement of the Board of Supervisors, off-site improvements, as herein defined, shall be eligible for a credit from the impact fee otherwise due in the amount of the actual cost of such off-site improvements as defined below. Such credit shall not exceed the amount of the impact fee.
If the applicant makes such improvements, he must enter into an agreement with the Board of Supervisors prior to the issuance of any building permit. The agreement must establish the estimated cost of the improvement, which shall be an amount equal to the value of any road improvement construction which is contained in the Transportation Capital Improvements Plan and which was performed at the applicant's expense, the schedule for initiation and completion of the improvement, a requirement that the improvement be completed to Township and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation standards and design criteria and such other terms and conditions as deemed necessary by the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors must review the improvement plan, verify cost and time schedules, determine if the improvement is an eligible improvement and determine the amount of the applicable credit for such improvement to be applied to the otherwise applicable impact fee prior to issuance of any building permit. In no event shall the Board of Supervisors provide a credit which is greater than the applicable impact fee. If, however, the amount of the credit is calculated to be greater than the amount of the impact fee due, the applicant may use such excess credit toward the impact fees imposed on other building permits for development on the same site and in the same ownership.
Any such applicant shall be required to supply financial security sufficient, in the judgment of the Township, to cover the cost of any such improvement installed by the applicant for which credit is sought.
An applicant shall be entitled to, as a credit against impact fees, an amount equal to the fair market value of land dedicated by the applicant and accepted by the Township for future right-of-way, realignment or widening of existing roadways.
Impact fees collected pursuant to this section shall be refunded, together with interest earned thereon, to the payer of the fees under the following circumstances:
In the event the Township completes or terminates the capital improvements plan and there remain undisbursed funds, the respective payers shall be entitled to a share of the fund balance in the same proportion as the payer's impact fee payment plus interest earned bears to the total impact fees collected plus interest.
In the event any specific road improvement project is completed at a cost to the Township of less than 95% of the budgeted cost of the road project, the Township shall refund an amount equal to the excess budgeted cost over actual cost to the payers, pro rata, plus accumulated interest.
In the event the Township fails to commence construction within three years of the scheduled construction date of the project as set forth in the Transportation Capital Improvements Plan, the Township shall refund the portion of the fee paid by a payer making written request therefor which is attributable to said project, with accumulated interest, provided that no refund shall be paid with respect to any project actually begun prior to the receipt of such refund request.
In the event the development for which impact fees were paid has not commenced prior to the expiration of the building permit issued thereof, the impact fees paid with accumulated interest shall be refunded to the payer. Further, if a building permit after issuance is altered in such a way as to reduce the indicated impact fee, the difference between the amount indicated and the amount actually paid shall be refunded. The payer, at his option, may roll over the impact fees attributable to an expired building permit to cover fees incurred by a renewal of said expired permit.
With respect to refunds arising out of Subsection R(1)(a) or (b) hereof, any funds unclaimed within one year after notice as required by law shall be transferred to the general account of the Township, and the payer's entitlement to said refund shall lapse. It is the responsibility of the payer to provide the Township with the current address of his place of business.
Effect of impact fee on zoning and subdivision/land development regulations. This section shall not affect, in any manner, the permissible use of property, density of development, previously adopted design and improvement standards and requirements or any other aspect of the development of land or provision of public improvements which remain subject to applicable zoning and subdivision/land development regulations of the Township, which shall be operative and remain in full force and effect without limitation with respect to all such development.
Impact fee as additional and supplemental requirement. The impact fee is additional and supplemental to and not in substitution of any other requirements imposed by the Township on the development of land or the issuance of building permits. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to alter or affect the Township's existing ordinances and regulations regarding on-site improvements. In no event shall a property owner be obligated to pay for transportation capital improvements in an amount in excess of the amount calculated pursuant to this section; provided, however, that a property owner may be required to pay, pursuant to Township ordinances, regulations or policies, for other public facilities in addition to the impact fee for transportation improvements as provided herein.
Liberal construction. The provisions of this section shall be liberally construed to effectively carry out its purposes which are hereby found and declared to be in furtherance of the public health, safety, welfare and convenience.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 432, adopted 5-22-2001, which added this section, provided that it shall be retroactive to 1-18-2000, the date on which the Impact Fee Advisory Committee was formed pursuant to Res. No. 1893. It also provided that impact fees may be imposed on those projects involving developments, subdivisions and PRDs for which an application has been filed on or after 2-1-2000, the first publication of notice of the Township's intent to adopt this ordinance.
All new streets and culs-de-sac and widened portions of all existing rights-of-way, intended for public use, including but not limited to state and county roadways, shall be dedicated to the Township or other governmental body having jurisdiction at the time of dedication, subject to final acceptance based on compliance with the following requirements and § 175-52 of this chapter.
Street system.
Conformance with adopted plans. The proposed street pattern shall be properly regulated to existing streets, to the Township Plan of Streets and to such county and state road and highway plans as have been duly adopted by the appropriate agency.
Arrangement. Streets shall be arranged in a manner to meet with the approval of the Board, considered in relation to both existing and planned streets and located so as to allow proper development of surrounding properties. Secondary and through highways shall be connected with such existing streets and highways so as to form continuations thereof. Residential streets shall be laid out to discourage their use as secondary streets or through highways.
Conformity with topography. Streets shall be adjusted to the contour of the land so as to produce usable lots and streets of reasonable grade, alignment and drainage.
Grading. The street shall be graded to the full width of the right-of-way and provision made for slopes beyond the right-of-way in conformance with Township specifications.
Provisions of streets for future development. Access shall be given to all lots and portions of the tract in the subdivision and to adjacent unsubdivided territory. Streets giving such access shall be improved to the limits of the subdivision. Remnants, reserve strips and landlocked areas shall not be created.
New streets. New streets shall be laid out to continue existing streets at equal or greater right-of-way and cartway width, where such continuations are reasonable and practical.
Dead-end streets. Dead-end streets are prohibited, unless designed as culs-de-sac or designed for access exclusively to neighboring tracts.
Street names. Continuations of existing streets shall be known by the same name. Names for new streets shall not duplicate or closely resemble names of existing streets. All street names are subject to the approval of the Board.
Half streets. The dedication of half streets at the edges of a new subdivision is prohibited. If circumstances render this impracticable, adequate provision for the concurrent dedication of the remaining half of the street must be furnished by the subdivider, developer or builder. When there exists a half street in an adjoining subdivision, the remaining half shall be provided by the proposed development.
Street alignment.
Sight distance on horizontal and vertical curves. Proper sight distance should be provided with respect to both horizontal and vertical alignments. Measured along the center line, this should be 500 feet for major roads, 300 feet for secondary roads and 200 feet for local residential streets, measured at the center line and at driver's eye height of five feet.
Horizontal curves shall be used at all changes in excess of 2°. Long radius curves shall be used rather than a series of curves connected by short tangents. Minimum radius curves at the end of long tangents will not be approved.
Curvature. The minimum radius at the center line for horizontal curves on major streets shall be 300 feet; for secondary streets, 200 feet; and for rural or residential streets, 150 feet.
Tangents between curves. Except for local streets, there shall be a tangent of at least 100 feet measured at the center line between reverse curves.
Vertical curves. Vertical curves shall be used at changes in grade of more than 1%. The length of the curve shall approximate 50 feet on secondary streets and 25 feet on residential streets for each 1% of change in grade. Over summits or in sumps, vertical curves shall not produce excessive flatness in grade. The high or low point on a vertical curve must be definitely and clearly shown.
Street grades.
There shall be a minimum grade of at least 1% on all streets.
Maximum grades. There shall be a maximum grade of 7% on major and secondary streets and 10% on residential streets for distances of not more than 1,500 feet. However, grades in excess of 5% shall be avoided wherever possible. The grade shall be measured along the center line.
Curve-grade combinations. A combination of minimum radius horizontal curves and maximum grades will not be approved.
Street intersections. The grade within 50 feet of any side of an intersection or the outer perimeter of a cul-de-sac shall not exceed 3%. The grade will be measured along the curbline of the street.
Street grading. All streets shall be graded to the grades shown on the street profile and cross-section plan submitted and approved with the preliminary plan of subdivision and land development. They shall be inspected and checked for accuracy by the Township Engineer.
Right-of-way width, paving width and curbing.
Classification. All streets will be classified as residential, secondary, major or cul-de-sac and shall be governed as follows:
Residential streets shall be those which are used strictly to serve residential areas and do not serve as through streets in a development. They shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 50 feet and shall have a minimum paved width of 30 feet. Construction of the street, curbing and sidewalk shall be in accordance with specifications hereinafter included in these standards.
Secondary streets shall be defined in two ways:
Secondary feeder streets shall be those which are used as connecting and through streets to serve residential areas and to connect residential streets to collector roads and community facilities with light traffic volumes. They shall have a minimum right-of-way of 60 feet and shall have a minimum paved width of 36 feet. Curbing and/or sidewalk shall be provided as required. Construction of the street curbing and sidewalk shall be in accordance with specifications hereinafter included in the standards.
A secondary collector street shall serve to connect feeder streets and residential streets to other feeder roads, community facilities and major highways with medium traffic volume. Additionally, collector streets may also serve business or industrial areas. They shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 80 feet and shall have a minimum paved width of 40 feet. The construction of the street, curbing and sidewalk shall conform to construction specifications hereinafter included in these standards.
Major streets connect district centers or communities serving large volumes of fast-moving through traffic. They shall have a minimum right-of-way of 100 feet and shall have a minimum paved width of 52 feet. The street must be provided with curbing. Construction of the street curbing and sidewalk shall be in accordance with specifications included hereinafter in these standards.
Cul-de-sac streets shall be those residential streets with one end open for vehicular access and the other end terminating in a vehicular turnaround. The circular turnaround of all culs-de-sac shall be constructed with the curvature starting at a tangent point on the right-hand side of the roadway and with the arc curving to the left.
A cul-de-sac will not be approved when a through street is practicable.
