[Adopted 10-4-2005 by Ord. No. 36-2005]
No person owning, walking or otherwise having custody or possession of any dog shall cause, suffer or permit such dog to soil, defile, defecate on, or commit any nuisance on any curb, street, sidewalk, park, playground, school land, or upon any private property without the permission of the owner of the private property obtained in the last instance.
Any person owning, walking or otherwise having custody or possession of any dog which soils, defecates on, or commits any nuisance on any curb, street, sidewalk, park, playground, school land, or upon any private property without the permission of the owner of said private property obtained in the last instance shall immediately remove all feces deposited by any such dog, which removal shall be in a sanitary manner by shovel or placed in a container and promptly disposed of in a sanitary manner.
Any owner or keeper who requires the use of a disability assistance animal shall be exempt from the provisions of this article while such animal is being used for that purpose.
The provisions of this article shall be enforced by the Police Department and the local Board of Health of the Borough of Spring Lake.
Any person who shall violate any provisions of this article, and including all the provisions of the ordinance adopted on April 11, 1955, and as amended and supplemented, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to penalties as provided in Chapter 1, Article I, General Penalty, in the discretion of the Judge of the Municipal Court before whom the complaint is heard.