Site selected for outdoor amusements must be well drained, not subject to flooding, and free from other conditions unfavorable for human assembly. Site shall not encroach on the natural, scenic, aesthetic, scientific or historic values of the area.
All provisions for sanitation, toilet facilities, sewage disposal, solid waste, insect and rodent control, dust control and plumbing facilities shall comply with the current regulations and/or recommended standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and be subject to the approval of the Supervisors.
The storage, collection and disposal of refuse produced in the assembly area shall be conducted so as to avoid the creation of conditions detrimental to public health, such as rodent harborages, insect breeding areas, odors, air pollution and accidents. The area shall be kept free of litter and accumulations of rubbish, including flammable debris, and shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times. Litter and rubbish collection points shall be so located as to be reasonably accessible to the individual attending the assembly.
A collection point must be provided with 200 feet of every point in the assembly area. Containers located at collection points shall be durable, rust resistant, nonabsorbent, watertight and rodent-proof. Heavyweight paper or plastic sacks designed specifically for storage of solid waste may be used at the collection points. The total capacity of the collection containers shall be a minimum of one cubic yard for every 100 persons at a maximum attendance. Final disposal of the solid waste shall be to a solid waste disposal site operated in compliance with state law and regulations.
All facilities required by Article III shall be ready to operate and available for inspection, not less than one day before the scheduled date of the outdoor amusement.