A cul-de-sac shall not be more than 500 feet in length.
A cul-de-sac must be a side street and not be the permanent culmination of another street to form a four-way intersection.
A cul-de-sac shall have a right-of-way of 50 feet and shall have a circular turnaround with a minimum right-of-way radius of 50 feet and an outer paving radius of 40 feet.
A cul-de-sac permanently terminated will not be approved when a through street is practicable. The subdivider shall have the burden of showing the impracticability of the through street in order to justify a cul-de-sac.
A cul-de-sac permanently or temporarily exceeding 500 feet in length may be approved by the Board if conditions of the land so warrant.
Where it is proposed that a road be constructed to an abutting property line with the intention that such a road will be extended onto the adjoining property at a future date, the temporarily terminated cul-de-sac shall be constructed the same as one permanently terminated, including the right-of-way width. Construction of the street curbing and sidewalk shall be in accordance with specifications hereinafter included in these standards.
Street width. The minimum widths of the right-of-way and the paving and the requirements for curbing shall not be less than those of an existing street of which the new street is to be a continuation nor less than the following:
Type of Street
Right-of-Way Width
Paving Width
52 (or more as may be required)
As may be required
As may be required
As may be required
NOTE: Where the subdivision fronts on an existing street, the existing paved portion shall be extended to the required curbline. Construction of any such widening shall be as directed by the Township Engineer.
The minimum right-of-way width for development along existing streets will correspond with the ultimate right-of-way for these streets.
Islands and medial strips may be permitted in streets immediately adjacent and in commercial zones. However, no circles or circular segments shall be permitted on any street.
Additional width requirements.
Additional widths may be required by the Township:
Where necessary for public safety and convenience.
For parking in commercial or industrial areas.
Where old roads do not provide the proper width, and additional dedication is necessary.
No fences, hedges, trees, shrubbery, walls, plantings or other obstructions shall be located or permitted within the right-of-way.
Street paving. All street paving must conform to the specifications incorporated in this section of the standards and be approved by the Township Engineer prior to acceptance by the Board. All grades, horizontal curves intersections, sight distances and tangents shall conform to the requirements established by this chapter and shall be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer.
The bottom of the excavation and the top of the fill between the outer limits of the paving or base course, when completed, will be known as the "subgrade" and shall conform to the lines, grade and cross sections given. The subgrade for macadam paving shall conform to the established line, grade and cross section as approved by the Board. The subgrade shall be solidly compacted to a firm and unyielding state by rolling with a minimum of a ten-ton power roller. Unstable areas shall be removed and replaced with suitable fill and then rerolled as required to provide a uniform even surface.
After the excavation or rough grading has been performed and all drains have been constructed, the subgrade will be fine graded and shaped to the proper cross section. It shall be brought to a firm unyielding surface by rolling the entire area with an approved three-wheel power roller having a metal weight of not less than 10 tons. Solid rock, boulders, soft clay and all spongy materials which will not consolidate under the roller shall be removed from the subgrade to a depth to be determined by the Township Engineer or other person designated by the Board. The space shall be filled with suitable material from the excavation and the subgrade rerolled until it presents a smooth and firm surface of the proper shape and cross section. Crown board and straight edge shall be used for checking road and street construction. Maximum deviation shall not exceed 1/4 inch.
Supporting shoulder shall be constructed on all sections of projects where a base course or pavement is to be constructed without other permanent support along the sides. All shoulder shall be thoroughly compacted and graded to provide drainage from the macadam surface.
Where concrete curbing is not to be constructed, shoulders are to be constructed adjacent to the paving of the proposed road. The width and type of construction, grade and construction methods of these shoulders is to be determined by or must meet the approval of the Township Engineer or other person designated by the Board.
Paving base course. The base course shall be bituminous concrete base course.
Bituminous concrete base course. Bituminous concrete base course shall have a compressed thickness after compaction of six inches, except in the case of roadway construction in the Industrial or Limited Industrial Zoning Districts, where the bituminous concrete base course shall have a compressed thickness after compaction of eight inches and shall be constructed in two four-inch layers. In all cases, the bituminous concrete base course shall be constructed on a four-inch layer of compacted 2A modified stone. The bituminous concrete base course shall conform to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Form 408, latest edition.
Materials. Materials meeting the requirements as specified in Section 305.2 of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Form 408, latest edition, shall be used.
Bituminous surface course ID-2. This surface course shall consist of two courses, the binder course and the wearing course, of hot-mixed, hot-laid asphaltic concrete, constructed on a prepared base course. The bituminous surface course shall have a total thickness after final compaction of not less than 3 1/2 inches. The binder course shall have a minimum thickness after compaction of two inches. The wearing course shall have a minimum thickness after compaction of 1 1/2 inches. All street pavement cross sections, except where superelevated for curves, will be a minimum slope from the center of the road to the gutter of 1/4 inch per foot to a maximum of 1/2 inch per foot.
Materials. The materials for the bituminous wearing course and the bituminous binder course shall conform to the requirements as given in Sections 420 and 421, respectively, of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Form 408, latest edition.
Construction methods. The bituminous binder and bituminous wearing course shall be Type ID-2 as specified in Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Form 408, latest edition, and shall be applied in strict accordance therewith. No visible moisture shall be present prior to the laying of each course. Road surface temperature shall be 50° F. or greater prior to laying of a bituminous surface. The air temperature shall be 40° F. or greater with the temperature rising. All bituminous surface courses shall have a total thickness after compression of 3 1/2 inches minimum. All edges shall be kept straight and sharp forming a clean-cut line between finished road and gravel shoulder where shoulder construction is used.
East Norriton Township will require delivery slips for all materials used in the construction of streets.
Street intersections.
Number of intersections. No more than two streets shall cross at the same point. Four-way intersections are to be avoided in the layout when three-way or T-intersections can be utilized. When existing streets intersect at odd angles or have more than four approaches, the subdivider, developer or builder shall be required to make corrective changes to eliminate the odd angle or reduce the number of approaches to the intersection by curving the lesser street.
Minimum angle of intersection. Right-angle intersections shall be used whenever practicable, especially when local streets empty into major or secondary streets. There shall be no intersection angle, measured at the center line, of less than 60° minimum.
Center lines. Where center lines of residential or secondary streets open into opposite sides of a major street within 100 feet of each other, they shall be made to coincide by curving the minor street or streets.
Primary thoroughfares. Wherever practicable, intersections with through highways shall be kept to a minimum and shall be located at least 1,200 feet apart.
Sight distance. Proper sight lines, as provided in § 175-18B(1) of this chapter, shall be maintained at all intersections of streets. There shall be measured along the center line a minimum clear sight triangle of 75 feet from the point of intersection. No building, trees, hedge, shrubbery or other obstruction whatsoever will be permitted in this area. Any obstruction to sight shall be removed at the time the street is graded or at the time a building or structure is erected, whichever shall first occur.
Maximum grade. Maximum grade within any intersection shall not exceed 1%, and approaches to an intersection shall follow a straight horizontal course for 100 feet.
Approach grades. All approaches to an intersection shall not exceed 3% for a distance of 50 feet measured from the nearest right-of-way line of the intersecting street.
Radii of pavement and right-of-way at intersections. Street intersections shall be rounded with tangential arcs at the pavement edge (curbline) and right-of-way lines as listed below. Where two streets of different right-of-way widths intersect, the radii of curvature for the widest street shall apply.
Type of Street
Minimum Radius of Arc at Intersection of Pavement Edge or Curbline
Minimum Radius of Arc at Intersection of Right-of-Way Line
40 (or more as may be required)
20 (or more as may be required)
General provisions. All alleys, driveways and parking areas shall be constructed in accordance with the following provisions:
All driveways for single-family units must use the following minimum standards:
A crushed aggregate base course shall be installed to a compacted depth of six inches.
A bituminous concrete binder course (ID-2) to a compacted depth of one inch.
A bituminous wearing course (ID-2) to a compacted depth of one inch.
Alleys, driveways and parking areas for uses other than single-family units must use the following minimum standards:
A crushed aggregate base course should be compacted to a depth of eight inches. The base course shall be choked at both the top and the bottom with fines.
A bituminous concrete base course (ID-2) to a compacted depth of two inches. A bituminastic tack coat shall be applied to the binder course prior to the final paving.
A bituminous wearing course (ID-2) to a compacted depth of one inch.
Intersections of right-of-way lines shall be rounded by a tangential arc, the minimum radius of which shall be 10 feet; and the edge of the paving at intersections shall be rounded by a tangential arc, the minimum radius of which shall be 15 feet.
Obstructions. No fences, hedges, trees, shrubbery, walls, plantings or other obstructions shall be located within the right-of-way. Sight distance requirements as provided in Article V, § 175-18E(5) of this chapter shall be provided at intersections with streets.
Location. Except for common or shared driveways, all driveways to single-family lots shall be located at least five feet from any side or rear property lot line. All driveways shall be designed and constructed to provide sight distance in accordance with the following minimum sight distance diagram charts:
Table 1. Safe sight distance for passenger cars and single-unit trucks exiting from driveways onto two-lane roads shall be as follows:
Safe Sight Distance, Left*
Safe Sight Distance, Right*
*NOTE: Measured from a vehicle 10 feet back from the pavement edge.
Table 2. Safe sight distance for buses and combinations exiting from driveways onto two-lane roads shall be as follows:
Safe Sight Distance, Left*
Safe Sight Distance, Right*
*NOTE: Measured from a vehicle 10 feet back from the pavement edge.
Table 3. Safe sight distance for passenger cars and single-unit trucks exiting from driveways onto four- and six-lane roads shall be as follows:
Safe Sight Distance, Left*
Safe Sight Distance, Right**
Measured from a vehicle 10 feet back from the pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the outside lane.
Measured from a vehicle 10 feet back from the pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median lane.
