[Adopted 3-26-1990]
[Amended 7-28-1997]
There shall be a Solid Waste and Recycling Commission which shall consist of seven members who must be electors of the Town of Fairfield. No more than four members shall be members of the same political party. These members shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen and subject to legislative ratification. The Director of the Solid Waste and Recycling Department shall serve as an ex officio member of the Commission without vote.
The terms of all members shall run for four years, except that the terms of members serving as of July 1, 1997, shall be adjusted and thereafter staggered as follows: two terms ending in 1998, two terms ending in 1999, two terms ending in 2000 and one term ending in 2001, so that the terms of not more than two members shall terminate in any single year.
[Amended 7-28-1997]
If a member resigns or is removed for any reason before his or her term expires, a replacement shall be appointed within two months of termination by the Board of Selectmen, in accordance with § 84-1, to complete that term. A Commission member may be removed by the Board of Selectmen for good cause, upon request of the Commission. Failure to attend four consecutive meetings without good reason shall constitute good cause for removal.
The Commission shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary. The Commission may form subcommittees to address specific duties of the Commission.
A quorum at any such meetings shall consist of a majority of the membership.
The Solid Waste and Recycling Commission shall direct and supervise the activities of the Solid Waste and Recycling Department implementing state and local mandated programs for the collection, disposal and recycling of garbage and other refuse. Policymaking responsibilities or general management supervision is also suggested.
The purpose of the Solid Waste and Recycling Commission will be to prepare a Solid Waste and Recycling Plan, and it shall amend said plan from time to time as required by provision of the Connecticut General Statutes. It shall review and recommend to the Representative Town Meeting proposals for local and regional solid waste and recycling. It may propose ordinances for adoption by the Representative Town Meeting and may adopt regulations for the disposal of solid waste and recycling of recyclable materials. Such regulations shall be adopted in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the Town of Fairfield and, if applicable, the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut. It shall review and recommend to the Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance and to the Representative Town Meeting an annual budget for operations of the Solid Waste and Recycling Department.