[Adopted 9-1-1993 by Ord. No. 2-1993 (BH1-3 through BH1-7 of the Revised General Ordinances)]
In accordance with applicable state statutes, the office of Health Officer is hereby established. The salary of the Health Officer is established in the Salary Ordinance payable quarterly.
In accordance with applicable state statutes, the office of Sanitary Inspector is hereby established.
In accordance with applicable state statutes, the office of Secretary of the Board of Health is hereby established. The Secretary of the Board of Health shall be elected by the members of the Board of Health from among the members thereof.
The term of office of persons appointed and employed or elected for each of the aforesaid offices shall be for a period of one year beginning on January 1 and terminating on December 31 annually. In the event of a vacancy in office each new appointment, employment or election shall be for the unexpired period thereof.
The Health Officer, Sanitary Inspector and Secretary of the Board of Health are hereby given the powers as enacted and determined by state statues and case law and, further, the officers shall perform such duties as provided by state statutes and case law, ordinance, and as directed by the Board of Health.