Table 4. Safe sight distance for buses and combinations exiting from driveways onto four- and six-lane roads shall be as follows:
Safe Sight Distance, Left*
Safe Sight Distance, Right**
Measured from a vehicle 10 feet back from the pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the outside lane.
Measured from a vehicle 10 feet back from the pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median lane.
Table 5. Safe sight distance for passenger cars and single-unit trucks entering driveways by left turns shall be as follows:
Safe Distance*
Two-Lane Roads
Four-Lane Roads
Six-Lane Roads
*NOTE: Measured from the point where a left-turning vehicle stops to the vehicle in the outside lane.
Table 6. Safe sight distance for buses and combinations entering driveways by left turns shall be as follows:
Safe Distance*
Two-Lane Roads
Four-Lane Roads
Six-Lane Roads
*NOTE: Measured from the point where a left-turning vehicle stops to a vehicle in the outside lane.
In using Tables 1 through 6, the following additional requirements shall apply:
Tables 2, 4 and 6 shall be used in lieu of Tables 1, 3 and 5 only when combination traffic exceeds 5.0% of the total traffic using the proposed driveway.
Posted speeds shall be used unless operating speeds vary from the posted speed by more than 10 miles per hour, in which case the Township may require that operating speeds be used.
The sight distances in Tables 1 through 4 apply only when highway grades are 0% to 3.0%, either up or down.
When the highway grade in the section to be used for acceleration, after leaving the driveway, ascends at 3.0% to 5.0%, the sight distance in the direction of approaching ascending traffic may be increased by a factor of 1.4.
When the highway grade ascends at greater than 5.0%, the sight distance may be increased by a factor of 1.7.
When the highway grade in the section to be used for acceleration after leaving the driveway descends at 3.0% to 5.0%, the sight distance in the direction of approaching descending highway traffic may be reduced by a factor of 0.6.
When the road descends at greater than 5.0%, the sight distance may be reduced by a factor of 0.5.
The sight distance values in Tables 1 through 6 are desirable for the safe operation of the driveway. Sight distance values less than desirable will be accepted only if it is impossible to achieve the desirable value by locating the driveway at any point within the property frontage boundaries. The minimum acceptable sight distance values shall be computed from the following formula:
Minimum safe stopping sight distance (feet)
Velocity of vehicle (miles per hour)
Perception time of motorist (average = 2.5 seconds)
Wet friction of pavement (average = 0.30)
Percent grade of roadway divided by 100
If sight distance requirements as specified in this chapter cannot be met, the Township may:
Prohibit left turns by exiting vehicles;
Restrict turning movements to right turns in and out of a driveway;
Require the installation of a right-turn acceleration lane or deceleration lane;
Require the installation of a separate left-run standby lane;
Alter the horizontal or vertical geometry of the roadway; or
Deny access to the highway.
Grade of access driveway. The grade of the access driveway shall be constructed in the following manner:
All driveways shall be constructed so as not to impair drainage within the right-of-way, alter the stability of the improved area or change the drainage of adjacent areas.
Where a drainage ditch or swale exists, the permittee shall install adequate pipe under the driveway in accordance with Form 408. Drainage pipe installed under driveways shall be at least 15 inches in diameter.
The side slopes for driveway embankments within the right-of-way shall not be steeper than 10 to 1. See Figure 6.[1]
Editor's Note: Figure 6 appears in Subsection B(1)(f) above.
Grade requirements in uncurbed shoulders within the right-of-way shall conform to Figure 1.[2]
Editor's Note: Figure 1 appears in Subsection B(1)(a) above.
Intersections. Driveways shall be located not less than 40 feet from the street intersection and shall provide access to the street of a lesser classification when there are streets of different classes involved.
Pavement widths and grade. Driveway paving widths and grades shall be as follows:
Land Use
Minimum Paving Width
Maximum Paving Width at Entrance
Minimum Radius at Curb
Maximum Grade
Maximum of Grade per 10 Feet
Single-family residential
Multifamily residential
12 (1-way)
15 (1-way)
24 (2-way)
30 (2-way)
Commercial and industrial
12 (1-way)
15 (1-way)
24 (2-way)
30 (2-way)
All driveways shall be located, designed and constructed in such a manner as not to interfere or be inconsistent with the design, maintenance and drainage of the highway.
Access driveways should be located in such a manner that they will not cause the following:
Interference to the traveling public.
A hazard to the free movement of normal highway traffic.
Areas of undue traffic congestion on the highway.
All frontages of 200 feet or less shall be limited to one driveway. For multifamily residential and all nonresidential driveways, not more than two driveways shall be permitted for any single property or business establishment except where the frontage exceeds 300 feet in length on any one street. Exceptions to the above may be considered if the applicant demonstrates that there is a clear need for additional points of access and the additional driveway will not compromise the safe and free movement of traffic within the property or on adjacent streets.
Driveways for land developments.
The Board shall have the authority to approve driveways intended for the use of two or more families, apartment developments and/or commercial and industrial projects where usage by the occupants constitutes essentially a private street. Driveways constituting private streets are those accessways used by two or more families daily or 10 or more workers daily for vehicular circulation. Driveways serving as private streets shall not be dedicated to the Township, nor does the Township assume the responsibility for their maintenance.
Construction of driveways to be used as private streets shall conform to minimum design standards for public streets, other than those applicable to rights-of-way, width, curbing and shoulder grading; provided, however, that the width of the cartway shall not be, in any event, less than 24 feet.
Location and placement of driveways serving as private streets shall comply with Subsection B, Driveways. Additionally, provisions for drainage and stormwater runoff shall be approved by the Township Engineer.
The owner, and all successors, of any property which is to abut any driveway serving as a private street shall be fully responsible for the permanent improvement of the driveway(s) and for the maintenance thereof in a good and safe condition.
The Board shall evaluate the location, placement and alignment of driveways serving as private streets based upon the ease of accessibility to and efficient maneuverability through the development for protective services of fire and police.
Individual lots or buildings which constitute a portion of an overall shopping center or industrial development or subdivision shall not have direct driveway access onto any existing public street but rather must have access to the interior driveway system of the shopping center development or the industrial development or must have access to an interior street to be created at the time of subdivision and/or land development.
Parking area construction.
Automobile parking facilities shall be provided off street in accordance with requirements of Chapter 205, Zoning, and this chapter.
Neither angle nor perpendicular parking along the curbs of local, public or private access roads or streets shall be permitted, except in the case of a CR Residential District, where off-street parking is permitted in accordance with the provisions of that article.[3] All parking lots and bays allowing any parking other than parallel shall be physically separated from the cartway by a minimum of seven feet and confined by barrier curbing.
Editor's Note: See Art. VIII of Ch. 205, Zoning.
No less than 12 feet of open space shall be provided between the curbline of any parking area and the outside wall of any structure.
[Amended 12-12-2017 by Ord. No. 575]
Parking may be permitted within side and/or rear yards when the side and/or rear yards abut a district zoned industrial and/or commercial. However, no parking shall be permitted within five feet of a side or rear property line unless formal arrangements, satisfactory to the Township, have been made for the establishment of common parking facilities.
In commercial and industrial districts, provisions for common parking facilities are hereby encouraged in recognition of their increased flexibility and efficiency. Subject to formal arrangements between the proposed users of the common parking facilities, satisfactory to the Township, the Zoning Hearing Board may reduce the aggregate amount of required space upon determination that greater efficiency is effected by joint use of the common parking area. When common parking facilities are approved, side and/or rear yard parking requirements may be waived in order to establish unified and continuous parking areas. In such cases, access drives and sidewalks shall be so aligned as to maximize parking efficiency and minimize traffic congestion. Entrances and exits must have good visibility so that, both going in and coming out, drivers can see and cars can be seen.
[Amended 2-28-2017 by Ord. No. 571]
Nonresidential: Parking stall dimensions shall be not less than nine feet in width and 18 feet in depth and shall be marked and striped.
Residential parking stalls shall consist of a reasonably level space available for parking of one motor vehicle, not less than 10 feet wide and having an area of not less than 200 square feet exclusive of passageways, driveways or other means of circulation or access. The area of each parking space shall be computed net of any required street line or, in the case of a private street without a designated right-of-way, shall be calculated net of an assumed street line established seven feet behind the edge of the cartway or face of curb.
All dead-end parking lots shall be designed to provide sufficient backup area for the end stalls.
No less than a five-foot radius of curvature shall be permitted for all curblines in all parking areas.
Parking lot dimensions shall be no less than those listed in the following table:
Parking Stall
Aisle Width
Angle of Parking
No more than 15 parking spaces shall be permitted in a continuous row without being interrupted by a ten-foot-wide landscape island. This island shall be planted with either shrubs or appropriate buffer planting.
All dead-end parking areas shall be designed to provide sufficient area for vehicles to back up out of parking within the end stalls of the parking area.
All public parking areas shall be well-lighted during the after-dark operating hours. All light standards shall be located on the raised parking islands on pedestals and not on the parking surface.
All artificial lighting used to illuminate any parking space or spaces shall be arranged so that direct glare from any such light shall not fall upon any neighboring property or streets, nor shall any high-brightness surface of the luminaries be visible from neighboring residential properties or from any public street.
Parking area landscaping. Parking lot landscaping required by this article is intended to promote the public health, safety and welfare by providing minimum requirements for installation of landscaped areas in connection with parking lots and other vehicular use areas; to protect the character and stability of residential, business, institutional and industrial areas; and to conserve the value of land and buildings on surrounding properties.
All parking lots with 10 or more stalls shall provide at least 10% of the internal area as planting islands or planting strips.
Planting islands shall be provided at least every 15 adjacent parking stalls.
At least one canopy tree shall be planted in each required planting island.
The end of all parking rows shall be divided from drives by planting islands.
Islands shall be uniformly elevated with topsoil so that the center shall be crowned at least six inches above the adjoining top of curb elevation.
Planting strips shall divide large parking lots into smaller areas according to the following:
Planting strips shall divide nonresidential parking lots into areas of no more than 100 stalls.
Planting strips shall divide residential parking lots into areas of no more than 36 stalls.
There shall be at least one canopy tree planted every 50 feet in planting strips.
Plant material shall not obstruct proper lighting, nor interfere with clear sight triangles.
Perimeters of parking lots shall follow the landscape regulations for site element screens.
Alleys. Alleys are prohibited in residential developments, except as the completion extension of one in existence. In commercial or industrial districts without expressly designated loading areas, alleys with a minimum width of 25 feet shall be required. Where such alleys dead-end, they shall be provided with a turnaround having a radius of not less than 25 feet. The cartway shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
Where required. Sidewalks shall be provided along all streets except where, in the opinion of the Board, they are unnecessary for the public safety and convenience.
Width and thickness. Sidewalks shall not be less than four feet in width in residential areas. A greater width may be required in areas in which apartments or business buildings are located or as deemed necessary at the discretion of the Board.
Sidewalks shall be located between the curb and right-of-way line five feet from the curbline. The grade and paving of the sidewalk shall be continuous across driveways, except in certain cases where heavy traffic volume dictates special treatment.
Construction methods.
Sidewalks shall be constructed so as to discharge drainage to the street, the grade of which shall not be less than 1/4 inch per foot. The finished grade between the outside of the sidewalk to the curbline (edge of the cartway) shall never exceed a total vertical elevation change of one foot.
Sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete to a width as indicated for the various classifications of the street.
Concrete used in sidewalk work shall be 3,300 pounds per square inch at 28 days with certification of the mix furnished to the Township Engineer. Concrete shall be placed in forms that are straight and securely braced. Care shall be taken to control the water content to prevent a separation of the aggregates. The concrete shall have a broom finish, and the edges shall be finished with an approved edging tool.
All concrete sidewalks shall be constructed on a four-inch crushed-stone or gravel base to ensure proper drainage. The concrete shall be placed so that there is a separate joint every five feet and shall be so constructed so that the five-foot sections are completely separated from adjacent sections. One-half-inch premolded expansion joints shall be placed every 20 feet and between all points where the concrete sidewalk abuts a concrete curb.
All concrete sidewalks shall have a minimum thickness of four inches, except under driveways, where they shall have a minimum thickness of six inches. The concrete apron in the driveway area shall be reinforced with wire six inches by six inches, No. 9 wire (minimum). Two layers of this wire shall be utilized, with a minimum of two-inch spacing between layers. The wire shall be installed so that it is not closer than 1/2 inch from the top or bottom surfaces of the driveway.
Where a sidewalk does not parallel a street, it may be constructed of materials other than concrete, such as a pozzolan base with a bituminous wearing surface, a bituminous base with a bituminous wearing surface, flagstone or any similar type of material; provided, however, that specifications for such materials must be submitted to the Engineer for his review and be subject to his approval.
Concrete curbs shall be installed along each side of every residential, secondary or commercial street or road. Concrete curbs shall be 18 inches deep, seven inches wide at the top and eight inches wide at the base. The nominal distance from the top of the curb to the flow line of the gutter shall be eight inches on secondary, commercial, primary and residential streets. Curbing shall be built in ten-foot lengths, and an approved expansion joint of one-fourth-inch minimum thickness shall be used at each joint. A combination curb and gutter may be used at the option of the developer when approved by the Township Engineer. Where combination curb and gutter is used, it must be placed on a minimum of four inches of crushed stone or gravel to provide adequate drainage beneath the curb.
All concrete used in the construction of improvements shall be certified to develop a compressive stress of at least 3,300 pounds per square inch at 28 days with certification of the mix furnished to the Township Engineer.
Concrete shall be placed in forms that are straight and securely braced. Care shall be taken to control the water content to prevent separation of the aggregates. All concrete shall be thoroughly tamped into the forms. After the concrete has set sufficiently, the form shall be removed and the exposed surface shall be rubbed to provide an even finish. All edges shall be finished with an approved edging tool. To provide for driveways, depressions in the curbing may be constructed and finished during the time of pouring.
Handicap requirements. In all areas where sidewalks are required, handicap ramps will be provided wherever an accessible route crosses a curb subject to the following requirements:
The least possible slope shall be used with a maximum slope of 1:12. In areas where space limitations prohibit the use of the one-to-twelve ramp, the following slopes are acceptable:
Maximum rise of six inches: slope of 1:10 to 1:12.
Maximum rise of three inches: slope of 1:8 to 1:10.
Slopes greater than 1:8 are prohibited.
Transitions shall be flush and free of abrupt changes.
The maximum slope of adjacent surfaces shall be one-to-twenty.
The minimum clear width shall be 36 inches.
The surface must be firm, stable and slip-resistant.
In all areas where pedestrians may walk across the ramp, the sides of the ramp shall be flared, with a maximum slope of 1:10.
If the width of the walking surface at the top of the ramp is less than 48 inches wide, the flared sides shall have a maximum slope of 1:12.
Returned curbs may be used only where pedestrians would not normally walk across the ramp.
Built-up curb ramps shall be located so they do not project into traffic lanes.
Detectable warnings are required for the full width and depth of the ramp. The surface shall consist of raised truncated domes with the following features:
Diameter: 0.9 inch nominal.
Height: 0.2 inch nominal.
Center-to-center spacing: 2.35 inch nominal.
The surface shall contrast visually with adjoining surfaces.
The material providing contrast shall be an integral part of the walking surface.
Ramps shall be so located to prevent obstruction by parked vehicles.
Ramps located at marked crossings shall be fully contained within the marked area excluding any flared sides.
Length. In general, all blocks in a subdivision shall have a minimum length of 500 feet and a maximum length of 1,200 feet unless special conditions warrant a variance.
Width. Whenever practicable, blocks shall be of such width as to provide two tiers of lots of the minimum size permitted under the applicable zoning classification, except in the case of lots along major thoroughfares where the lot fronts on an interior street.
Through lots. Double frontage lots are to be avoided and generally will not be permitted except where reversed frontage is desired away from a major thoroughfare to a street of lesser traffic volume.
Crosswalk. Crosswalks not less than 10 feet wide, and with concrete paving not less than four feet wide, may be required where necessary to provide access to schools, churches, parks and commercial areas. They shall be maintained by the abutting property owners in the same manner as sidewalks on public streets.
Blocks. Blocks for commercial and industrial areas may vary from the elements of design contained in this section if the nature of the use requires other treatment. In such cases, off-street parking for employees and customers may be required along with safe and convenient limited access to the street system. Space for off-street loading may also be required with similar access. Extension of streets, railroad access rights-of-way and utilities shall be provided. The amount of parking space shall be as required by the Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 205, Zoning.
Lots in residential areas.
Area. All lots shall be no smaller than the minimum lot area requirements of the applicable zoning classification.
Depth. Lots excessively deep in relation to width are to be avoided.
Width. The minimum width of a lot shall be that width which is measured along the building setback line, in feet, specified for the applicable zoning district.
Corner lots. All corner lots shall be a minimum of 1 1/2 times the minimum width of the interior lots of the same block.
Frontage. Every lot shall have frontage along the ultimate right-of-way line of a street unless specifically not required by the East Norriton Township Zoning Ordinance. Double frontage lots are prohibited except along major streets. The frontage shall not be less than the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 205, Zoning.
Side lines. Whenever practicable, the side lines of a lot shall be set at right angles or radial to the right-of-way line.
Building lines. Building line for all lots shall be in conformance with the minimum front, side and rear yard line requirements of the applicable zoning district.
Lot numbers. For the purpose of development, each subdivision may have an overall system of lot numbers, the number one being assigned to a lot in the first section to be developed. (Such systems of lot numbers shall not be confused with the regular house or building numbers system based on a Township-wide plan.)
Building numbers. House or building numbers shall be assigned by the Township based on an overall street plan. Numbers will be assigned in such a way as to allow for vacant parcels and future development.
Lot grading for subdivisions and land developments.
Blocks and lots. Blocks and lots shall be graded to secure proper drainage away from buildings and to prevent the collection of stormwater in pools. Minimum slopes of 2% away from structures shall be required.
Design. All drainage provisions shall be of such design as to carry surface waters to the nearest practical street, storm drain or natural watercourse. Where drainage swales are used to deliver surface waters away from buildings, they shall not be less than 1% nor more than 4%. The swales shall be sodded or planted as required and shall be of such shape and size to conform to specifications of the Township Engineer.
Concentration. The concentration of storm drainage in a swale along the rear or side of lot lines is strictly forbidden.
Construction. The subdivider or developer shall construct and/or install such drainage structures and/or pipe which are necessary to prevent erosion damage and to satisfactorily carry off such surface waters to the nearest practical street, storm drain or natural watercourse.
Excavation. No excavation shall be made with a cut face steeper in slope than two horizontal to one vertical, except under one or more of the following conditions:
The excavation is located so that a line having a slope of two horizontal to one vertical and passing through any portion of the cut face will be entirely within the property lines of the property on which the excavation is made.
The material from which the excavation is made is sufficiently stable to sustain a slope steeper than two horizontal to one vertical, and a written statement from a civil engineer, licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and experienced in erosion control, to that effect is submitted to and approved by the Township Engineer. The statement shall set forth that the site has been inspected and that the deviation from the slope specified hereinbefore will not result in injury to persons or damage to property.
A concrete or stone masonry wall constructed according to present or future designs of the Township of East Norriton is provided to support the face of the excavation.
Fill. No fill shall be made which creates any exposed surface steeper in slope than two horizontal to one vertical except under one or more of the following conditions: of the following conditions:
The fill is located so that settlement, sliding or erosion will not result in property damage or be a hazard to adjoining property, streets, alleys or buildings.
A written statement from a civil engineer, licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and experienced in erosion control, certifying that he has inspected the site and that the proposed deviation from the slope specified above will not endanger any property or result in property damage, is submitted to and approved by the Township Engineer.
A concrete or stone masonry wall constructed according to present or future designs of the Township of East Norriton is provided to support the face of the excavation.
Slopes and fences. The top or bottom edge of slopes shall be a minimum of three feet from property right-of-way line of streets or alleys in order to permit the normal rounding of the edge without encroaching on the abutting property. All property lines where walls or slopes are steeper than one horizontal to one vertical and five feet or more in height shall be protected by a fence approved by the Board.
Cleanup. All lots must be kept free of any debris or nuisances whatsoever.
Roof drainage. Roof drainages shall be conveyed by downspouts constructed under the sidewalk and through the curb or to a storm sewer or natural watercourse if available. In no case shall sump pump connection through a curb be allowed.
Site grading plan. The Township Engineer shall require a site grading plan in conjunction with a plan of subdivision or land development in order to ensure compliance with the standards contained in this § 175-22.
In addition to the above-listed standards, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant or developer to submit a detailed site grading plan showing at least the following information:
An area plan or plans describing existing and proposed features of the 100 feet surrounding the site of the work, including topography, existing vegetation, watercourses, man-made features and the effects of watersheds and other important natural features.
A topographic survey of the site at a suitable scale of no less than one inch equals 40 feet and a contour interval of no more than two feet, prepared by a registered surveyor or engineer, including a boundary line survey, the location and a description of vegetative cover, including trees over 10 inches in diameter, two feet above the ground, and other natural and man-made features. This plan shall be a minimum size of 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches.
An improvement plan of the same size and scale as set forth in Subsection B(10)(a)[2] above, showing and describing all proposed changes to the site, including but not limited to cuts, fills, structures, paving, a description of all trees to be removed and utilities (this may be combined with a topographical survey for simple projects upon request to and approval by the Township).
A grading plan of the same scale as Subsection B(10)(a)[2] above, showing and describing all proposed changes to the site, including but not limited to cuts, fills, structures, paving, utilities and rights-of-way of easements.
A time schedule stating the anticipated starting and completion dates of the development sequence and the expected date of the completion of construction of each of the activities referred to in this § 175-22.
The Township Engineer shall inspect grading activities. Inspections shall be carried out on a random basis, except as stated hereafter. A final inspection shall be conducted by the Township Engineer to certify compliance with this chapter. The applicant or developer shall notify the Township Engineer and submit an as-built grading plan, showing all changes in the final grading plan, within 14 days of the completion of all activities for which a permit was issued thereunder. The Township Engineer shall then conduct an inspection to ensure that satisfactory compliance with requirements has been accomplished. If the subject property, as finally graded and constructed, does not satisfactorily conform to the final grading plan filed with the permit applications hereunder, then the Township Engineer shall note changes required on the as-built grading plan. The applicant or developer shall correct all noted deficiencies and submit a revised as-built grading plan for reinspection. When the Township Engineer is satisfied that the finally graded parcel of real property complies with all Township requirements, he shall notify the Township Zoning Officer, or such other authorized personnel as the Township shall from time to time designate, that the subject lot is in compliance with this section. No occupancy permit (temporary or permanent) shall be issued until such time as the Township Engineer certifies that all grading and/or stabilization has been completed in accordance with the final grading plan.
Sump pumps. Sump pumps shall be installed in all below grade basements unless the basement area is drained by a gravity line. All sump pumps must discharge into the underground storm drainage system.
Lot siting, planting and beautification for subdivision and land developments. In the interest of providing for the protection and preservation of natural resources, the provisions of this article are intended to preserve the natural amenities of the Township; protect the public health and welfare by helping to control soil erosion and reduce sedimentation, by providing shade from the summer sun and by providing wind breaks from the winter winds; and encourage landowners to develop their properties in such a way as to minimize destruction of existing trees.
Limit of contract. Where the applicant is offering for dedication or is required by ordinance to establish a reservation of open space or preserve an area of scenic or historic importance, a limit of contract, which will confine excavation, earthmoving procedures and other changes to the landscape, may be required to ensure preservation and prevent despoliation of the character of the area in open space.
Tree preservation. The plan shall minimize the loss of trees over six inches in caliper, tree masses and woodlands to buildings, clearing and/or grading.
Topsoil preservation. No topsoil shall be removed from the site or used as spoil. Topsoil must be removed from the areas of construction and stored separately. Upon completion of the construction, the topsoil must be redistributed on the site uniformly. All areas of the site shall be stabilized by seeding or planting on slopes of less than 10% and shall be stabilized by sodding on slopes 10% or more and planted in ground cover on slopes 20%, provided that riprap shall be utilized for banks exceeding 25%.
Preserved landscaping. Trees of six inches caliper or greater, tree masses and woodlands preserved and protected in a living condition may be used to fulfill the other landscape planting requirements of this section, i.e., buffering and parking lot landscaping and street trees, thereby reducing the amount of new plant material required, as determined by the Township.
Preservation of existing vegetation. Each mature tree over six inches in caliper, tree mass or woodland on the site shall be designated "to remain" or "to be removed" depending on the following criteria:
A mature tree over six inches in caliper, tree mass or woodland shall be considered to remain only if it meets the following criteria:
The outermost branches of the tree(s) are at least two feet from any proposed buildings, structures, paving, parking areas or utilities (above the ground or underground).
The outermost branches of the tree(s) are at least two feet from any proposed changes in grade or drainage such as excavations, mounding or impoundments.
The tree(s) are clear of any proposed sight triangles and do not, by their location or health, pose any undue threat to the health, safety and welfare of the community.
When approved by the Board of Supervisors, trees which have a ground area protected from any disturbance or regrading equal to 70% of the existing canopy measured in plan view. Roots exposed during construction must be backfilled with clean topsoil within 24 hours.
When approved by the Board of Supervisors, trees which are transplanted using direct planting methods including a root ball of not less than 60 inches in diameter and installation and guying techniques in accordance with American Association of Nurserymen (AAN) standards and the following schedule:
Spring only
Spring or fall
Sweet gums
Spring only
Spring, fall or winter
A mature tree over six inches in caliper, tree mass or woodland which does not fit the above criteria shall be designated to be removed according to the following standards:
The plan shall minimize removal of existing vegetation.
It shall be incumbent on the applicant to prove that vegetation loss is minimized by showing that no alternative layouts are possible and that no alternative clearing or grading plan would reduce the loss of mature trees over six inches in caliper, tree masses and woodlands.
Trees designated to be removed shall not receive credit for trees to remain but need not be removed if it is determined by the applicant that special precautions/alterations to plans can be taken during construction to save the trees.
Preservation of existing vegetation during construction. Existing vegetation shown to remain as part of the landscape plan for a land development shall be identified in the field prior to any clearing of the tract and physically protected throughout the construction process. A temporary physical barrier, such as a snow fence, shall be erected a minimum of one foot from the dripline or 15 feet from the trunk(s), whichever is greater, on all sides of stands of vegetation, individual mature trees over six inches in caliper and/or woodlands shown to remain prior to major clearing or construction. No disturbance, such as grading, dumping, storage, parking or traffic, shall be allowed within the fence line, and the fence shall remain until construction is complete. The specific method of preserving existing vegetation shall be noted on the landscape plan.
Post construction impact. The existing natural drainage pattern, lighting or other environmental factors shall not be altered to seriously damage the remaining trees as determined by the Township Engineer, Arborist or Landscape Architect.
Intent. The planting requirements in this section are intended to promote the public health, safety and welfare by providing certain minimum standards for installation of landscaped areas in connection with new construction or reconstruction; to conserve the value of land and buildings on surrounding properties and neighborhoods by mitigating the visual impact of structures and other site elements; to protect the character and stability of residential, business, institutional and industrial areas; and to improve the microclimate of built areas.
General requirements.
Any plantings required herein shall have two components:
Property line buffers which act to integrate new development with the surroundings.
Site element screens which act to minimize or eliminate views to certain site elements located within 100 feet of property lines or road rights-of-way (either public or private).
An on-site investigation by the applicant shall determine the adjacent land uses along each property boundary or road classification for each existing right-of-way. In the case of vacant land, the existing zoning district shall be used. These existing or zoned uses shall be noted on the plan.
Property line buffers shall be required on the applicant's property for all nonresidential and single-family attached or multifamily (including high-rise) residential land developments. The amount and type of plant material required shall be determined by the intensity of the proposed land use and the existing adjacent land use (or adjacent zoning district for vacant land). Subsection C below shall apply.
Screening of site elements shall be required in all proposed land developments around certain site elements as specified in this section which are located partially or fully within 100 feet of the property line or existing road right-of-way. The type of site element screen shall be determined by the site element and the adjacent land use(s) or zoning district for vacant land. Subsection C below shall apply.
Existing healthy trees, shrubs or woodlands shall be inventoried and noted on the landscape plan and may be substituted for part or all of the required property line buffers or site element screens at the discretion of the Township Supervisors upon the recommendation of the Township Landscape Architect, Engineer or Arborist. The minimum quantity and visual effect of the existing vegetation shall be equal to or exceed that of the required buffer or screen. If the effect of the existing vegetation does not equal or exceed that of the required buffer or screen, additional plantings shall be required according to the provisions of this section.
Existing topographic conditions, such as cliffs or berms, may be substituted for part or all of the required property line buffers or site element screens with the approval of the Township Supervisors upon the recommendation of the Township Landscape Architect, Engineer or Arborist. The minimum visual effect of the existing topographical conditions shall be equal to or exceed that of the required buffers or screens. If the effect of the existing topographical conditions does not equal or exceed that of the required buffer or screen, additional plantings shall be required according to the provisions of this section.
Property line buffers.
Buffer yard location and dimensions.
A buffer yard shall be established along all property lines of not less than 25 feet nor more than 50 feet in width. In zoning districts where the required setback is less than 25 feet, the buffer yard shall be the entire width of the required setback yard.
The buffer yard shall be a continuous pervious planting bed consisting of grass, ground cover, trees and/or shrubs.
Parking is not allowed in the buffer yard, except in the case of joint or common parking areas between two adjacent lots.
Site element screens are allowed within the buffer yard.
