Whenever the Town Plan and Zoning Commission shall make any assessment of benefits under the provisions of Section 8-29 of the Connecticut General Statutes, such assessment shall be due and payable at such time as may be fixed by the Commission, provided that no assessment shall become due until the work for which such assessment was levied has been completed. The Commission shall give notice of the date when such assessments are due and payable by publication at least twice within a period of 15 days in a newspaper having a circulation in the town, listing the streets, the names of the property owners and the amounts of the assessments and by mailing a notice of such assessment to each record owner of land affected thereby. Such notice shall state the date when such assessments are due and payable, which date shall be more than 30 and fewer than 60 days after the date of the first such publication.
The Plan and Zoning Commission may provide for the payment of such assessments in such number of substantially equal annual installments, not exceeding 10, as it shall determine, and may provide for interest charges on any deferred payments. Any person who may have elected to pay his assessment in more than one installment may make payment at any time in full of the whole or such part of such assessment as still remains unpaid.
Any assessment of benefits not paid within 30 days of the due date shall thereupon be delinquent and shall be subject to interest from the due date at the same interest rate and in the same manner as provided by the Connecticut General Statutes in the case of delinquent taxes, provided that, in the case of an assessment payable in installments, interest shall be computed on the entire unpaid balance of such assessment from the due date of the last installment which was paid, or from the due date of the assessment if no previous installment has been paid. Each addition of interest shall become and be collectible as a part of such assessment. Whenever any installment of an assessment becomes delinquent, any remaining unpaid installments of such assessment shall also become delinquent, provided that if all past due installments, together with interest and any other charges, have been paid in full, remaining installments may be paid without additional penalty, except for subsequent default, in accordance with the original installment schedule.