[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of East Norriton 3-20-2000 by Ord. No. 420. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Planning Commission — See Ch. 30.
Building construction — See Ch. 72.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 152.
Zoning — See Ch. 205.
011a Exhibit A
[Amended 1-6-2003 by Ord. No. 446; 4-17-2007 by Ord. No. 496]
There is hereby created an Historical Advisory Commission in and for East Norriton Township. The Commission shall consist of up to nine persons to be appointed by the East Norriton Township Supervisors for such terms as they shall permit. No more than two terms shall expire in any one year.
The members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Supervisors of East Norriton Township for terms of five years, in such order that at least one member's term shall expire annually; the aforesaid appointments for a specified term notwithstanding, a Commission member may stay in office until a successor qualifies or is appointed, or the East Norriton Township Supervisors may remove any member of the Commission, at the pleasure of the Supervisors.
All members of the Historical Advisory Commission shall be residents of East Norriton Township and shall serve without compensation other than for such expenses in connection with their duties on said Commission as the Supervisors may approve in advance.
The Historical Advisory Commission shall elect from among its members, at the first meeting thereof, and at the annual meeting in January of each and every year thereafter, a Chairman, Secretary and such other officers as said Commission may deem necessary, by a majority vote of the members present at such meeting. Written notice of the annual meeting shall be mailed to each member by the Secretary at least 10 days prior to said meeting; regular or special meetings shall be convened at the call of the Chairman, or in such other manner as the members may, by a majority vote, designate.
The Historical Advisory Commission, at such times as directed by the Supervisors, shall annually submit for approval to the Supervisors a proposed budget for the ensuing year, setting forth all proposed expenditures and programs. The Historical Advisory Commission shall not in any manner obligate the Township for the payment of any municipal funds until the same is appropriated by the Township Supervisors.
The Historical Advisory Commission shall undertake the following functions and responsibilities in connection with advising the Supervisors in identifying and preserving historical sites, buildings, papers, documents and relics of historical significance to East Norriton Township:
Conduct investigations on historical matters relating to East Norriton Township and report the same for public information.
Collect and disseminate data and information on matters of historical significance to East Norriton Township.
Publish a pamphlet or report designating the historical sites or buildings of significant value to the history of East Norriton Township.
Make recommendations for suitable plaques or markers to distinguish historic sites and buildings of East Norriton Township.
Cooperate with any qualified historical society in investigations of historical matters relating to East Norriton Township.
Recommend to the Supervisors a suitable depository and display of historical papers, documents and relics.
Cooperate with and encourage the activities of interested citizens to the end that such activities will serve the historical interests of East Norriton Township.
The Historical Advisory Commission, by its Chairman or by other members appointed for such purpose by the Chairman, shall make such reports from time to time to the Supervisors as the Chairman shall deem advisable.
[Added 10-23-2007 by Ord. No. 501]
Demolition of historic structures. No structure listed as a historic resource in accordance with this article shall be demolished except upon grant of special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board. The Zoning Hearing Board shall consider, in making its decision, the recommendation of the East Norriton Township Historical Advisory Commission. The applicant shall demonstrate that there is no reasonable possibility of saving the structure. The Zoning Hearing Board may impose reasonable conditions upon the grant of the special exception.
Purposes. It is hereby declared as a matter of public policy that the preservation and protection of buildings, structures, and sites of historic, architectural, cultural, archeological, educational, and aesthetic merit are public necessities and are in the interest of the health, prosperity and welfare of the people of East Norriton Township. It is therefore the intent of this article to provide a comprehensive framework for the preservation of historic sites, objects, buildings, structures and districts within the Township, in order to promote the following public purposes:
To promote the general welfare by facilitating protection of the historical integrity of the historic resources of East Norriton Township.
To establish a clear process by which proposed land use changes affecting historic resources can be reviewed.
To discourage the unnecessary demolition of historic resources.
To provide incentives for the continued use of historic resources and to facilitate their appropriate reuse.
To encourage the conservation of historic settings and landscapes.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The razing or destruction, whether entirely or in significant part, of the exterior of a building, structure, or site. Demolition includes the removal of a building or structure from its site or the removal, stripping, concealing or destruction of the facade or any significant exterior architectural features which are integral to the historic character of the resource, for whatever purpose, including new construction or reconstruction.