Stormwater basins are allowed within the buffer yard.
Buffer yards may be included in the front, side or rear yard setback areas.
Nonresidential property line buffer requirements. Proposed developments shall have property line buffers determined by adjacent land uses in accordance with the following charts. For vacant land, the adjacent zoning district shall determine the category of use. In the case of several permitted uses the most restrictive shall apply.
Proposed office or institutional uses.
Uses Abutting Property Line
Required Buffer Type
All nonresidential
Multifamily or attached residential
Single-family detached residential
Proposed commercial, industrial, laboratory and all other nonresidential uses.
Uses Abutting Property Line
Required Buffer Type
Office or institutional, nonresidential
Other nonresidential
All residential
Residential property line buffer requirements. All developments with multifamily and/or single-family attached dwellings shall have property line buffers according to the following requirements (no buffers are required for single-family detached proposals):
Uses Abutting Property Line
Required Buffer Type
Office or institutional, nonresidential
All other nonresidential
Multifamily or attached residential
Single-family detached
Plant material quantities and types. For every 100 linear feet of property line to be buffered, the following minimum quantities and types of plant material shall be required:
Buffer Type
Plant Requirements
Low intensity
1 canopy tree,
2 ornamental trees
Medium intensity
1 canopy tree,
2 ornamental trees,
2 evergreen trees
High intensity
5 evergreen trees,
2 ornamental trees,
1 canopy tree
Property line buffers design criteria.
The required plant material shall be distributed over the entire length and width of the buffer yard.
Plant material may be grouped to form clusters within open grassed areas. Plant materials shall not be concentrated but shall be evenly distributed along each property boundary.
Buffer plant material may be arranged symmetrically (formally) or asymmetrically (informally). However, linear or repetitive arrangements are discouraged.
A range of plant species is required, according to the following table:
Trees and/or Large Shrubs
Minimum Tree Species
Maximum of Any One Species
0 to 5
6 to 15
16 to 30
31 to 50
51 and over
Plant material shall be spaced to provide optimum growing conditions for each plant.
Site element screens.
Site elements.
Screens shall be required in all proposed land developments around the following site elements, when these elements are located partially or fully within 100 feet of any property line or existing road right-of-way. Screens shall be selected based on the adjoining property's land use or, in the case of vacant land, its zoning district.
Parking lots.
Dumpsters, trash or recycling areas.
Service or loading docks.
Outdoor storage or sales yards.
Vehicle storage or sales areas.
Single-family attached dwellings' rear yards.
Multifamily (including high-rise) dwellings' rear yards.
Active recreation facilities.
Fenced detention basins.
Sewage treatment plants or pump stations.
Site elements not included in the above list but of a similar character, use or visual impact shall be screened according to the requirements for the most similar elements, as determined by the Township.
Screen location. The site element screen shall be placed between the site element and the property line and shall be designed to block views to the maximum extent possible. The screen shall be located as close as possible to the site element and shall surround the element without impeding function or encroaching on sight triangles.
Screening material specifications and design criteria. The following specifications and criteria define the required Screen Type Nos. 1 through 8 as indicated in Chart 1, Site Element Screening.[1]
Screen Type No. 1: evergreen or deciduous shrubs. Shrubs shall be placed three feet on center in a minimum five-foot wide bed surrounding the site element and arranged to provide a continuous hedge-like screen with a minimum height of 3 1/2 feet and a maximum height of five feet at maturity. Shrubs may be clipped to form a hedge or left in natural habit.
Screen Type No. 2: double row of evergreen trees. A double row of evergreen trees having a minimum height of six feet at planting shall be placed 10 feet on center and offset 10 feet to provide a continuous screen with a minimum height of 12 feet at maturity.
Screen Type No. 3: opaque fence. An opaque fence with a minimum height of six feet surrounding the site element on at least three sides. Finished side shall face out toward perimeter of property.
Screen Type No. 4: opaque fence with ornamental trees and shrubs. An opaque fence with a minimum height of six feet surrounding the site element on at least three sides, with plantings at the minimum rate of three shrubs with a minimum height of 2 1/2 feet at planting and two ornamental trees having a minimum height of eight feet at planting or large shrubs having a minimum height of 3 1/2 feet at planting for each 10 linear feet of proposed fence, arranged formally or informally along the exterior side of the fence.
Screen Type No. 5: architectural extension of the building. An architectural extension of the building (such as a wing wall) with a minimum height of eight feet shall screen the site element. The extension shall be consistent in building materials and style with the main building.
Screen Type No. 6: berm with ornamental trees. A continuous curvilinear berm with a minimum height of two feet to three feet, plus ornamental trees having a minimum height of eight feet at planting at the minimum rate of one tree for every 20 linear feet, clustered or arranged informally. The maximum slope shall be 3:1.
Screen Type No. 7: berm. A continuous curvilinear berm with a minimum height of 3 1/2 feet to four feet, with grass alone. The maximum slope shall be 3:1.
Screen Type No. 8: evergreen hedge. An evergreen hedge (such as arborvitae, chionanthus, etc.) with a minimum height at planting of six feet, planted three feet on center maximum.
Editor's Note: Chart 1 is included at the end of this chapter.
Specifications, maintenance and guaranty.
Plant specifications.
All plants shall meet the minimum standards for health form and root condition as outlined in the American Association of Nurserymen (AAN) standards.
All plant material shall be hardy within the USDA Hardiness Zone 6 applicable to East Norriton Township.
Canopy trees shall reach a minimum height and spread of 30 feet at maturity as determined by the AAN standards and shall be deciduous. New trees shall have a minimum caliper of 2 1/2 inches at planting.
Ornamental trees or large shrubs shall reach a typical minimum height of 10 feet at maturity based on AAN standards and may be deciduous or evergreen. They shall have a distinctive ornamental character, such as showy flowers, fruit, habit, foliage or bark. New ornamental trees shall have a minimum height of six feet or one-and-one-half-inch caliper. New large shrubs shall have a minimum size of 2 1/2 feet to three feet.
Small shrubs may be evergreen or deciduous and shall have a minimum height at maturity of four feet based on AAN standards for that species. New shrubs shall have a minimum size of 18 inches at time of planting.
Evergreen trees shall reach a typical minimum height of 20 feet at maturity based on AAN standards for that species and shall remain evergreen throughout the year. New evergreens shall have a minimum height at planting of six feet.
Plant materials shall be selected from the Recommended Plant Material List,[2] which may be adopted by resolution of the Board and amended from time to time.
Editor's Note: Said list is on file in the Township offices.
Required plant material shall be maintained for the life of the project to achieve the required visual effect of the buffer or screen. It shall be the ultimate responsibility of successive property owners to ensure that the required plantings are properly maintained.
Required plant material shall not be removed without replacement except in the case of dead, diseased or hazardous plant material. Dead, diseased or hazardous plant material shall be removed promptly by the property owner and replaced at the next growing season.
Maintenance guidelines for the plantings are encouraged to be published by the planting plan designer to be used by grounds maintenance personnel to ensure that the design's visual buffering and screening concepts are continued.
Community assets. In commercial, industrial and business/professional areas, provisions shall be made for suitable areas for walkways (connecting parking facilities with the respective structures, malls, sitting areas, bus stops and other amenities). Due consideration shall be given to the preservation of natural features, including large trees, graves, waterways, scenic points, historical spots and other community assets.
Dedication of land suitable for park and recreational use to the Township or payment of fees in lieu thereof.
The applicant shall dedicate land suitable for park or recreational use to East Norriton Township, unless one of the alternatives set forth in § 175-23B(5) is agreed to by the Township and the applicant. The land shall be dedicated to the Township as a condition of final plan approval, and no lots shall be sold or built upon until and unless the actual transfer of title has been completed or guaranteed to the satisfaction of the Board.
The amount and location of land to be dedicated to the Township shall be 10% of the total lot area of a proposed subdivision or land development.
The land dedicated to the Township for park and recreation purposes need not be a part of the land development or subdivision. It may be located on a separate parcel of land, provided that, in the sole discretion of the Board of Supervisors, it is convenient to the future inhabitants of the subdivision or land development. In addition, the applicant, with the approval of the Township, may dedicate land or construct park and recreation facilities at the Township facilities, a public school situated within East Norriton Township, county-owned parkland or the facilities of another developer to satisfy the requirements of this section.
No more than 25% of the minimum land area required for park and recreation land may consist of floodplain areas, wetlands or areas with slopes in excess of 8%. Floodplains, wetlands and steep slopes may not be used for active recreation.
The minimum land area required for park and recreation shall not include land designed for retention/detention basins in connection with required stormwater management nor contain fuel, power or other transmission lines, whether underground or overhead.
The land to be dedicated must be suitable for active or passive recreation by reason of its size, shape, location and topography and shall be provided with safe and direct access, either by adjoining public road frontage or public easements, which shall be no less than 25 feet in width.
Areas shall comprise a single parcel of land except where the Board shall determine that two or more parcels would be in the public interest.
The area dedicated may not be used in calculating density.
Any land dedicated to the Township shall be used only for the purpose of providing park and recreational facilities.
When land is dedicated, acceptance by the Township shall be by means of a signed resolution to which a property description of the dedicated recreational area shall be attached. All changes and agreements should eventually be listed directly on the signed drawing linens of the final plans. A fee simple warranty deed conveying the property shall be delivered to the Township with title free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except for public utility easements. In no event shall the Township be required to accept dedication of park and recreational areas.
Alternatives to dedication of land.
Fee in lieu of dedication.
The Board of Supervisors and the applicant may agree to the payment of a fee in lieu of dedication of land.
Where the Board and the applicant agree that a fee is to be contributed in lieu of the dedication of land, the amount of the fee shall be equal to the fair market value of the raw undeveloped land that otherwise would have been required to be dedicated.
