[Adopted by Ord. No. 374 (§ 12-16 of the Revised General Ordinances), as amended through Ord. No. 27-1999]
No new installation of refrigeration equipment, air-conditioning or refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment requiring use of water supplied by the Borough derived from any well shall be installed in any premises until a permit authorizing such installation has been issued by the Construction Official.
Application in duplicate, on forms furnished by the Construction Official for permits for refrigeration, air-conditioning or refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment requiring the use of water to be installed shall specify the information requested on the application and shall be accompanied by a fee of $50. One approved copy of the application will be returned to the applicant to serve as a permit.
All new installations of any individual or collective system of refrigeration equipment, air-conditioning equipment, or refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment requiring the use of water in any premises for a single consumer shall be installed under the following specifications: All new installations of any individual or collective system of refrigeration equipment, air-conditioning equipment, or refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment requiring the use of water for cooling purposes shall be equipped with a water-conserving device such as an economizer, evaporative condenser, water-cooling tower or similar apparatus, which device shall not consume for makeup purposes in excess of 5% of the consumption of water that would normally be used without such device, except as provided in § 376-18.
All existing installations of refrigeration equipment, air-conditioning or refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, installed on any premises, requiring the use of water supplied by the Borough or derived from a well shall be subject to the rules and regulations prescribed in this section. The owner or person or corporation in possession of any premises upon which refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment requiring the use of water is already installed shall make application and obtain a permit for the existing installation not later than July 1, 1956. The application shall contain the same information as in the case of a new installation. All existing installations of refrigeration equipment, air-conditioning or refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment requiring the use of water, installed prior to the adoption of this section, shall comply with the requirements of this section in the same manner as new installations and such equipment already installed shall be charged, rebuilt or remodeled and all the work and equipment required therefor shall be installed and completed on or before December 1, 1956, pursuant to the inspection and supervision of the Construction Official; provided, however, that the Mayor and Council may, for good cause shown, by resolution, extend the time for compliance for a further period, not exceeding one year.
All installations of any individual or collective system of refrigeration equipment, air-conditioning equipment or refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment requiring the use of water for cooling purposes supplied from subterranean sources shall be equipped with a water-conserving device as provided in § 376-16. With the advice of the Borough Engineer and the Construction Official, however, the Mayor and Council, by resolution, may grant permission for a diffusion device which will return the water in a pure and uncontaminated condition, without loss or waste, back into the ground instead of the device required under § 376-16. All costs for expert review will be charged to and paid by the owner or tenant who arranged for the installation of the said equipment. If permission is granted for such a diffusion device, it will be the responsibility of the property owner, tenant or other legal occupant of the premises serviced by such system of refrigeration or air-conditioning equipment to ensure that no water is wasted or contaminated thereby. It is the declared intent of the Mayor and Council that no diffusion well or recharge basin shall be permitted under the section unless it is assured that all water used in such refrigeration or air-conditioning system will be effectively returned in a pure and uncontaminated condition after use to subterranean sources. No connection to storm or sanitary sewer shall be permitted under this section.
No air-conditioning or refrigeration unit employing water in its use shall discharge such water into the sanitary sewerage system.
Every person, firm, association, organization or corporation violating any provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty.