[Adopted 3-11-2003 by Ord. No. 6-2003]
Pursuant to the Local Budget Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:4-1 et seq.), a Pools and Pavilions Utility is established in the Borough of Spring Lake and the same shall be known and cited as the "Pools Utility of the Borough of Spring Lake."
The Pools Utility shall commence as of January 1, 2003, and the same shall be retroactive to that date.
The Pools Utility budget shall set forth the anticipated revenues from the operation thereof which shall be set forth in a separate section of the budget.
The Pools Utility budget shall set forth the appropriations in the form and detail prescribed by the regulations of the local governing board and shall include, at least:
Interest and debt retirement.
Deferred charges and statutory expenditures.
The anticipated revenues and appropriations for the maintenance and operation of the beaches shall not be included in the Pools Utility budget.
The Borough officers and employees are directed and empowered to adopt accounting procedures consistent with this article and the aforesaid statutes in the creation of the Pools Utility.
The Spring Lake Pools Utility shall be governed by the governing body of the Borough of Spring Lake.
All matters with respect to the operation and conduct of the Pools Utility not determined by this article shall be determined by resolutions to be hereafter adopted.