Fair market value of the land in lieu of which the fee is paid shall be determined by agreement of the Board and the applicant. In the event that the Board and applicant cannot agree upon the fair market value of the land, then an appraisal shall be supplied and paid for by the applicant and reviewed by the Board. The appraisal required by this subsection shall be prepared by a recognized, competent real estate appraiser with no interest, financial or otherwise, in the affected property or application.
The Board shall reserve the right to obtain its own appraisal, and, in the event that the Township appraisal is valued at less than 10% greater than the applicant's appraisal, the value shall be the difference between the two appraisals; in the event that the Township appraisal is valued 10% greater than that of the applicant, then a third appraiser shall be selected by agreement of both the Board and applicant to be paid for by the applicant to resolve the difference.
Any fee in lieu of dedication which is collected by the Township shall be used only for the purpose of providing park and recreational facilities within East Norriton Township.
A fee authorized under this subsection shall, upon its receipt by the Township, be deposited in an interest-bearing account, designated as the East Norriton Township Parks and Recreation Fund. Interest earned on such accounts shall become funds of that account. Funds from such accounts shall be expended only on the design, construction or acquisition of specific recreation facilities approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Upon request of any person who paid fees under this subsection, the Township shall refund such fee, plus interest accumulated thereon from the date of payment, if the Township had failed to utilize the fee paid for recreation purposes within three years from the date such fee was paid unless return of the fee has been waived by agreement between the applicant and the Township.
Use of land and fees. The types of recreational facilities shall be designed and constructed as provided in the Township Park and Recreation Plan and be deemed to include but not be limited to:
Playground equipment and surfaces.
Playfields (baseball fields, football fields, soccer fields or the like, designed for active recreation).
Tennis courts.
Tot lots (small playgrounds especially designed for young children).
Basketball courts.
Paddle tennis courts.
Jogging paths with exercise stations.
Bicycle and walking trails.
Parking lot facilities.
Utility services (electric water fountains and toilet facilities).
Landscaping, earth shaping and plant materials.
Picnic facilities and benches.
Swimming pools.
Lighting facilities related to park and recreation facilities.
Where the applicant and the Township agree, the applicant may utilize any combination of the aforementioned techniques to satisfy the applicant's park and recreation obligation.
Credit for the cost of construction of any park and recreation facility shall be subject to the review and approval of the Township Engineer as determined by prevailing costs for labor, structures and materials associated with the facility.
Parks and recreation plan. The Board of Supervisors shall adopt a formal parks and recreation plan for East Norriton Township by resolution. Future park and recreational facilities proposed within East Norriton Township shall be in accordance with principles and standards contained in the plan. The plan may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
Reserve strips controlling access to streets, alleys, subdivisions or adjacent areas are prohibited.
Rights-of-way and/or easements for sanitary utilities, road construction or maintenance or for drainage purposes or public utilities or for any specific purpose shall be required by the Board as needed. The location and width in each case shall be as determined by that body.
Nothing shall be permitted to be placed, planted, set or put within the area of an easement.
The owner of any lot, upon written request by the Township and at the owner's sole expense, shall remove anything placed, planted, set or put (with or without knowledge for this regulation) within the area of any easement.
To the fullest extent possible, easements shall be adjacent to rear or side lot lines.
No right-of-way or easements, for any purpose whatsoever, shall be recited or described in any deed unless the same has been shown on the approved plan. Any error found in a deed shall be immediately corrected and rerecorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Montgomery County at Norristown, Pennsylvania, at the sole expense of the subdivider or developer.
Utility. Easements with a minimum width of 20 feet shall be provided for common utilities and drainage when provided in undedicated land. Nothing shall be permitted to be placed, planted, set or put within the area of an easement.
Drainage. Drainage easements shall be required along natural watercourses to a minimum width of 25 feet from the center line and may be used for storm and sanitary sewers and as open space. Where conditions warrant, such as in floodplains, additional width shall be required in such cases where runoff treatment requires a wider easement. Runoff studies must prove such requirements beyond the floodplain.
Dedication. Where stormwater or surface water will be gathered within the subdivision or land development and discharged or drained in volume over lands within or beyond the boundaries of the subdivision or land development, the subdivider, developer or builder shall reserve or obtain easements over all lands affected. The easements shall be adequate for such discharge of drainage and for carrying off of such water and for the maintenance, repair and reconstruction of the same, including the right of passage over, including vehicles, machinery and other equipment for such purposes, and such easements shall be sufficient width for such passage and work. The subdivider, developer or builder shall convey, at no cost, the easement to the Township upon demand.
Monuments shall be of stone or concrete and located on the right-of-way lines at corners, angle points, beginning and end of curves and as otherwise required. Monuments shall be indicated on all plans. They shall be placed after a new street has been completed. The center line of all new streets shall be marked with spikes and referenced to permanent monuments or structures. A certified copy of this reference information shall be given to the Township Engineer. Permanent reference monuments of case concrete or durable stone 20 inches by four inches by four inches, with forty-five-degree beveled edges, shall be set by the subdivider, developer or builder at all corners and angle points of the boundaries of the original tract to be subdivided or developed and at intermediate points as may be required.
Bench marks. The Township elevations are based on the Township sanitary sewer system datum. Location and elevation is available to all engineers and surveyors upon request to the Engineer's office. All contours and elevations shown on plans must be based on this system.
Staking requirements. All lots shall be staked by the registered engineer or surveyor for the subdivider or developer when final grading has been completed. This stakeout shall be visible and completed before an owner or occupant moves into the property. All lot corner markers shall be permanently located and shall be at least a five-eighths-inch metal pin with a minimum length of 24 inches, located in the ground to existing grade.
Editor's Note: Former § 175-25.1, Mapping of stormwater management districts, and former § 175-25.2, Stormwater management district implementation provisions, were repealed 8-26-2014 by Ord. No. 556. See now Ch. 166, Stormwater Management.
[Amended 8-26-2014 by Ord. No. 556]
See Chapter 166.
Bridges and culverts shall be designed to meet current Pennsylvania Department of Transportation standards to support expected loads and to carry expected flows. They shall be constructed to the full width of the right-of-way.
Approval of the Water and Power Resources Board of the Commonwealth, or its successor, is required when the area drained upstream of the point under consideration exceeds an area of 1/2 square mile.
Sewers. Wherever practicable, sanitary sewers shall be installed and connected to the Township sanitary sewer system. In areas not presently served by public sanitary sewers, the Township shall require, according to Act No. 537 passed by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania (1965),[1] in addition to installation of temporary individual on-site sewage disposal facilities, the installation and capping of sanitary sewer mains and house connections, if studies by the Board indicate that extension of public sanitary sewer trunks or lateral to serve the property subdivided appears probable or necessary to protect public health.
When a feasibility analysis, conducted by the Township Engineer, local engineer and District Sanitarian, has ascertained that sanitary sewers are practicable, then sanitary sewers, with connection to each building in a subdivision or land development, shall be installed at the expense of the applicant or subdivider and connected to the Township sanitary sewer system.
If outfall sewers are not available in the vicinity but are considered reasonably necessary in the near future by the Township or Pennsylvania Department of Health or other appropriate state agency for the area in question, a system of sewers, together with all necessary laterals extending from mains to the street right-of-way line, shall be installed at the expense of the subdivider or applicant. The sewer lines shall be suitably capped at the limits of the subdivision or land development, and the laterals shall be capped at the right-of-way. The sewer installations shall include the construction within rights-of-way or easements to bring the sewer to the future connection with the Township sanitary sewer system.
If sanitary sewers are not to be installed at the time of subdivision and development, subdividers shall grant, reserve and set aside easements in streets and roads for installation and maintenance of sewer lines at such time that the subdivision or land development shall be a part of the Township sanitary sewer system.
A sewer shall be considered to be planned for extension to a given area any time after preliminary engineering and related studies have been completed and the construction of facilities adequate to serve the area containing the subdivision has been programmed for completion within a reasonable time.
When capped sewers are provided, on-site disposal facilities shall also be provided.
Sanitary sewers shall have a minimum inside diameter of eight inches and a minimum grade of 0.5% (1/2 of 1%).
Manholes shall be located at intervals of 250 feet and at each change of line or grade. In exceptional cases, the interval may be extended to not more than 300 feet. Manhole appurtenances shall conform to current Township standards.
Lateral connections to each lot shown on the final plan shall be installed to the right-of-way line of the street prior to paving. Each building shall have a separate connection to the Township sewer. The lowest fixture tying into the sanitary sewer line shall be at an elevation no less than one foot above the street level and/or the top of sanitary sewer manhole elevation.
This section shall be applicable to all subdivisions and land developments, whether utilizing public or private streets or driveways serving as private streets, and, in the case of a subdivision or land development utilizing private streets, the subdivider or the applicant shall execute recordable covenants with the Township and/or Township authority that, for the purposes of sewer connections, assessments and rentals, the rights and liabilities of himself and his grantees, heirs, successors and assigns shall be the same as if his property abutted a public street.
The specifications for the installation of a sanitary sewer and appurtenances required by this chapter shall be those set forth in Chapter 162, Sewers, Article III, Sewer Connection Regulations, § 162-31B(4), Materials and installation.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 750.1 et seq.
On-lot disposal system. If public sewage disposal is not available and the sewage treatment is on a project or individual-lot basis, such private facilities must be installed by the subdivider, developer or builder under the direct supervision of the Sewage Enforcement Officer, the Department of Environmental Resources or other appropriate official.
Necessary tests and inspections. Such officer shall require percolation tests, soil samples and other data to determine the size and extent of facilities needed. During installation of such facilities, and before final coverage, the State Health Officer or other appropriate officer shall make inspections and checks to assure that all requirements and specifications have been met. He shall be granted free access to the development area at all times during this period.
Certificate of approval. After assuring that all requirements and specifications have been met, the appropriate Board will then issue a certificate of approval to the Secretary of the Township as a requirement to final plan approval.