Any property which meets one or more of the following categories of criteria:
All sites designated by the Secretary of the Interior as National Historic Landmarks;
All buildings, sites, structures, and objects listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places;
All buildings and structures classified as certified historic structures by the Secretary of the Interior;
All buildings, sites, structures, and objects documented as contributing resources in a National Register Historic District;
Any resources, which have received a determination of eligibility (DOE) by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC);
All historic resources identified by the East Norriton Township Board of Supervisors as historic resources.
A study of the potential impacts of proposed land development and/or land disturbance on nearby historic resources, including study of potential means to mitigate negative impacts, required to be submitted to the Township in certain land development scenarios, in accordance with this article.
The East Norriton Township Board of Supervisors shall, by resolution, establish a list of historic resources. Said resolution shall be available for inspection at the Township offices. The East Norriton Township historic resource inventory may include a list and corresponding map indicating the locations of all historic resources, including both principal and contributing resources, to which the provisions of this article apply.
Procedure for addition or removal of historic resources from East Norriton Township historic resources inventory.
Any property may be proposed for addition to the East Norriton Township historic resource inventory as a historic resource by the owner of such property or by the Historical Advisory Commission.
The Historical Advisory Commission shall periodically, but no less frequently than once in every seven years, review the inventory of historic resources and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for the addition or removal of resources from the inventory.
Any proposal for addition to the East Norriton Township historic resources inventory shall be considered by the Township Board of Supervisors in accordance with the following:
Upon receipt, any proposal regarding resource classification shall be referred to the Historical Advisory Commission which shall hold a public meeting thereon.
Unless a property is proposed by the owner(s), such owner(s) shall be notified upon receipt of a proposal affecting their property and shall be invited to respond to such proposal at or prior to the public meeting.
The Historical Advisory Commission shall give 14 days' public notice of the public meeting to consider the proposal and shall send written notice to the owner(s) of the affected property. Such notice shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Township and shall indicate the date, time and place of the public meeting at which the Historical Advisory Commission will consider the proposal. Notice shall be sent to the registered owner's last known address as the same appears in the real estate tax records of the Township Manager and sent to the owner at the street address of the property in question.
Any interested party may present testimony or documentary evidence regarding the proposal at the public meeting, describing how or why the subject property meets the criteria for designation as a historic resource, or does not. Such evidence may be presented at the public meeting held to consider the proposal or may be submitted in writing to the Township prior to said meeting.
The Historical Advisory Commission shall present a written report to the Township Board of Supervisors, within 30 days following the public meeting, stating its recommendation regarding the subject proposal, based upon the criteria established herein.
Based upon the criteria set forth herein and after receiving the recommendations of the Historical Advisory Commission, the Township shall, within 30 days of receipt of the report of the Historical Advisory Commission, render a decision on whether the subject property shall be classified or reclassified as a historical resource. Written notice of the action of the Township Board of Supervisors shall be given to the property owner within 14 days of the Board of Supervisors' decision. The written notice to the owner of a property designated as a historic resource shall advise the property owner of the rights and benefits of the status and shall also advise the owner of his or her right to decline the status.
Any proposal by the property owner, the Township Board of Supervisors or the Historic Advisory Commission for removal of a property from the inventory shall be considered in accordance with the following:
If the proposal to remove the resource does not initiate from the Historic Advisory Commission, the Township staff shall forward the proposal to the Historic Advisory Commission which shall hold a public meeting thereon within 30 days of receipt of the proposal.
The Historical Advisory Commission shall give 14 days' public notice of the public meeting to consider the proposal and shall send written notice to the owner(s) of the affected property. Such notice shall be published once and shall indicate the date, time and place of the public meeting at which the Historical Advisory Commission will consider the proposal. Notice shall be sent to the registered owner's last known address as the same appears in the real estate tax records of the Township Manager and sent to the owner at the street address of the property in question.
Any interested party may present testimony or documentary evidence regarding the proposal at the public meeting, describing why the subject property should be removed from the inventory of historic resources, or why the property should remain on the inventory. Such evidence may be presented at the public meeting held to consider the proposal or may be submitted in writing prior to said meeting.
