Any building or structure erected, altered or used, and any lot used or occupied, for any of the following purposes shall be provided with minimum off-street parking spaces, either within a structure or in the open, as set forth below, together with adequate passageways or driveways or other means of circulation with proper and safe access from a street or way.
Dwellings in residential and nonresidential districts. For each dwelling unit in a residential district or a nonresidential district, two off-street parking spaces shall be provided. All driveways and parking spaces shall be all-weather, properly graded for drainage, surfaced with asphalt and maintained in good condition, free of weeds, dust, trash, debris, snow and ice. A garage shall not be counted as a parking space.
In all zoning districts except for AR Residential, BR Residential and BR-1 Residential Zoning Districts, the following regulations shall apply:
Standards. All parking lots and spaces in these districts shall be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the following conditions:
Parking lots and spaces shall be all-weather, properly graded for drainage, surfaced with concrete or asphalt and maintained in good condition, free of weeds, dust, trash, debris, snow and ice.
All accessways to any public street or highway shall be located at least 200 feet from the intersection of any street lines and shall be designed in a manner conducive to safe ingress and egress. The developer shall be responsible for the construction of any necessary traffic control devices or additional acceleration lanes required by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Interior drives shall be designed so as to prevent blockage or vehicles entering or leaving the site.
There shall be areas provided for loading and unloading of delivery trucks and other vehicles and for the servicing of shops by refuse collection, fuel and other service vehicles and shall be adequate in size and shall be so arranged that they may be used without blockage or interference with accessways or automobile parking facilities.
(Intentionally left blank)
[Amended 12-12-2017 by Ord. No. 574[1]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also repealed former Subsection B(1)(e), which stated: “Except in the case of individual on-lot parking in a CR Residential District, no parking shall be located less than 20 feet from any building unless said parking is located within the lines of the building walls or in an attached parking garage.”
Parking space formula.
Churches, schools, public auditoriums, meeting rooms or similar place of public or private assembly: one parking space for every four seats.
Hospitals: one parking space for every four beds.
Community centers, libraries or museums: one parking space for every 800 square feet of floor area in public use.
Clubs: one parking space for every four members.
Retail stores or other shops: one parking space for every 100 square feet of total store sales floor space.
Department stores or supermarkets: one parking space for every 50 square feet of store sales floor area.
Indoor theaters: one parking space for every four seats.
Hotels, tourist homes, motels or auto courts: one parking space for each rental unit.
Office buildings or wholesale establishments: one parking space for every 200 square feet of ground floor area, plus one parking space for every 400 square feet of floor area above the ground floor.
Restaurants, cafes or other eating or drinking establishments: one parking space for every 75 square feet of floor area including outdoor seating areas. Restaurants, cafes or other eating or drinking establishments offering drive-thru service shall provide a twelve-foot-wide drive-thru lane that is capable of providing stacking for up to six vehicles without interfering with other required parking facilities or vehicle circulation.
[Amended 5-25-2010 by Ord. No. 526]
Other commercial and industrial buildings: one parking space for every 1,000 square feet of floor area, or fraction thereof, except when otherwise authorized as a special exception consistent with the requirements set forth herein for comparable establishments.
Open areas used for commercial purposes: one parking space for every 15,000 square feet of area, or fraction thereof.
Apartments and townhouses: two parking spaces for each dwelling unit.
Nursing homes: one space for every three beds.
When the uses set forth in Subsection B(2)(e) and (f) are developed as part of a project on one parcel having five or more establishments sharing common parking and access and providing a total of at least 75,000 square feet of total building area, overall parking calculated for these uses may be reduced to a ratio of five spaces per every 1,000 square feet of total floor area which shall be inclusive of employee parking.
Personal care homes (assisted living): one space for every two beds.
Medical office: one parking space for every 200 square feet of floor area.
[Added 5-25-2010 by Ord. No. 526]
The parking spaces required in § 205-102 herein may be located elsewhere than on the same lot when authorized as a special exception, subject to the following conditions:
The owners of two or more establishments shall submit, with their application for special exception, a site plan showing joint use and location of a common off-street parking area.
Some portion of the common off-street parking area lies within 200 feet of an entrance regularly used by patrons into the building served thereby.
Off-street parking facilities existing at the effective date of this chapter shall not subsequently be reduced to an amount less than required hereunder for a similar new building or new use. Off-street parking facilities provided to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall not subsequently be reduced below the requirements of this chapter.
The Zoning Hearing Board may, by special exception, reduce the required aggregate amount of required parking spaces upon determination that greater efficiency is effected by joint use of a common parking area such as in the case of a shopping center or two or more contiguous commercial uses, but in no case shall the required number of off-street parking spaces be reduced more than 25%.
The developer may set aside up to 15% of the required parking spaces, which shall be planted, landscaped and reserved for future parking needs. The reserved parking shall be constructed at the sole expense of the property owner or tenant, in total or in part, at the election of the property owner or if so ordered by the Township Board of Supervisors. Such reserved parking shall be fully engineered, and such areas shall not be counted as any open space otherwise required, and the location and design must conform to all other applicable Township standards. The applicant shall provide financial security in the form of a cash escrow in the amount determined by the Township Engineer to be sufficient for completion of the parking spaces held in reserve. The escrow shall not be released until such time as the reserved parking spaces are completed in accordance with Township requirements and approved by the Township Engineer.
In all residential zoning districts, on-street parking shall be limited to passenger vehicles. At no time shall a commercial vehicle or truck which exceeds a gross vehicle weight of 9,000 pounds be parked on a residential street.
An area amounting to 10% of all paved parking areas in excess of 2,000 square feet per each lot, whether constructed immediately or reserved for future needs, shall be devoted to permanent green areas, which must be interspersed within the paved parking areas to channel traffic or divide parking spaces, and shall be landscaped in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 175, the Subdivision and Land Development. The exact design and location of the green areas, as well as the landscape material therein, shall be disclosed on the land development, subdivision or site plan and be permanently maintained as such.