The type of on-site sewage disposal system to be installed shall be determined on the basis of location, topography, available area, soil characteristics, permeability and groundwater elevation. The disposal area to be provided shall be determined by the results of percolation tests, soil classification and depth of water table and such other tests as may be deemed necessary. Proof of the adequacy of such facilities shall be furnished by a registered professional engineer or other person qualified to the satisfaction of the Board. The reports of such tests shall be required at each disposal area. One percolation test per lot shall be required when the subdivider is dividing ground into lots and is not building immediately.
All percolation tests shall conform to the standards of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The usable area for sewage disposal shall be shown on the preliminary plan for each lot. The usable area shall be suitably situated beyond the radius of the water-supply well and shall conform to all rules and regulations or future amendments thereto of the Pennsylvania Department of Health of other appropriate agency and the Township of East Norriton.
Proximity of wells. In no instance shall a tile field or other effluent-disseminating system be located uphill from a drilled well and shall not be closer to it than 100 feet and 10 feet from any dwelling or property line. The septic tank shall be a minimum of 50 feet from any well and a minimum of 10 feet from any dwelling or property line.
All water and gas mains and other underground facilities shall be installed prior to the street paving at locations approved by the Township for the full width of the right-of-way.
All water and gas mains shall be installed underground. All electric, telephone and communication services, both main and service lines, shall be provided by underground cable, installed in accordance with the prevailing standards and practices of the utility or other companies providing such services, except where it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Board that underground installations herein required are not feasible because of physical conditions of the lands involved. All main underground cables which are within the right-of-way of a street shall be located as specified by the Board.
In order to promote and facilitate the undergrounding of utility distribution lines, a letter of endorsement shall be required from the suppliers of utility service (not limited to electrical, telephone or cable television) of the developer's choice, wherein the applicant acknowledges that underground utility service shall be placed on the final plan as a prerequisite to final approval of such plan.
The provisions in this chapter shall not be construed as to limit or interfere with the construction, installation, operation and maintenance of public utility structures or facilities which may hereafter be located with public easements or rights-of-way designated for such purposes.
Streetlighting shall be installed along each street in each subdivision and along each street front abutting a public street in each land development by the applicant and at the expense of the applicant, unless specifically waived by the Board of Supervisors. The applicant shall submit a plan showing the type and location of each streetlight to be installed also specifying the supplier and installer of the lights. The plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Township, and no streetlights shall be installed prior to review and approval by the Township. Installation of streetlighting shall include installation of all necessary lines, wires, conduits, electrical connections and lighting facilities. The applicant shall supply the Township with a plan and map showing completed locations of all wires and electrical facilities. The applicant shall arrange for the nighttime operation of streetlighting within the subdivision or land development when 25% of the houses or construction in that specific phase shall be occupied or constructed, as the case may be.
Upon final approval of construction and dedication of all public improvements, the applicant shall dedicate the streetlights to the Township and shall assign all applicable warranties to the Township. The requirements for dedication provided elsewhere in this chapter and in the Municipalities Planning Code[1] shall apply.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
All streetlights shall be mounted on metal streetlight standards or poles designed for such purposes and shall be constructed in accordance with the Township streetlighting specifications as may be adopted, from time to time, by resolution of the Board.
Along arterial roads and major highways, all new electric service should be placed underground.
The provisions of this section are intended to provide shade from the summer sun, to promote energy conservation by reducing the need for cooling and to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the community.
Street trees shall be required:
Along all existing streets when they abut or lie within the proposed subdivision or land development.
Along all proposed streets.
Along access driveways which serve five or more residential dwelling units.
The street tree requirement may be waived by the Township Board of Supervisors where existing vegetation is considered sufficient or to maintain scenic views of open space, farmland or natural features.
Street trees shall be provided by the applicant according to the following standards:
Trees shall be planted a minimum distance of five feet and a maximum distance of 15 feet from all ultimate right-of-way lines.
In nonresidential developments, trees shall be located within the front yard setback in a planting bed at least 10 feet in width, planted in grass or ground cover.
Trees shall be located so as not to interfere with the installation and maintenance of sidewalks and utilities. Trees shall be planted a minimum distance of three feet from curbs and sidewalks, 15 feet from overhead utilities and six feet from underground utilities.
Trees shall be planted at a ratio of one tree per 50 linear feet of frontage or fraction thereof.
Trees shall be distributed along the entire frontage of the property, although they need not be evenly spaced.
Trees shall be selected from the Recommended Plant Material List which may be adopted by resolution of the Board and amended from time to time,[1] and shall be a minimum of 2 1/2 inches in caliper at planting.
Editor's Note: The list is on file in the Township offices.
The minimum requirements for improvement shall be contained in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Form 408 as last revised.
The subdivider or developer shall provide public water service to provide adequate supply to each lot in a subdivision or, as required, to a building in a development.
Where no public water service is available and it would be an undue hardship for the subdivider or developer to have the public water service extended, the subdivider or developer may, on approval of the Supervisors, be permitted to construct a well on each lot. All wells shall be constructed according to present rules and regulations, or any future amendments thereto, of the State Department of Environmental Resources or other appropriate state agency and the Township of East Norriton.
The proposed location of the wells shall be shown on the preliminary plan for each lot. Where there are existing wells on the property or adjoining lots, they must also be shown.
A circular area with a radius conforming to the rules and regulations, or future amendments thereto, of the state Department of Environmental Resources or other appropriate state agency and the Township of East Norriton shall be shown around each well to denote clear space in which no sewage system is to be located.
Where public water service is furnished, the circles are not necessary, with the exception of those wells lying immediately adjacent to the subdivision. However, the usable area is limited by a clear zone surrounding the water-service line to each house as required by the state Department of Environmental Resources or other appropriate state agency and the Township of East Norriton.
If water is to be provided by means other than by private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of lots within the subdivision or development, applicants shall present evidence to the Township, that the subdivision or development is to be supplied by a certificated public utility, a bona fide cooperative association of lot owners or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a certificate of public convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be acceptable evidence.
Fire hydrants are to be installed at the expense of the subdivider or developer in accordance with the following:
All fire hydrants shall be placed at intervals of 800 linear feet or less on any waterline on any public street and not less than 400 feet from any proposed structure or as deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal.
All fire hydrant installations shall be provided with two two-and-one-half-inch male outlets National Standard Thread with covers, in addition to a four-and-one-half-inch National Standard Thread (outside diameter male thread 5.7609 inches, four threads per inch) steamer connection.
All fire hydrants shall be of the safety flange protection type.
Required fire hydrants shall be installed prior to the framing of any structure which is to be protected by that hydrant.
The regulations contained herein shall apply in those areas identified as flood-prone in the Flood Insurance Study, Township of East Norriton prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Flood Boundary - Floodway Map shall be available in the East Norriton Township Office for inspection. In regard to the adopted Floodplain Conservation District, the regulations contained herein shall apply to those areas defined and established as flood-prone.
The regulations contained herein are intended to conform to the requirements of Section 1910.3d of the National Flood Insurance Program, P.L. 93-234. Furthermore, it is the purpose of these regulations to:
Regulate the subdivision and development of flood-prone land areas in order to promote the general health, welfare and safety of the community.
Require that each subdivision lot or development site in flood-prone areas be provided with a safe building site with adequate access and that public facilities which serve such sites be designed and installed to preclude flood damage at the time of initial construction.
Protect individuals from buying lands which are unsuitable for use because of flood hazards by prohibiting the subdivision and development of unprotected flood-prone areas.
Maintain the certification of East Norriton Township and the eligibility of the property owners in the Township for the benefits of the National Flood Insurance Program, P.L. 92-234.
Prospective developers shall consult with the Zoning Officer to make a determination as to whether or not the proposed subdivision or land development is located within an identified flood-prone area.
Where not prohibited by this or any other codes or ordinances, land located in flood-prone area(s) may be subdivided or developed with the provision that the developer construct all buildings and structures to preclude flood damage in accordance with this and any other codes or ordinances regulating such development.
The Township Supervisors may, when it is deemed necessary for the health, comfort, safety or welfare of the present and future population of the area and necessary facilities, restrict subdivision or development of any portion of the property which lies within the floodplain of any stream or drainage course.
The finished elevation of proposed streets within flood-prone areas shall be no more than two feet below the base flood elevation. Drainage openings shall be sufficient to discharge flood flows without unduly increasing flood heights.
Storm drainage facilities shall be designed to convey the flow of surface waters without risk to persons or property. The drainage system shall ensure drainage at all points along streets and ensure conveyance of drainage away from buildings. The Township Supervisors may require an underground system to accommodate a one-hundred-year flood and a secondary surface system to accommodate larger, less frequent floods. Drainage plans shall be consistent with local and regional drainage plans. The facilities shall be designed to prevent the discharge of excess runoff onto adjacent properties.
All new or replacement sanitary sewer systems, whether public or private, located in flood-prone areas shall be floodproofed up to a point 1 1/2 feet above the base flood elevation.
All new or replacement water systems, whether public or private, in flood-prone areas shall be floodproofed to a point 1 1/2 feet above the base flood elevation.
All other new or replacement public or private utilities and facilities in flood-prone areas shall be elevated or floodproofed to a point 1 1/2 feet above the base flood elevation.
Waivers. Guidelines for relaxation from the requirements set forth in this section are as follows:
A waiver shall not be issued within any designated regulatory floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result.
A waiver shall only be issued if there is:
A showing of good and sufficient cause.
A determination that failure to relax the requirements would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant.
A determination that the relaxing of a requirement will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety or extraordinary public expense; create nuisances; cause fraud on or victimization of the public; or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances.
A waiver shall only be issued upon a determination that the waiver is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief.
The Township shall maintain a record of all waivers, including justification for their issuance, and report such decisions issued in its annual report submitted to the Federal Insurance Administrator.
If granted relief, it shall involve only the least modification.
The federal government has adopted legislation regulating construction in and about areas known as "wetlands." This legislation is enforced concurrently by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Environmental Resources. The Township of East Norriton will not review any plans with respect to their compliance with the federal legislation, and the individual landowner should assure himself that his plans comply with the federal legislation.