In expansion of the statement of community development objectives contained in Article I, § 205-3, of this chapter, it is hereby declared to be the intent of this article with respect to the MR Medium-Density Residential District to establish reasonable standards of performance for a selection of permitted uses therein and to maintain and protect the desirable benefits which medium-density development of single-family homes, twin homes and duplex homes will have when provided for in selected locations within the Township. It is further the intent of this article to:
Permit a variety of housing types available to present and future residents of the Township.
At the same time provide adequate protection to existing, established neighborhoods nearby.
Implement the general recommendation contained in the Township's Comprehensive Plan to provide areas for medium-density residential development.
Ensure that the traffic and other impacts of development in accordance with this district are no greater than can be accommodated by the infrastructure of the Township.
In a MR Medium-Density Residential District, a building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used or occupied for any one of the following purposes and no other; provided, however, that all other requirements of this article are met:
Single-family detached dwelling in accordance with the requirements of § 205-30 (the BR Residential District).
Twin houses.
Playgrounds, parks, tot lots and open spaces.
Accessory uses in accordance with § 205-16.
No-impact home-based businesses as defined in Article II herein.
No principal building shall exceed the height of 35 feet measured from the lowest outside finished grade around the building, nor shall any building exceed two stories, exclusive of basements. The maximum height of an accessory building or structure shall not exceed 14 feet.
Area of district. A tract area of no less than five developable acres shall be provided for every area to be used in whole or part as a MR Medium-Density Residential District.
Utilities. All dwelling units within the MR Medium-Density Residential District shall be served by a public sanitary sewage disposal system and by public water supply. All utility lines (electric, telephone, etc.) serving the MR Medium-Density Residential District developed subsequent to the enactment of this article shall be placed underground.
Density. The total number of dwelling units shall not exceed five dwelling units per gross acre.
Lot area. A minimum lot area of 4,000 square feet shall be provided for each dwelling unit, with an average lot area of 5,500 square feet for each dwelling unit.
Lot width. A minimum lot width of 37 1/2 feet at the building line shall be provided, with an average lot width of 45 feet.
Street frontage. Each lot shall be provided with a minimum of 25 feet of street frontage measured along the right-of-way line of a public or private street; provided, however, that a maximum reduction of five feet to the required street frontage may be permitted for lots which front onto the bulb of a cul-de-sac.
Yard requirements. The minimum yard requirements shall be as follows:
Front yard: The average front yard for all dwelling units in a land development shall be not less than 25 feet; provided, however, that 50% of the front facade of any individual dwelling within the land development may be set back a distance of not less than 20 feet from the ultimate right-of-way of adjoining streets.
Rear yard: 30 feet.
Side yard: 10 feet (one side only required for twin houses).
Setbacks for accessory buildings. No accessory building or use shall extend within a required yard nor be less than five feet from a common lot line of an adjoining dwelling.
Parking. A minimum of two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
Building coverage. The maximum building coverage shall not exceed 35% of total lot area.
Perimeter setback. There shall be a setback of not less than 35 feet for all buildings and parking spaces that are located adjacent to a zoning district other than the MR Medium-Density Residential District. This setback area shall contain a buffer area as defined in this chapter to shield the proposed development from the uses located in neighboring zoning districts.
No building addition to the front or rear facade of a twin house dwelling shall exceed the height of one story or 14 feet, whichever is less.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection L, pertaining to landscaping, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 4-28-2009 by Ord. No. 515.