[Adopted 10-1-1987 by Ord. No. 189]
The following actions are prohibited on all property owned by the Township:
The possession or operation of "offensive weapons" as that term is described in 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 908(c).
[Amended 4-18-2013 by Ord. No. 323]
Hunting or trapping.
Open fires.
Parking or operation of any motorized vehicles, provided that licensed motorized vehicles shall be permitted on designated roadways and parking areas if operated in a safe and prudent manner.
Possessing or setting off fireworks or explosives.
Playing or practicing golf.
The following actions are prohibited on all outdoor areas owned by the Township:
Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Every person that fails to comply with the requirements of this article shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a summary offense and be liable for a fine of no less than $25 and no greater than $300. For the purpose of this article, each violation shall constitute a separate offense.