In accordance with the procedure set forth herein and after receiving the recommendations of the Historical Advisory Commission, the Township Board of Supervisors shall from time to time review structures, sites and objects for removal from the historic resources inventory, or to change classification. Written notice of the action of the Township Board of Supervisors shall be given to the property owner within 14 days of the Board of Supervisors' decision.
Demolition of historic structures.
Applicability of demolition permit requirement.
Demolition of a historic structure is subject to the provisions of this article.
Within five days of receipt by the Township, the complete application for demolition of any historical structure shall be forwarded to the Historical Advisory Commission, for review and comment. No demolition permit for a historic resource shall issue for at least 90 days following receipt of the application.
Historic resource impact study.
Applicability. In the following situations, the Board of Supervisors may, after receipt of recommendations by the Township Engineer and the Historical Advisory Commission, require the submission of a historic resource impact study which shall be submitted to the Township, the Planning Commission, and the Historical Advisory Commission:
As part of preliminary plan submission for any subdivision or land development application which proposed new construction of buildings, structures, roads, driveways, parking areas, or other land disturbance on the same lot as a historic resource, or on a neighboring property within 300 feet of the exterior walls of any historic resource.
Where general bridge or road construction or substantial repair is proposed within 250 feet of the exterior walls of any historic resource.
In the event of an application for a special exception or variance to the Zoning Hearing Board by the property owner.
Contents. The historic resource impact study shall contain the following information:
Background information.
If not otherwise provided by the applicant, a general site description of the site subject to application, including topography, watercourses, vegetation, landscaping, existing drives, etc.
General description and classification of all historic resources located within 300 feet of any proposed land development or land disturbance.
Physical description of all such historic resources.
Narrative description of the historical significance of each historic resource, relative to both the Township and to the region in general.
Sufficient number of black and white eight-inch-by-ten-inch photographs to show each historic resource in its setting.
Assessment of potential impacts to historic resources.
General description of the proposed activity subject to application, including timetable or phases.
Description of potential impact(s) to each historic resource identified in Subsection F(2)(a) above, with regard to architectural integrity, historic setting, and future use.
Mitigation measures. Suggested approaches to mitigate potentially negative impacts to historic resources, including design alternatives, buffering, landscaping, conservation of existing vegetation, and any other appropriate measures permitted under the terms of this and other Township ordinances.
Violations, penalties and enforcement. Any person who violates the terms of this article shall be subject to the enforcement procedures, fines and penalties provided for in the East Norriton Township Zoning Ordinance.[1] In addition:
In the event any person demolishes or threatens to demolish a historic resource in violation of the provisions of this article, or violates any conditions or requirements specified in a special exception or permit issued under the terms of this article, the Township Board of Supervisors may institute any proceeding, at law or in equity, necessary to enforce the provisions of this article. Such proceeding may include, but is not limited to, an action to compel the reconstruction and/or restoration of the historic resource to its condition and appearance as existed immediately prior to the violation. Such restoration shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any penalty or remedy available under this article or any other applicable law.
In the event the Township Board of Supervisors authorizes the commencement of an action pursuant to Subsection G(1) of this section, the Zoning Officer shall withhold issuing any building permit for the construction of any building or structure proposed to be located in any location on the site of the subdivision or land development on which the historical resource is located, which action would preclude reconstruction or restoration of the historic resource subject to a violation of this article, or any building or structure intended to replace such, unless for the purpose of restoring the historic resource to its condition as existed immediately prior to the violation.
The Zoning Hearing Board may, as a condition of any special exception granted hereunder, and the Township Board of Supervisors may, as a condition of approval of any subdivision or land development application involving any property which, at the date of enactment of this article, was occupied by an historic resource(s) that subsequently was demolished or otherwise altered in violation of this article, impose a condition requiring the satisfactory reconstruction or restoration of any such historic resource(s).
The Township, through such person or agency charged by the Township Board of Supervisors with enforcement of the provisions of this article, shall monitor the progress and status of any change being made to an historic resource subject to the provisions of this article, and shall render such reports thereon to the Board of Supervisors and to the Historical Advisory Commission as may be necessary to assure compliance with the provisions of this article and/or any compliance with any conditions which may have been attached to any building permit, demolition permit, subdivision/land development approval, special exception or conditional use approval.
In addition to the above remedies, the Board of Supervisors may take other appropriate legal action, which may include equitable and injunctive relief, to enforce the provisions of this article.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 205, Zoning.